
  • 网络Health personnel;health workers;medical officer
  1. 另一个目标是让卫生人员具有跨文化的技能。

    Another objective is to give health personnel intercultural skills .

  2. 重视和提高农村卫生人员的素质和水平;

    Greater stress be laid on improving the quality of rural health personnel ;

  3. 在欧洲和北美洲的媒体中,卫生人员短缺主要是指经济合作和发展组织(OECD)国家中的卫生人员短缺。

    In the European or North American media , the'shortage'of health workers is also often discussed in relation to OECD countries .

  4. 卫生人员工作激励影响因素的调查与分析

    The Investigation of Stimulation Influent Factor of Health Administrator 's Working

  5. 105个项目县村卫生人员状况研究

    Analysis on rural health workers ' status in 105 program counties

  6. 协助培训卫生人员,尤其是社区卫生人员。

    Help to train health workers , especially at community level .

  7. 如果出现脱水迹象,应向卫生人员咨询。

    Consulting a health worker if there are signs of dehydration .

  8. 我国各级医疗卫生人员对胆固醇认知水平的横断面调查

    Cross-sectional survey of recognition level on cholesterol in Chinese health care professionals

  9. 卫生人员的数目,以及差距是如何计算出来的?

    How are the numbers of health workers-and the gap-calculated ?

  10. 卫生人员素质差,结构不合理,服务功能有限;

    The unreasonable struction and the limted service functions .

  11. 英语国家吸收了大量海外卫生人员。

    English-speaking countries draw the lion 's share of health workers from overseas .

  12. 还正设法采取激励措施,纠正城乡卫生人员分布不平衡状况。

    Incentives are being found to adjust the rural-urban imbalance in staff distribution .

  13. 肥西县农村卫生人员在职培训工作初探

    In-service training of rural medical staff in Feixi County

  14. 因此,在今后工作中的应加大对乡村级卫生人员的培训力度,提高基层免疫服务质量。

    Therefore , the training of EPI staff in village level should be strengthen .

  15. 甘肃省医疗卫生人员高血压病知识调查和培训

    Survey and training on hypertensive knowledge in medical and healthcare professionals in Gansu province

  16. 实行城市医疗卫生人员定期到农村服务的制度。

    We will regularly send urban medical personnel to work in rural health facilities .

  17. 四川省县乡农村卫生人员继续医学教育现状调查

    Current Status of Continuing Education for Medical Workers in Rural Areas in Sichuan Province

  18. 问:为什么卫生人员会外流?

    Q : Why are health workers migrating ?

  19. 浏阳市卫生人员主要集中分布在医院和乡镇卫生院,占71.5%。

    Health workers were mainly distributed in hospitals and township hospitals ( 71.5 % ) .

  20. 西亚医生说公共卫生人员应该接受新的培训。

    Doctor Thea says a change could lead to new training for community health workers .

  21. 以人为本统筹解决医疗卫生人员短缺问题

    Persist on People Oriented and Comprehensively Solve the Problems of the Shortage of Medical Staff

  22. 美国医疗卫生人员工资制度及其对我国的借鉴

    The Wage System of Medical and Health Staff in United States : Lessons for China

  23. 沈阳市基层卫生人员健康知识传播技能竞赛的策划与实施

    Plane and Implement of Competition on Health Knowledge Communication Skill among Primary Medical Workers in Shenyang

  24. 卫生人员在更好的工作环境或更高收入的诱惑下放弃原工作岗位,这浪费了培训。

    They waste training when workers are lured away by better working conditions or better pay .

  25. 实施后公共卫生人员素质明显提高。

    After the implementation , the quality of public health personnel has improved significantly . 3 .

  26. 全部卫生人员义务参加系统的继续医学教育。

    It is compulsory that all staff members in health care system take part in the CME ;

  27. 卫生人员有时会再回国工作,从国外带回更先进的技能和技术。

    Health workers also may return , bringing significant skills and expertise back to their home countries .

  28. 这是一个“推动因素”,造成技术精湛的卫生人员移民到发达国家。

    This is the " push factor ," which results in qualified workers migrating to developed countries .

  29. 卫生人员移徙政策倡议还帮助世界卫生组织制订、谈判和实施国际执业准则草案。

    HWMI also supports the WHO in development , negotiation and implementation of the draft code of practice .

  30. 你们正在处理需要适当和平衡分布充满活力的合格卫生人员问题。

    You are addressing the need for an adequate and balanced distribution of competent and motivated health workers .