
  • 网络monotonicity;monotonic;monotone;Monotony
  1. n个正数的m级幂平均值的单调性及其应用

    Monotonicity of m-th Power Average of n Positive Numbers and its Application

  2. 结合单调性公式,得到了驻定的弱p调和映射的处处正则性。

    Furthermore , on account of monotonicity formula , it was obtained that the stationary p harmonic mappings were everywhere regular .

  3. 给出了函数f(x)和g(x)单调性的证明。

    Monotonicity of the functions f ( x ) and g ( x ) are proved .

  4. 矢值Banach序列空间ss(E)的单调性

    Monotonicity Properties of Vector-Valued Banach Sequence Spaces

  5. Hamilton系统周期解周期单调性的代数判别

    An algebraic criterion for the monotonicity of periods of a Hamilton system

  6. 当利用编程作出捕捞强度参数c和稳定收获量harvest之间的关系曲线图时,可以清楚看出这两个变量之间先增后减的单调性关系。我们有必要进一步从数学意义上讨论这种单调性。

    The curve drawn by programming shows the simple monotonic relationship between the parameter c and the fish yield : increases first .

  7. 系统介绍在Matlab软件平台上实现函数单调性与凹凸性判定可视化的数学实验方法。

    In this paper , a method of decision in MATLAB is systematically introduced for function monotonicity and concave-conves effects and visualized .

  8. Polish空间上一类粒子系统的随机单调性和保正相关性

    Stochastic Monotonicity and Positive Correlations of a Type of Particle Systems on Polish Spaces

  9. GAMMA函数和PSI函数的完全单调性和强完全单调性

    Complete Monotonicity and Strongly Complete Monotonicity Properties for the Gamma and Psi Functions

  10. 相应的模型是一种具有指数率的Logistic方程.所用的方法是一种改进了的单调性方法。

    The corresponding model is a power law Logistic equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions and the method is a modified monotone method .

  11. 基于Copula函数对简单相依系统单调性的研究

    Study of monotonicity for system involving dependent components based on Copula function

  12. 基于一些简单的观察给出了若干推广的Holder不等式的具有单调性的构成函数。

    Based on some simple observations , several monotonic generating functions for some generalizations of Holder 's Inequality are obtained .

  13. 基于三次非均匀有理B样条函数的局部单调性和一种保单调性的准则,给出了所给插值曲线的保单调性的条件。

    Based upon the local monotonicity of the cubic non-uniform rational B-spline curves and a criterion of mono-tonicity preserving , the condition for the monotonicity preserving of the given interpolation curves is given .

  14. 非方离散广义系统的奇异LQ问题及最优代价单调性

    Singular LQ problem and the optimal cost monotonicity of rectangular discrete-time descriptor systems

  15. 关于Lucas序列的单调性

    The monotonicity of Lucas sequences

  16. 证明了该Hash函数的存在和单调性,算法在装载因子为1/2的条件下具有O(N)的时间复杂性。

    We have proved the existence of Hash function , its monotonicity and the time complexity O ( N ) under the condition of 1 / 2 load factor .

  17. 预处理Gauss-Seidel迭代方法渐近收敛率的单调性

    The monotonicity of convergence rate for the preconditioned Gauss-Seidel iterative method

  18. 算子函数的单调性也是算子不等式理论研究中的一个重要课题,本文讨论了在严格Chaotic序下关于多个算子的算子函数单调性。

    The monotony of operator functions is also an important problem on operator inequalities , and the monotony of some operator functions under strict Chaotic order are discussed in this paper .

  19. 算子A的Lipschitz型条件,单调性条件和齐次性条件以及算子B的控制增长条件被得到。

    The Lipschitz type condition , the monotonicity condition and the homogeneous condition of the operator A and the controlled growth condition of the operator B are derived .

  20. 这里,主要利用ArchimedeanCopula函数刻画了比共同单调性更为复杂的死亡率相关性问题。

    Here , Archimedean Copula is used to describe the correlation which is more complicated than comonotonicity .

  21. 证明了广义谱的单调性、多重分形谱的凸凹性和当q→±∞时的极限性质,进而为利用多重分形理论研究地质问题提供理论依据;

    The monotonicity of generalized spectrum , the convex function property of multi-fractal spectrum and its limit property in the condition of g →±∞ are proved for the more reliable application of multi-fractal theory .

  22. 本文针对VISUALBASIC中图形控件显示图像效果的单调性,结合实际教学体会介绍了应用VB编程采解决这一实际问题的方法。

    The article aimed at the monotonous quality of the graphic control displaying the image effect at Visual Basic and combined the practical teaching experiences to recommend how to use VB program to solve such practical problems . Use for reference .

  23. 对一类性质较弱的函数f(x),通过小波变换的方法判别其与α有关的函数特性,进一步给出其具有单调性的多项式序列逼近,及相应的逼近阶估计。

    In this paper , the characteristics related to a kind of function f ( x ) with weaker quality is judged by wavelet transfrom , its monotone polynomial sequence approximation and approximation order estimate are also given .

  24. 算法简单易行。单零点多项式KNA算法的单调性

    The monotonicity of KNA algorithm for a polynomial with only simple zeroes

  25. 从可靠性统计的实际应用出发,运用Cauchy中值定理给出了一类函数的单调性判定定理。

    Aiming of practical applications in reliability statistics , this paper uses Cauchy mid value theorem to figure out the monotonicity judgement theorem of a certain kind of functions .

  26. 对由此得到的积分型光滑函数的性质进行了研究,特别的,澄清了已有一L作中对此光滑函数关于光滑参数单调性的误解。

    Especially , we clarify the mistake of monotonicity of this integral smoothing function with the smoothing parameter .

  27. 本文证明了这两个度量函数F1(x,y)和F2(x,y)的单调性以及它们关于x和y的联合凸性,并由此推出它们的极值性质。

    This paper analyses both the monotonicity of these two measuring functions F_1 ( x , y ) and F_2 ( x , y ) and their joint convexities in both x and y , and accordingly deduces their extremum properties .

  28. 综合不同分期的同质性、单调性及模型预后价值结果,CLIP评分对预后价值的贡献大于其他分期。

    Integrating the different stages of the prognostic value of homogeneity , monotonicity and model results , the CLIP score on the prognostic value of the contribution is greater than the other installments . Conelusions : 1 .

  29. 利用函数的单调性,给出了著名的Wilker不等式的一个加强。

    A sharpening of Wilker inequality is achieved with the monotonicity of functions .

  30. CLIP评分的同质性、单调性优于其他分期(包括Okuda分期等),因此CLIP评分具有较好的预后价值。

    The CLIP score , homogeneity and monotonicity are better than the other installments ( including Okuda stage . etc. ) . The CLIP score also has a better prognostic value .