
  • 网络Huaxia nationality;the chinese nation
  1. 华夏民族的水崇拜

    Water worship of the Chinese Nation

  2. 在华夏民族几千年来的发展过程中,中国画在不断完善自身的同时也在吸收外来文化的营养。

    In the Chinese nation for thousands of years in the development of Chinese painting in the constantly improve their own and they have also absorbed foreign culture of nutrition .

  3. n我们从黄河走来,带着东方华夏民族的真情厚意,深深地祝福着尼罗河畔这片神奇的土地。

    We come from the land drained by the Yellow River offering genuine friendship and blessings to the miraculous land bisected by the Nile .

  4. 终南山地带是华夏民族文化的发祥地

    The Zhongnan Mountain Zone is the Birthplace of Chinese National Culture

  5. 华夏民族的爱神、美神崇拜

    Chinese nation 's worship of the love and beauty goddess

  6. 建筑的装修与装饰都反映出浓厚的华夏民族的审美情趣。

    The decorations and ornaments of buildings show markedly Chinese aesthetic spice .

  7. 将天地一气视为世间万物之生命本原,这是华夏民族传统文化心理理解和解释世界的一种根本视界。

    Chinese traditional culture-psychology explains that everything roots in the air of the universe .

  8. 汉字是华夏民族之根,是书法艺术的载体。

    Chinese character is the root of China and the carrier of calligraphic art .

  9. 华夏民族认同的教育思考

    Educational Thoughts Concerning Cathaysian Ethnics ' Identity

  10. 商代是华夏民族走向成熟的一个重要阶段。

    Shang Dynasty is an important stage in which Chinese Han went into its maturation .

  11. 华夏民族的姓氏及其文化影响

    Chinese Surname and its Cultural Influence

  12. 中国传统山水画产生在辽阔的中华大地,表现了华夏民族特有的文化和艺术。

    Originating in China , the traditional Chinese landscape painting reveals the typical Chinese culture and art .

  13. 象征华夏民族精神的舞龙,广泛流传在祖国的辽阔疆域。

    As a symbol of Chinese people 's soul , Wulong is very popular throughout the whole homeland .

  14. 龙驭大海,正是当今华夏民族复兴的写照。

    The scene that a dragon governs the sea is a reflection that today 's Chinese nation is rejuvenating .

  15. 盲目强调“外国月亮比中国圆”的崇洋观念,正吞噬着华夏民族传统休闲文化的精髓,民族特色渐渐消失。

    This concept disaggregates the soul of Chinese traditional recreation culture , which make our national specialties fade away .

  16. 山东秧歌便是华夏民族乐舞文化史上公认的一朵绚丽多姿的奇葩。

    Shandong Yangko is recognized as a wonderful treasure in the history of Chinese national music and dancing culture .

  17. 古老的华夏民族从很早开始就学会了用线造型的能力。

    The ancient The ancient China nationality from very early started to learn to use the line modelling ability .

  18. 虽然精华与糟粕共存,但它深深根植于华夏民族的意识中,在相当程度上影响了中国文化的进程。

    But it roots deeply in the thoughts of Chinese , effecting the advance process of Chinese culture with elite and draff .

  19. 承载华夏民族文化精神的凝聚地:《长安街&过去·现在·未来》一书的出版体会

    Where the Chinese national cultural spirits focus : thoughts on the publication of the Chang'an Boulevard & Yesterday , Today , Tomorrow

  20. 春秋战国是华夏民族思想文化形成的轴心时代,出现了百家争鸣的繁荣景象。

    The Spring and Autumn Period was the axial period of formation of Chinese thoughts which were extremely prosperous at that time .

  21. 民间美术是哺育滋养华夏民族文化艺术的母体艺术,理应成为高校艺术教育的重要组成部分。

    Folk art , which nurtures culture and art of China 's nationalities , should become the important component of university art education .

  22. 它是华夏民族文化中不可分割的部分,其中体现的民族传统符号代表了我们民族重要的文化特征之一。

    It had representatives of the national culture , which it reflected the traditional ethnic symbols represent important cultural feature of our nation .

  23. 炎黄文化和黄帝时代为华夏民族的形成和华夏人在亚洲东部地区最早进入文明社会奠定了基础。

    The Yan and Huang culture and the Yellow Emperor era made it possible for the Chinese to enter the earliest social civilization .

  24. 中国古代印本书版式具有深厚的文化底蕴和鲜明的民族特色,它传承了华夏民族特有的设计理念和审美方式。

    The layouts of ancient Chinese printed books bear striking national features . They carry the unique Chinese idea of design and its aestheticism .

  25. 龙文化和舞龙运动是华夏民族特有的传统文化形态,蕴涵着丰富的传统文化内涵和优秀的传统人文精神。

    As a specific traditional culture of the Chinese nationality , dragon culture and dragon dance contain rich traditional cultural and excellent traditional humanism .

  26. 它是中国抒情艺术高度发展的产物。它体现了华夏民族独特的生存状态与审美追求。

    It is a product of the highly developed Chinese lyric art which embodies the unique survival state and aesthetic pursuit of Chinese nationality .

  27. 而现如今,在华夏民族大一统的局势下,随着科技的日益发展,佛教的影响也在随着扩大。

    Nowadays , under the unification of Chinese nation , the influence of Buddhism is also expanding with the increasing development of science and technology .

  28. 秦汉是中国民族互动过程中的第一次大整合时期,其结果是华夏民族的统一。

    The Qin and Han Dynasties are the first period of great integration of nationalities , which resulted in the unification of the Chinese nation .

  29. 在人类历史上,中国人是十分重视和善于使用色彩,在漫长的历史长河中形成了以五色学说为代表的华夏民族色彩应用传统。

    In the human history , Chinese were good at color utilization , and established the traditional applications which the typical example was five colors theory .

  30. 民族声乐和黄梅戏演唱艺术有着千丝万缕的联系,两者都属于民族音乐,是华夏民族文化和艺术的重要组成部分,是中华民族精神的象征。

    There are countless links between Huang-Mei and National-Vocal . They are both folk music , which is an important part of Chinese culture and arts .