
  • 网络epidemiology;epidemic factor
  1. 大豆花叶病的流行因素及综合防治

    The epidemiology and integrated control of soybean mosaic virus

  2. 大豆花叶病流行因素和发生预测研究

    Studies on epidemiology and prediction of soybean mosaic virus

  3. 目的了解信阳市献血浆人群HIV、HCV、HBV感染率及其流行因素。

    Objective To study the prevalence of HIV HCV and HBV infection among paid plasma donors and risk factors .

  4. 目的了解部分地区献血人群丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的感染现况及其流行因素,为减少输血后疾病的发生提供理论依据。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the prevalence and risk factors of HCV infection among blood donors in some areas and to put forward a theoretical basis for reducing transfusion transmitted diseases .

  5. 目的了解山东省艾滋病综合防治示范区艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况和流行因素分析。

    Objective To understand the current epidemic situation and high risk factors of human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) infection among paid blood donors living in Shandong provincial China Comprehensive Response ( CARES ) Project Areas .

  6. 结果本次医院感染暴发由PA血清Ⅳ型引起,其主要流行因素是所使用的氧气湿化瓶、雾化器数量不足,消毒不严。采取相应措施后感染得以控制。

    Results The nosocomial infection was caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa serotype ⅵ, and the main epidemic factors were due to the insufficient oxygen humidifier and aerosolizer and non-strict sterilization , infection was controlled after preventive measures were adopted .

  7. 流行病学分析麻疹的流行因素,包括人群免疫状况、感染方式、传染源管理、麻疹病毒基因型和麻疹疫苗(MV)保护效力,对免疫干预措施效果进行评价。

    Epidemiological analysis was used to identify the related risk factors , such as herb immunity , infection ways , case management , virus genotype , vaccine efficacy and evaluation the immunization intervention effect .

  8. 通过近20年的调查研究,弄清了四川省(内脏利什曼病VL)流行因素及特点。

    Through nearly 20 years ' investigation , the endemic factors and pattern of visceral leishmaniasis ( VL ) in Sichuan province have been found out .

  9. pylori有关的流行因素。经多因素非条件Logistic回归分析,最后筛选出饮用水源、饮水习惯、吃生大蒜、饮酒、饲养家禽(畜)和上腹胀痫不适症状等6个与H。

    However , by multiple factors Logistic regression analysis , water source , habituation of drinking water , fresh garlic , liquor , domestic fowl / livestock , upper abdomen ache or malaise were the important epidemic factors associated with H. pylori .

  10. 结论深圳市一般人群中HGV感染率较高,但其流行因素尚待进一步研究。

    Conclusion The prevalence of HGV RNA seemed to be high among the general population in Shenzhen , The risk factors of HGV infection in the population needed to be further studied .

  11. 目的分析江苏省1996~2000年肾综合征出血热(HFRS)疫情及宿主动物、一般人群等监测资料,探讨HFRS流行因素。

    Objective To analyze the incidence rate , animal hosts , and human inapparent infection rate from surveillance data collected in Jiangsu province from 1996 to 2000 and the risk factors of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome ( HFRS ) .

  12. 世界系统性真菌感染的流行因素分析

    Analysis of Epidemiologic Factors of Systemic Fungal Infections in the World

  13. 湖北省血吸虫病流行因素及防治对策

    Endemic factors of schistosomiasis and its preventive measures in Hubei Province

  14. 我国胃癌流行因素的初步调查

    A preliminary survey of epidemiologic factors of gastric carcinoma in China

  15. 稻曲病侵染时期和流行因素研究

    Study on infection period and epidemic factors of rice false smut

  16. 陕西温室黄瓜根腐病及流行因素研究

    Cucumber root rot and epidemic factors in Shaanxi Province , China

  17. 海军飞行员吸烟行为及流行因素调查

    An investigation of smoking habits and influencing factors among naval aviators

  18. 上海市乳腺癌流行因素的多变量分析

    Multivariate analysis of breast cancer risk variables in six Shanghai hospitals

  19. 宁夏地区女性乳腺癌流行因素研究

    An Epidemic Factor Study of Breast Cancer in Women in Ningxia

  20. 我国农村地区艾滋病流行因素分析

    Analysis on factors on HIV epidemic in rural area in China

  21. 甲型副伤寒暴发疫情流行因素的病例对照研究

    A Case-Control Study on Correlation Factors of Paratyphoid Fever A Outbreak

  22. 圈养野生动物传染病流行因素浅析

    Analysis of Infection Factors of Epidemic Diseases of Penned Wild Animals

  23. 洪灾后腹泻病流行因素分析及预防对策

    Analysis and Preventive Measure on Epidemic Factors of Diarrhea After Floods

  24. 洪泽湖地区血吸虫病潜在流行因素调查

    Investigation on potential epidemic factors of schistosomiasis in Hongze Lake area

  25. 山东省华支睾吸虫病及流行因素分析

    Analysis of Epidemic Factors of Clonorchis sinensis / Clonorchiasis in Shandong Province

  26. 陕西玉米病毒病及流行因素研究

    Study on maize virus disease and their epidemiological factors in Shaanxi Province

  27. 2004-2008年宁波市狂犬病流行因素分析

    Analysis of rabies epidemic factors from 2004 to 2008 in Ningbo city

  28. 目的探讨麻疹暴发疫情流行因素和控制措施。

    Objective Research the epidemic factor and control measures of measles outbreaks .

  29. 我国华南部队结核病流行因素的调查分析

    Study on Risk Factors of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Southern Army of China

  30. 烟草青枯病流行因素分析和药剂防治试验

    Studies on the Epidemic Factors of Tobacco Bacterial Wilt and Pesticides Control