
  • 网络Satellite phone;Satellite Telephone;Isatphone
  1. 2011年3月,在日本地震和海啸发生后,卫星电话通信供应商铱星公司(Iridium)宣称在提供通信连接服务上发挥了重要作用。

    In March 2011 , Iridium , a satellite phone communications provider , claimed to be crucial in linking services after the Japanese earthquake and tsunami .

  2. 与此同时,巴贾杰通过卫星电话告诉印度NDTV电视台,他将印度的国旗插在了北极。

    Bajaj , meanwhile , told India 's NDTV television by satellite phone that he had planted the Indian flag at the North Pole .

  3. 本论文主要研究如何设计GMDSS中的卫星电话模拟器等问题。

    This dissertation conducts a study on the issues relating to designing the satellite telephone simulator of GMDSS .

  4. diGiovanni为了忘却他去了非洲,但是有一天晚上在摩加迪沙,炮火中,她的卫星电话响了。

    Ms di Giovanni went to Africa to forget him . But one night in Mogadishu , amid the gunfire , her satellite telephone rang .

  5. Codelco积极参与了此次救援;另外还有英美资源集团等公司,它们出借了卫星电话、一辆卡车、还有1.5万升燃油。

    Codelco was prominently involved in the rescue efforts alongside companies such as Anglo American , which lent satellite phones , a truck and 15,000 litres of fuel .

  6. 不丹在东Luana湖地区拥有一套人工操作系统,由两名配备无线电设备和卫星电话的职员来传递消息。

    Bhutan has a manually operated system in the eastern Luana lake area , with two staff members equipped with a wireless set and a satellite telephone to relay messages .

  7. 这玩意比卫星电话有用吗?

    Does it work any better than your satellite phone ?

  8. 对不起,有您的卫星电话。

    Excuse me , the man is here with your satellite dish .

  9. 我们用卫星电话取得了联系,安排见面。

    So we liaised by satellite phone and arranged to meet up .

  10. 他们拥有卫星电话,甚至夜视眼镜。

    They had satellite phones , and they even had night vision goggles .

  11. 我试着通过卫星电话联系他们。

    I tried to reach them on comsat .

  12. 而他们的可以跟官员们谈话的唯一途径是通过卫星电话。

    And the only way they could talk with officials was by satellite phone .

  13. 有找你的卫星电话。

    There 's a satellite call for you .

  14. 在某些情况下,我们必须用铱卫星电话交流。

    On some occasions , we would have to use Iridium satellite phones for communication .

  15. 海盗拥有快艇,现代化的武器和设备,例如卫星电话和全球定位系统。

    The pirates have fast boats , modern weapons and equipment like satellite phones and global positioning systems .

  16. 卫星电话拨号直接从手持一个单位调到另一个单位或地面网络。

    Satellite phone calls are routed directly from one handheld unit to another , or to a terrestrial network .

  17. 安装了防弹门,还有能支撑一个月的各种物资以及一部卫星电话。

    The door was bullet-proofed and he has supplies to last a month as well as a satellite phone .

  18. 打卫星电话去欧洲、去土耳其,然后接有线电话打回亚特兰大

    and take a satellite over the Europe , and then go to Turkey , take a cable back to Atlanta .

  19. 特别移民上诉委员会于2000年发现他购买了一部卫星电话,服务于阿尔及利亚和车臣的极端分子间的通话。

    The Special Immigration Appeals Commission found he bought a satellite phone and airtime for extremists in Algeria and Chechnya in 2000 .

  20. 没有,只不过我们通话用的是卫星电话,不是我们的内部线路。

    Not at all . It 's just that I 'm calling you on a satellite phone and not our mesh network .

  21. 一些岛屿被切断,他们只能通过卫星电话与官员们联系。

    Some of the islands were cut off , and the only way they could talk with officials was by satellite phone .

  22. 偷猎者现在会利用直升机、自动武器、夜视镜和卫星电话,击败甚至杀害护林员和其他地方机构的人员。

    Poachers now use helicopters , automatic weapons , night-vision goggles and satellite phones to overwhelm and even kill park rangers and other local authorities .

  23. 波顿表示,随着电话加密和卫星电话技术的发展,办案人员越来越难以通过电话监督和电话记录来办案了。

    As phone-encryption and satellite-telephone technology develops , says Burton , investigators are finding it tougher to make cases using phone surveillance and phone records .

  24. 在最近的一次前往叙利亚的旅行中,艾尔·哈达德为自由叙利亚军队带去了卫星电话和电脑,这样他们就可以发送图片和视频。

    On a recent journey into Syria , Al Haddad brought satellite phones and computers to the Free Syrian Army , so they can transmit pictures and video .

  25. 近年来,随着农村用户以及游客对卫星电话的需求增加,原有的卫星电话系统规模已不能满足当前的业务需要,对卫星电话网络系统进行扩容势在必行。

    In recent years , along with the increasing demand of rural users and tourists for satellite telephone , the existed system has not been able to meet the current service needs .

  26. 涵盖从卫星电话和手提收音机到车辆、防护设备、消毒剂和专科工作人员等范围的需求得到迅速传递和立即满足。

    Needs , which have ranged from satellite telephones and hand-held radio sets to vehicles , protective equipment , disinfectants , and specialized staff , have been rapidly communicated and immediately met .

  27. 桑德兰在航行过程中一直用卫星电话和父亲保持联系。他在进入墨西哥水域时把那支枪扔了,因为在那里私带枪支是违法的。

    Sunderland , who remained in satellite telephone contact with his father during the voyage , dumped the gun before entering Mexican waters , where it is illegal to carry private firearms .

  28. 星期四,一位德拉居民通过卫星电话告诉美联社说更多的乘坐装甲运兵车的士兵涌入德拉城,而狙击手已经在屋顶以及清真寺等制高点就位。

    On Thursday , more soldiers in armored personnel carriers rolled into Deraa while snipers took up positions on high rooftops and mosques , a resident told the AP news agency by satellite telephone .

  29. 他们每天要滑10至11个小时,最终在印度时间的凌晨4时15分,我丈夫通过卫星电话告诉我队伍已抵达北极目的地。

    They would ski for10 to11 hours a day and finally at4:15 am Indian time my husband called me on satellite telephone to announce the team had reached their destination on the North Pole .

  30. 哈基米在一年半以前开始用卫星电话在不同的地点打电话给国际媒体,通常提供夸大的信息,但是表达与美国军队和阿富汗政府的声明不同的观点。

    Hakimi began calling international media by satellite phones from different locations around a year and a half ago , often giving exaggerated information , but offering a different viewpoint from US military and Afghan government announcements .