
  • DreamWorks
  1. 由梦工厂(DreamWorks)出品的这部影片上映首周末票房4330万美元。

    The DreamWorks animated film took in $ 43.3 million at the domestic box office in its debut weekend .

  2. 相对论传媒公司(RelativityMedia)和梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)已在中国电影制作方面投入巨资。

    Relativity media and DreamWorks Animation have invested heavily in film production in China .

  3. 他的作品包括梦工厂的《雪人奇缘》,迪斯尼的《无敌破坏王2:大闹互联网》、《疯狂动物城》、《超能陆战队6》和《无敌破坏王》以及电影版《辛普森一家》。

    A talented Disney animation artist , Matsuda 's name came to the fore , Disney 's Ralph Breaks the Internet , Zootopia , Big Hero 6 and Wreck-It Ralph , and The Simpsons Movie .

  4. 不过梦工厂动画(DreamWorksAnimation)首席执行官杰弗里•卡森博格却对电影产业发起了牢骚。

    But DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg has some beef with his industry .

  5. 梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)CEO杰弗里o卡森伯格回忆起1994年夏天的事,他感慨那一切仿佛就发生在昨天。

    DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg recalls the summer of 1994 like it was yesterday .

  6. 华谊兄弟全资子公司点睛动画有限公司聘请了美国梦工厂前总制片人乔·阿奎拉担任CEO。

    Its wholly owned unit , Huayi Brothers Win Animation , has appointed DreamWorks Animation 's former executive Joe Aguilar as its chief executive officer .

  7. 梦工厂动画(DreamworksAnimation)与2家中国国有媒体集团合作运营一个合资企业,开发电影、电视及舞台剧作品。

    DreamWorks Animation operates a joint venture with two state-owned Chinese media groups to develop film , TV and live stage productions .

  8. 梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)CEO杰弗瑞•卡森伯格认为,在这个行业,人人都是工作狂,但西克雷斯特却是“我见过的工作最努力的一位”。

    In an industry of workaholics , Seacrest is " the single hardest-working person I know , " DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg says .

  9. 随着梦工厂(Dreamworks)和皮克斯(Pixar)等公司强势崛起,后来居上,迪斯尼动画的士气愈发消沉,人才纷纷出走。

    Morale dropped and talent departed as companies like DreamWorks and Pixar took the lead in animation .

  10. 除了安永、普华永道、梦工厂、微软公司、谷歌和Facebook,LinkedIn目前已经创建了他们自己的项目,名为孵化器。

    Aside from EY , PwC , DreamWorks , Microsoft , Google and Facebook , LinkedIn has now created their own program called [ in ] cubator .

  11. 这些品牌包括像Pringles(品客),Monopoly(韩国的创意文具及包袋品牌),DreamWorks(梦工厂),Schwarzkopf(施华蔻),和Bic(比克)这样的公司。

    Their logos include companies like Pringles , Monopoly , DreamWorks , Schwarzkopf , and Bic .

  12. 备受期待的《功夫熊猫3》是一部中美合拍片,由中美合资企业上海东方梦工厂影业负责制作。鹿晗为该片推出了中英文歌曲MV《海底》。该MV由电影导演许诚毅操刀。

    He released " Deep , " a music video promoting Kung Fu Panda 3 , the much-anticipated U.S. - China co-production from the Oriental DreamWorks joint venture .

  13. 2002年,梦工厂(DreamWorksSKG)达成了一项10亿美元的电影资料库交易。

    In 2002 , DreamWorks SKG entered into a $ 1 billion deal involving its film catalog .

  14. 每个月,梦工厂(DreamWorks)的员工都能收到价值25美元的消费券,可在位于格伦代尔和雷德伍德城园区的“梦工厂打印中心”消费。

    All employees receive a $ 25 monthly credit to the DreamWorks PrintCenters at the Glendale and Redwood City campuses .

  15. 对于梦工厂动画而言,《极速蜗牛》不如《怪物史莱克》(Shrek)或《功夫熊猫》(KungFuPanda)那么成功,但该片全球票房仍然达到可观的2.8亿美元。

    Turbo wasn 't a Shrek or Kung Fu Panda sized hit for DreamWorks Animation , but it brought in a respectable $ 280 million at the global box office .

  16. 据悉,与梦工厂达成交易的包括《卫报》主编艾伦拉斯布里杰(alanrusbridger)和副主编伊恩卡茨(iankatz)。

    Those understood to have agreed deals with DreamWorks include Alan RUSBRIDGER , editor of the guardian , and Ian Katz , deputy editor .

