
Nán Jīnɡ Gōnɡ Yè Dà Xué
  • Nanjing University of Technology
  1. 南京工业大学经济与管理学院;

    School of Economics and Management , Nanjing University of Technology ;

  2. 《学生体质健康标准》实施结果研究&以南京工业大学为例

    Analysis and Research on the Result of Implementing Student Physique Health Standards in Nanjing University of Technology

  3. 本文以吸附法回收环氧乙烷工业尾气中乙烯为应用背景,对活性炭吸附剂、南京工业大学吸附分离技术研究所研制的NJ型络合吸附剂和NK型络合吸附剂进行了考察。

    For the purpose of recovering ethylene from industrial off-gas of ethylene oxide equipment by pressure swing adsorption ( PSA ), three different adsorbents , activated carbon , self-made NJ and NK adsorbent were researched .

  4. 第二组较高英语水平的学习者(E2H)12人,为南京工业大学外语学院英语专业二年级学生;

    Or study or teach in Nanjing . The second group ( E2H ) has 12 relatively high proficiency English learners from English department of Nanjing University of Technology , namely , the sophomores of English majors .

  5. 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院;

    School of Material Science and Engineering , Nanjing Polytechnical University ;

  6. 山水校园人性场所&南京工业大学江浦校区规划设计解析

    Landscape Campus , Humanity Place & Analysis on the Planning and Design of the Jiangpu Campus of Nanjing University of Technology

  7. 高校与企业共建:研究生创新人才培养新举措&以南京工业大学研究生创新中心为例

    Joint Efforts by Colleges and Enterprises in Innovation Talent Training of the Postgraduates : Based on the Postgraduate Innovation Center in Nanjing University of Technology

  8. 同样问题也存在于南京工业大学图书馆,因此需要信息资源整合技术来解决。

    The same problem also can be found in the Nanjing University of Technology library , and information integration technology is required to solve the problem .

  9. 接着通过问卷调查和当面访谈的形式对南京工业大学江浦校区121位学生进行了调查。

    And then a survey of this subject is conducted among 121 students from Jiangpu Campus of Nanjing University of Technology through questionnaires and individual interviews .

  10. 南京工业大学房产教研室主任瞿富强一针见血地指出,开发商都是逐利的,房价还在上涨,谁会有钱不赚。

    Nanjing Industrial University Safety Office Director Qufu Strong pointed out sharply that the developers are seeking , prices are still rising , will not earn money .

  11. 本文研究的对象为由江苏省建设厅资助的由南京工业大学承接的带有聚苯层的复合混凝土小型空心砌块,主要的研究内容为这种砌块的基本性质和力学性能。

    The experimental study on the structural and material property of masonry walls constructed by the composite hollow concrete small blocks with foamed polystyrene is presented in this paper .

  12. 南京工业大学与江苏省体育局联办江苏省女子垒球队的实质性操作,顺应了高等教育与竞技体育发展的共同要求。

    The virtual operation of Jiangsu Provincial Women Softball team by Nanjing University of Technology and Jiangsu Sports Bureau complies with the common demand of higher education and athletic development .

  13. 由于在南京工业大学参加了汉语水平四级考试,我自认为用汉语预订房间不成问题。

    In the context of a HSK4 test preparation at the Nanjing University , I felt confident enough to book a hotel room for the two of us in Chinese .

  14. 南京工业大学大四学生婷婷(化名)长期经营着一家淘宝网店,凭此经验她获得了一家电子商务公司的一个数字媒体岗位的面试机会。

    Tingting ( pseudonym ) , a senior at Nanjing Tech University , landed an interview for a digital media position at an e-commerce firm thanks to her years of experience running a Taobao store .

  15. 在广东省中山市的一个美丽小镇上,我在一家德国酒吧里教英语兼打工,这真是一段奇妙的体验,更精彩的是,我在江苏省南京工业大学学习了一个学期。

    Teaching English and working in a German Bar in the beautiful small town of Zhongshan in Guangdong province were great adventures and could only be topped by a semester at Nanjing 's University of Technology in Jiangsu province .