
  • 网络tensile
  1. 采用原位拉伸扫描电镜技术对NEPE推进剂的单轴拉伸破坏过程进行了研究。

    In-situ observations of fracture processes in scanning electron microscope were employed to study the tensile fracture behavior of the NEPE solid propellant .

  2. 多晶α-黄铜在单轴拉伸实验中加工硬化过程X射线分析

    X-ray analysis of work-hardening process for polycrystalline а - brass during uniaxial tensile test

  3. 介绍了一种用于MEMS薄膜材料力学特性测试的单轴拉伸试验方法。

    A uniaxial tensile test method for measuring mechanical properties of MEMS thin film materials is presented .

  4. 它包括单轴拉伸时的应力-应变曲线,最大切线模量E(此曲线直线段的斜率),抗拉强度民,极限应变εb等参数。

    The parameters include the stress-strain curve , the maximum tangent modulus E ( the slope of lin-ear segment ) in the curve , the tensile strength b , and the ultimate strain .

  5. 用三维梁–颗粒模型BPM3D(Beam-ParticleModelinThreeDimensions)对岩石材料在单轴拉伸条件下的力学性质和破坏过程进行了数值模拟。

    A numerical model BPM3D ( Beam-Particle Model in Three Dimensions ) was developed to simulate the mechanical properties and fracture process of rock under uniaxial tension .

  6. 通过单轴拉伸工艺制备了PVDF压电薄膜,运用X射线衍射和FTIR分析技术分析了不同拉伸速率下薄膜的微观结构;

    PVDF piezoelectric films were prepared by uniaxial stretching . The techniques of X-ray Diffraction and FTIR were used to analyze the microstructure of the films stretched under the different rate .

  7. 选择了两种键合剂制备了RDX/HTPB推进剂,测定了推进剂的单轴拉伸力学性能和单轴拉伸破坏能。

    Selected two bonding agents , two RDX / HTPB propellant were made separately . Uniaxial stretch property and rupture energy were determined .

  8. 采用取向分布函数(ODF)研究了纯铝板材单轴拉伸过程中的织构演变规律。

    Texture changes of aluminum sheet after different uniaxial tensile deformations were investigated with the aid of the experimentally determined orientation distribution functions .

  9. 粗晶LY-12合金准超塑性单轴拉伸模拟

    Simulation of coarse-grained LY-12 quasi-superplastic uniaxial tension

  10. 用动态力学损耗温度谱作为测试手段,研究了非晶态PET膜片在78&112℃温度范围内的单轴拉伸。

    The uni-axial stretching of amorphous poly ( ethylene terephthalate ) ( PET ) film has been studied in the temperature range of 78-112 ℃ by means of the temperature scanned dynamical mechanical loss curve of the stretched film .

  11. 在对SIS的单轴拉伸测试中,很难确定合适的参考状态,也没有一个被广泛认可的公式来表达其应力应变关系。

    But it is difficult to make certain proper reference state in the uniaxial tensile test , and there has not been an acceptable formula to express its stress-strain relationship .

  12. 综述了PET在3种拉伸方式(单轴拉伸、平面拉伸和双轴拉伸)下的取向诱导结晶的最新进展。

    Based on the analysis of 3 main stretching modes ( uniaxial , constant width and biaxial ), the progress in the research on the orientation induced crystallization during stretching of poly ( ethylene terephtalate )( PET ) is summarized .

  13. 研究了单轴拉伸时甲基丙烯酸镁补强丁腈橡胶的应力-应变行为.采用Gregory提出的储能函数形式,描述了甲基丙烯酸镁补强丁腈橡胶的应力-应变行为。

    Gregory 's hypothetic form for the stored energy function was adopted to study the stress strain behavior of magnesium methacrylate reinforced NBR in simple extension .

  14. 通过实验温度下应力松弛实验确定松弛时间为10s左右,解释了单轴拉伸样品取向度较低的原因。

    The force relaxing test shows that relax time almost in 10s , which explain the low orientation of the stretching sample .

  15. 用半椭圆表面裂纹试样单轴拉伸研究了塑性变形诱发Cr-Mo-V铁基内生复合板的力学行为。

    Crack sensitivity of deformation induced in-situ composite plates ( DISC ) were studied by uniaxial tensile test using semi-elliptical surface crack specimens .

  16. IUPAC-LDPE熔体的单轴拉伸特性和长口模挤出胀大

    The uniaxial elongational property and the extrusion swell through a long die for the IUPAC-LDPE melt

  17. 方法:切成条状的人角膜和猪角膜在INSTRON万能实验机上做单轴拉伸实验,测量它们的强度、应力应变、应力松驰。

    20 human cornea specimens and 30 porcine specimens were used for uniaxial test by Instron apparatus . Their tensile strength , stress strain relationship , relaxation properties were tested .

  18. 用单轴拉伸实验研究HIPS的银纹增韧现象结果表明改性体系断裂时产生大量应力条纹,断裂面呈微观两相网络结构,为韧性断裂。

    Crazing and rubber modified mechanism in HIPS through a uniaxial tensile test The results reveal that the shear crazing is observed on the fracture surface of the modified systems , in which two-phase microstructure is displayed , and characteristics of ductile fracture are shown .

  19. 本文中橡胶材料的本构模型采用Yeoh模型,并通过对单轴拉伸试验数据的处理,确定了合理的Yeoh模型常数。

    In this paper the rubber material constitutive model using Yeoh model , and with the uniaxial tensile test data processing , a reasonable set of Yeoh model constants is make sure .

  20. 结果表明,用建议方法计算出岩石弹性模量与按照ASTM标准进行单轴拉伸试验所获得的拉伸弹性模量比较,二者吻合较好。在试验中尺寸效应不明显。

    The testing results show that the tensile elastic modulus evaluated by the proposed method coincides satisfactorily with these determined from the standard uniaxial tension test following ASTM and the method is found to have little specimen size effect in the test .

  21. 两种交联处理后猪小肠黏膜下层单轴拉伸性能比较

    Uniaxial tensile mechanical properties of porcine SIS following different cross-linking treatments

  22. 面心立方金属板材单轴拉伸织构的演变

    Texture evolution during uniaxial tension of face centered cubic metal sheets

  23. 混凝土材料在单轴拉伸时的声发射机理探讨

    Approach to Acoustic , Emission Mechanism of Concrete in Uniaxial Tension

  24. 在单轴拉伸状态下,断裂受裂纹扩展控制。

    The fracture process is dominated by crack coalescence during uniaxial tension .

  25. 单轴拉伸条件下充填体的力学性能研究

    Study on the Mechanical Property of Backfill under Split Tension

  26. 金属材料单轴拉伸变形规律的研究

    A study on the uniaxial tensile deformation of metallic materials

  27. 煤的直接单轴拉伸特性的试验研究

    Pilot study of coal characteristic under the direct uniaxial stretch

  28. 混凝土中心裂缝单轴拉伸损伤断裂数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Tension Fracture in Concrete with Central Crack

  29. 本文详细介绍了五种抗拉强度测试方法:单轴拉伸、三轴拉伸、径向压裂、轴向压裂、土梁弯曲。

    In this paper , five test methods are introduced .

  30. 将低碳钢试样的单轴拉伸简化为轴向的一维问题。

    Low-Carbon steel specimen uniaxial tension was simplified as a one-dimensional problem .