
  • 网络single phase alternating current;Single-phase electric power
  1. 含有谐波成分的单相交流电功率的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on Electric Power Containing Harmonic Single-Phase AC circuit

  2. 新一代电子式单相交流电能表

    A New Generation of the One-phase Electronic Watt-hour Meter

  3. 城镇居民家庭和许多农村的供电电源都是单相交流电。

    The sing-phase alternating current power supply is used by the urban resident and many countrysides .

  4. 电路原理及实验考试改革的一次实践&将单相交流电转变为三相交流电的研究

    A Practice in the Exam Reform of " Circuit Theory and Experiment " & A project concerning on how to convert a single-phase AC source to three-phase one

  5. 在铁道电气化牵引区段,牵引供电网采用单相工频交流电供电方式。

    On the railway of electrization , power supply mode is requested to be the single-phase alternating current .

  6. 电气化铁路牵引负荷是采用单相工频交流电供电,破坏了电力系统的对称运行条件,同时在机车上采用了整流设备。

    The traction load of electrified railway is a single-phase load , which breaks the symmetrical operation conditions of power system .