
xié tiáo shì jiè shí
  • Coordinated Universal Time
  1. 请注意客户的DOB后有一个后缀“Z”,这意味着与协调世界时(UTC)在同一个时区。

    Note that there is a postfix " Z " for the DOB of the customer , which means the same time zone as Coordinated Universal Time ( UTC ) .

  2. 而协调世界时恰好与伦敦的冬令时相吻合。

    Coordinated Universal Time coincides with winter time in London .

  3. 对共视法和综合法的GPS时间比对得到的两地协调世界时的时间同步精度进行了比较。

    The synchronization precision of UTC at two sites determined by common-view and synthesized GPS time methods were compared .

  4. (上个世纪)70年代政府开始采用协调世界时,即UTC,格林威治时间寿终正寝。

    It died in the seventies when governments adopted Coordinated Universal Time , or UTC .

  5. 最新发明的协调世界时(UTC)从实用出发,将相同的时区进行了重新命名。

    A more recent invention is Universal Coordinated Time ( UTC ), which for all practical purposes refers to the same time zones by a different name .

  6. 时间同步服务软件的主要功能是周期性地采集来自GPS接收机的协调世界时UTC(CoordinatedUniversalTime)的时间信息,采用被动式时间同步算法同步本地网络所有节点时间,使本地网络时间得到统一。

    The main function of the software is to collect UTC ( Coordinated Universal Time ) data from GPS receiver , and to synchronize the time of local network with the collected UTC data in passive time synchronization algorithm .

  7. 简要介绍了当前国家授时中心的守时钟组成,地方协调世界时UTC(NTSC)的产生和保持,以及原子时TA(NTSC)算法的研究等。

    The combination of frequency standards of NTSC 's time keeping system , the generation and maintenance of UTC ( NTSC ), and the development of the TA ( NTSC ) algorithm are presented briefly .

  8. 在协调世界时0830时在下一个报告点“D”处报告。

    Report at next way point " D " at0830 UTC .

  9. 你船将在协调世界时0920时靠泊。

    You will dock at0920 UTC .

  10. So结果的水平差异主要是协调世界时主钟水平差异的反映;

    The level difference of these re-sults at SO is a main reflection of the level difference of UTC master clock .

  11. 时间计量系统的演变大致经历了如下几个阶段:古代的时间计量系统、世界时、历书时、原子时、协调世界时。

    The evolution of time measurement system has experienced the following stages in general : the ancient time measurement systems , universal time , ephemeris time , atomic time and universal time coordinated .