
  • 网络Nanping Hill
  1. 位于西湖南岸南屏山支脉的雷峰塔因夕阳西照时塔影横空、金碧辉煌而成为许多游人游览西湖的必选之地。

    Leifeng tower located on the subhill of Nanping mountain is a must of travel to the Westlake because of its sunset sights .

  2. 本文利用基于生态承载力的景观生态格局理论,对安徽省南屏山森林公园定义了景观的空间脉络。

    In this research , we applied the Security Patterns theory based on carrying capacity to define the forest tourism spatial structure of Nanping Forest Park .

  3. 雷峰塔位于西湖附近的南屏山,始建于公元975年,当时正值五代十国时期。

    Leifeng Pagoda is located on Nanping Mountain near the West Lake , and was built in 975 , during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period ( 907-979 ) .