
  • 网络Nanjing Confucius Temple
  1. 南京夫子庙是中国规模最大的孔庙。

    Nanjing Confucius Temple is the largest temple in China .

  2. 把整南京夫子庙元宵节夜晚照的如同白天一样。

    The whole night , according to the Nanjing Confucius Temple , as the Lantern Festival the same day .

  3. 南京夫子庙旅游资源整合

    Reorganizing of the Tourism Resource in the Confucian Temple , Nanjing

  4. 城市历史地段保护中的文化环境保护&以南京夫子庙为例

    On the Cultural and Environmental Protection of the Historic Districts in Cities

  5. 都市历史街区真实性的游憩者感知研究&以南京夫子庙为例

    Tourists ' Perceived Study on the Authenticity of Urban Historical Blocks & Taking Confucius Temple in Nanjing as An Example

  6. 在蒋介石的首都南京夫子庙一带有着一排一排的房子,男人们在那里公开向过路行人兜售自己的妻子。

    In Chiang Kai-shek 's capital at Nanking , in the Futzemiao district , there were row upon row of houses where men openly peddled their wives to stray passers-by .

  7. 据传清代,也就是盐水鸭刚刚流行的时候,南京的夫子庙贡院一带是考生云集的地方。

    It is reported that Qing Dynasty , is also the salty wild duck just was popular , area Nanjing 's Confucian temple examination hall is the place which the examinee converges .

  8. 注:据说桓伊吹笛所在地在南京秦淮河夫子庙的邀笛步,旧名萧家渡。

    Note : The site of the ferry is Yaodibu ( the ferry with flute-play invited ), at Fuzi Temple district in Nanjing .

  9. 在南京,有一个大名鼎鼎的南京夫子庙。

    Be in Nanjing , have the Nanjing master shrine of a famous .