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博采 [bó cǎi]
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  • 博采众长

  1. 比较结果表明,文中提出的AD-CEC法系博采众家之长的新型工艺。

    The result show that the method of AD-CEC is a new advanced and economic technology .

  2. 下面是博采玩家的个人简历的信息。

    Below is the information currently in your player profile .

  3. 善于兼收并蓄,具有博采众家的开放精神和创新精神。

    Third , have open and innovative spirit to learn from others .

  4. 为什么我不学时人旁征博采

    Why with the time do I not glance aside

  5. 梦幻的意境与读解,及其历史小说之特色:表而演之与博采史鉴掌故。

    The conceptions and explanation of dreams , and the characteristics of historical novels ;

  6. 整个国家博采世界精华

    a nation drawn from across the world .

  7. 它应当是博采各国文化之长,吸收国外一切优秀文化成果的文化。

    It should be long CASINO national culture and absorb all outstanding cultural achievements of foreign cultures .

  8. 博采组合的其中一环是要知道球赛的热钱去了那里。

    Part of the betting puzzle is to know where the big money is going on the game .

  9. 在竞争中博采行业技术精华,以严格的管理、优质的产品、优惠的价格赢得市场。

    Gambling industry competition , the best technology to strict management , high-quality products , preferential prices to win market .

  10. 培养和使用高素质人才,学习和借鉴国际先进经营理念和管理经验,博采中外各家所长;

    We will train and employ high-quality personnel and we will learn the advanced management concepts and expertise from other countries .

  11. 基于此,本文综合了几种具有代表性的观点,博采众家之长对意境概念进行了界定。

    Based on this , this integrated view of several representative , homage to the length of the mood at home defines the concept .

  12. 美国北方州际彩票协会声称千百年来人们一直热衷于类似的博采游戏。

    The North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries says people have been taking part in such games of chance for thousands of years .

  13. 《吕氏春秋》在博采众家思想之长的基础上,熔铸了其博大精深的管理哲学思想体系。

    Based on the absorption of advanced thoughts of many thinkers , The Annals of Lu Buwei casts broad and profound ideology in managerial philosophy .

  14. 社会模式设计在博采众家之长的基础上,更注重和社会的协调性,包括与环境的协调以及与人的协调;

    The social mode design make a point of with the social coordination , including with the environmental coordination and with the person 's coordination ;

  15. 博采古今中外军事学术精华,运用于中国的革命战争。

    He drew on the best military theories , both ancient and modern , Chinese and foreign , and applied them in the Chinese revolutionary war .

  16. 它不但是勤求古训,博采众方的集大成之作,还做出了诸多开创性的伟大贡献。

    It is not only " ground seeking old saying , gathering public square " for the masterpiece , but also made a great many pioneering contributions .

  17. 在博采休哈特学派与田口学派之从长的基础上,企图引入质量损失函数,探讨工序质量最优控制界限的模型,并给出求解的基本思路。

    The quality loss function was led into and the model of the process control limits was discussed . and basic methods of the solution was provided .

  18. 此外,已有很多大型私人企业,例如娱乐博采业,都有为员工作出养老保险供款。

    Besides , many large-scale private enterprises , such as the entertainment and gaming industry and others , have already contributed to Old Age Insurance for their employees .

  19. 就其编纂价值而言,它具有体例完备、广搜博采、详考精裁、语言简洁等优点。

    In respect to its compiling value , it has some advantages , including complete style , widely collection , detailed test precisely cut out , succinct language .

  20. 他以与时俱进的精神对待中华文化,博采各国文化之长,使中华文化更加灿烂多彩。

    He treated Chinese culture with the spirit of growing with each passing hour , collected cultural advantages of various countries , making Chinese culture more magnificent and colorful .

  21. “结语”中探讨了在数学教育中如何发挥自己的特色和如何“博采众家、发展自己”的问题。

    In the conclusion the problem , is probed into , which is how to develop our characteristics in mathematics education and how to absorb others ' advantages to improve ourselves .

  22. 明清武术论著的成就主要表现在注重对武术拳种的收集、整理、学习,既总结前人的经验博采众家之长,又颇有自己的见地与特点,集古代武术之大成;

    The work and main achievement of Wushu in Ming and Qing dynasty mainly focus on collection , summary and learning . These achievements are obviously the result of considerable , accumulated experience .

  23. 辛格博采生物学、历史学、人类学、经济学以及博弈论研究成果,丰富并阐明了伦理理论与实践何以可以被现实赋予活力。

    Singer 's evaluation of ihe ethical relevance of evidence amassed in biology , history , anthropology , economics and game theory enriches and clarifies the extent to which ethical theory and practice can be informed by facts .

  24. 如果你抄袭一个作家,这是剽窃;如果你能博采众家,这是研究。剽窃抄袭的行为;把别人的文章或者观点当作自己的。

    If you steal from one author , it 's plagiarism ; If you steal from many , it 's research . the act of plagiarizing ; taking someone 's words or ideas as if they were your own .

  25. 邹容的革命精神和光辉思想永垂青史,他热爱人民的赤子精神,博采新知的学习精神,追求真理的献身精神,勇于创新的革命精神,永远鼓舞着巴山儿女创造美好的未来。

    His spirit of a newborn baby of loving the people , his learning spirit of collecting new knowledge , his dedicative spirit of pursuing the truth , his revolutionary spirit of innovation , encourage the Bashan people creating beautiful future forever .

  26. 本文并以俄、英、法和国内外藏品为基础,博采各家目录,尝试编纂了《西夏文献总目初编》,以推动对西夏文献学进一步的深入研究。

    This paper based on the Russian , British , French and other collections , takes the catalogue of different schools and tries to compile 《 The catalogue of Xixia documents 》 in order to compel further studies on the Xixia documents .

  27. 他博采中西之长,在学习西方先进学术方法,吸收先进学术成果的同时,对中国古代文化进行深入的研究,努力开创中国学术的新天地。

    He studied the advantage academic approach of western countries and assimilated advantage academic results . simultaneously , he absorbed their advangtages , made deep reseach on the culture of ancient China and tried to start a new field of Chinese academy .

  28. 从文化积淀及世界视野这一视角,对都锦生丝织厂的创始人都锦生的创新精神进行分析,以彰显其博采东西文化精华之开阔的世界视野。

    From the angle of cultural accumulation , the paper analyses the innovative spirit of Du Jinsheng , founder of Du Jinsheng Silk Knitting Factory , to demonstrate his broad-minded national integrity of discovering and making use of the cultural essence of the East and the West .

  29. 以《博采英语》的课堂教学活动为例,着重研究任务型英语教学课堂活动的三个阶段,对推动我国大学英语教学的发展有重要意义。

    The essay , taking the classroom activity in teaching the textbook of " Tapestry " as an example , mainly expounds the three steps in the classroom activity of Task-based Language Teaching , which may throw light on the development of China 's college English teaching .

  30. 正如弗兰西斯培根的名言,读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才,怡情应该包含提升自我至一个更高视野的喜悦,而这是仅用金钱就可以买到的高层公寓远远不及的。

    As Francis Bacon famously said , studies can be for delight , for ornament , and for ability , and delight should rightly include the joy of elevating oneself to a level with a higher vista , which , unlike a high-rise apartment , money alone cannot buy .