  17. 原本组成在梦工厂SKG旗下,在2004年脱离总公司后他是一个以外的收获。

    Originally formed under the banner of DreamWorks SKG , it was spun-off into a separate public company in2004 .

  18. 中国媒体报道说,中国的电影监管部门让美国梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)的高票房影片《疯狂原始人》(TheCroods)在中国为期三天的端午节假期开始前一周停映,比原有安排提前了两周。

    Local media reports say China 's film regulator pulled DreamWorks Animation 's high-grossing " The Croods " from theaters one week before the three-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday two weeks early than scheduled .

  19. 周二,梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorks)称,该公司将在亚洲19个地区推出一个电视频道,包括韩国、台湾和香港。

    DreamWorks Animation said on Tuesday that it would introduce a television network in 19 Asian territories , including South Korea , Taiwan and Hong Kong .

  20. 东方梦工厂的工作室现在是一处临时的地方,位于一栋玻璃办公楼里,看上去像一个创意游乐场,装饰着五彩缤纷的玩具和乐高(Lego)积木。

    The Oriental DreamWorks studio , now a temporary space in a glass office tower , looks like a creative playground , decorated with colorful toys and Lego blocks .

  21. 梦工厂动画部由梦工厂SKG分离出来的动画部门和太平洋数据图像(众所周知的PDI)组成。

    DreamWorks Animation was formed by the merger of the feature animation division of DreamWorks SKG and Pacific Data Images ( also known as PDI ) .

  22. 派拉蒙和梦工厂在去年从HD-DVD阵营得到价值约1.5亿美元的付款后,加入了HD-DVD阵营。

    Paramount and DreamWorks joined the HD-DVD camp last year after securing fee payments worth an estimated $ 150m from the HD-DVD camp .

  23. Box是一家文件存储与协作公司,该公司表示其用户数量已超过500万,其中包括思科系统(CiscoSystems)、戴尔(Dell)和梦工厂动画(DreamWorksAnimationSKG)等企业。

    Box , a file storage and collaboration company , says it has over five million users , including enterprise customers like Cisco Systems ( CSCO ) , Dell ( DELL ) and DreamWorks Animation SKG ( DWA ) .

  24. 梦工厂国际电视主管埃里克·埃伦博根(EricEllenbogen)在声明中说,这一地区的观众一直喜欢我们的内容。

    Eric Ellenbogen , a DreamWorks International TV executive , said in a statement that audiences in the region have always embraced our content .

  25. 梦工厂保持着两个工作室:原始的梦工厂专栏工作室在加利福尼亚的格仑代尔,另一个PDI工作室在加利福尼亚的硅谷地区的红杉城。

    DreamWorks Animation maintains two studios : the original DreamWorks feature animation studio in Glendale , California and the PDI studio in Redwood City , California in the Silicon Valley region .

  26. 它在上世纪90年代遭到了世嘉(Sega)推出的电玩游戏《刺猬索尼克》(SonictheHedgehog)的伏击,后来世嘉由于在梦工厂(Dreamcast)游戏机上的失败陷入危机,并将业务缩减至仅做游戏出版商。

    It was ambushed by Sega with Sonic the Hedgehog in the 1990s before Sega faltered with the failure of its Dreamcast console and retreated to being purely a games publisher .

  27. 在2000年,梦工厂SKG创建了新的商业部门,梦工厂动画部,他们规律制作了具有动画类型和动画特征的电影。

    In2000 , DreamWorks SKG created a new business division , DreamWorks Animation , that would regularly produce both types of animated feature films .

  28. 梦工厂国际电视主管埃里克·埃伦博根(EricEllenbogen)在声明中说,“这一地区的观众一直喜欢我们的内容。”

    Eric Ellenbogen , a DreamWorks International TV executive , said in a statement that " audiences in the region have always embraced our content . "

  29. 我批准梦工厂拍摄的第一部影片是《末日戒备》(ThePeacemaker),导演是咪咪·莱德(MimiLeder)。

    The first movie I ever greenlit for DreamWorks was a film called " The Peacemaker , " and Mimi Leder directed it .

  30. 梦工厂SKG取得90%的份额在PDI,改进了PDI/梦工厂,在北加利福尼亚分部成了新的商业部门。

    DreamWorks SKG acquired majority interest ( 90 % ) in PDI , reforming it into PDI / DreamWorks , the Northern California branch of its new business division .