
  1. 当被问及科技投资机遇以及如何发现这种机遇时,李嘉诚对南方报业传媒集团(NanfangMediaGroup)说:我喜欢跟上最新的科技趋势。

    When asked about technology investment opportunities and ways to spot them , Mr. Li said in an interview with China 's Nanfang Media Group : ' I enjoy keeping up with latest technology trends .

  2. 第三部分:即最后两章的内容,分析和总结了南方报业传媒集团品牌策略的不足并提出改进建议。

    This part analyzes and summarizes the Southern Media Group Newspapers ' shortages of brand strategy and make recommendations for improvement .

  3. 这是南方报业传媒集团在中国报业集团发展中能够一枝独秀的根本所在。

    They are the reasons why Southern Newspaper Media Group Newspaper Group are able to outshine others lies in China , . Part ⅲ: The last two chapters .

  4. 南方报业传媒集团下属的奥一网开通了网络问政平台,由此掀起我国网络问政的大潮,网络问政为公众通过网络参政议政、获取政务信息和表达民意开辟了崭新的通道。

    Southern Media Group opened a Politics-in-network platform , which set off a tide about Politics-in-network in China . Politics-in-network opens up a new channel for the public to participate in politics , access government information and express public opinion .