
  • 网络Fluid film;FS-TFC
  1. 机械密封端面流体膜压膜厚的测量

    The measurements of pressure distribution and thickness of fluid film for mechanical face seal

  2. 此外,还对润滑流体膜的形成和抑制进行了讨论,并列举算例加以说明。

    The formation and inhibition of lubricating fluid film are discussed and explained with calculated examples .

  3. 双亲分子流体膜的弹性与热涨落&生物膜的Helfrich理论

    Elasticity and thermal undulations of fluid membranes of amphiphiles & helfrich 's theory of biological membranes

  4. 双亲分子所构成的膜泡,其行为和性质类似于向列相液晶。Helfrich通过与液晶的类比得出了流体膜的弹性能量以及膜泡的形状方程。

    Recognizing that the vesicle consisting of amphiphiles bilayer membrane is just like a nematic liquid crystal cell , Helfrich gave the elastic energy of the fluid membrane and the shape equation .

  5. 弹流润滑计算初步表明,在轻载(0.1MPa)下,凹面型轴承中不可能存在完全流体膜将轴颈与轴承全部分隔开,但可能形成宏观尺度的流体膜。

    EHL analysis reveals that at low load , for concave-type bearing , it is impossible to form a hydrodynamic water film to separate the shaft and the rubber completely .

  6. 目的以甲壳素为主要基质制成以重组人角质细胞生长因子-2(rhKGF-2)为主要活性成分的新型制剂流体膜用于治疗烧烫伤促愈合,为该新制剂的质量标准制定可行的活性成分定量测定方法。

    Objective To establish a method for the determination of active ingredient in recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor 2 ( rhKGF-2 ) in the liniment which matrix was mainly constituted by chitin , and to provide a feasible mensuration for quality control .

  7. 贯穿流体膜厚度无压力梯度。

    There is no pressure gradient through the thickness of the film .

  8. 机械密封端面间流体膜的刚度及阻尼系数

    The Stiffness and Damping Between the Face of Face Seal

  9. 直线槽气体端面密封流体膜厚度的测量

    Measurement of the Film Thickness of the Oblique Line Groove Gas Face Seal

  10. 生物流体膜治疗Ⅱ度烧伤创面的观察及护理

    Observation and nursing of the II degree burning injury surface treated with biofluid film

  11. 本文简要评述了双亲分子流体膜的弹性与热力学涨落的理论研究现状。

    The theory of elasticity and thermal undulations of fluid membranes of amphiphiles is reviewed .

  12. 部分流体膜挤压特性分析

    Squeezing Behavior Analyses of Partial Fluid Film

  13. 端面流体膜密封角向摆动自振产生及其半频特性的阐释轮式车辆传动系自激扭转振动稳定性分析

    Reason of angular wobble self - excited vibration and half frequency characteristic for gas film face seal

  14. 在较高压力下,要在接触区形成流体膜就必须施加更高的速度或使用较大粘度的润滑剂;

    For higher pressures , higher speeds or larger viscosities are needed to form the fluid film .

  15. 在过去的许多物理学的理论研究中,一般把红血球作为封闭的流体膜来处理。

    In the past theoretical physical study , the RBC was generally dealed as closed fluid membrane .

  16. 高分子锚定的流体膜

    Polymer anchored fluid membrane

  17. 球体表面挤压流体膜的边界滑移量是与半径坐标相关的高度非线性函数。

    The boundary slip at the squeeze fluid film of spherical surfaces is a strongly nonlinear function of the radius coordinate .

  18. 目的:观察生物流体膜对Ⅱ度烧伤创面的疗效及治愈时间。

    Objective : To observe the healing effect and healing time of the II degree burning injury surface treated with biofluid film .

  19. 用一种包含初始滑移长度和临界剪切率的非线性边界滑移模型研究了两个球体间的挤压流体膜问题。

    A nonlinear boundary slip model consisting of an initial slip length and a critical shear rate was used to study the nonlinear boundary slip of squeeze fluid film confined between two approaching spheres .

  20. 在简述化学机械抛光技术的基础上,提出化学机械抛光过程中,受载的粗糙峰和被抛光的晶片表面之间存在一纳米量级的薄流体膜,形成了纳米级薄膜流动系统。

    It is noted that there is a thin fluid film between the loaded asperities and the wafer being polished in CMP process , thereby a flow system with nano scale film is formed in .

  21. 端面流体膜密封的浮环半频摆动自振特性是其一种固有属性,类似于径向流体膜轴承中的半速涡动。

    The angular wobbly self-excited vibration ( AWs-EV ) with the half-frequency of primary ring for fluids film face seal is intrinsic property , being similar to " half-frequency whirl " in journal bearings of hydrodynamic lubrication .

  22. 分析了表征机械密封端面摩擦特性的常用性能参数,介绍了端面摩擦扭矩、端面磨损量、端面温度、端面流体膜厚及端面流体膜压的测试技术,探讨了常用测试方法的优缺点及难点。

    The performance parameters of mechanical seal that are often used in operation were analyzed , face friction torque , wear quantum , face temperature , fluid film thickness and test technique of fluid film pressure distribution were introduced .

  23. 将高分子自洽平均场理论和膜弹性理论结合起来研究高分子锚定流体膜体系,得到了高分子链热力学平衡浓度的分布和膜的形状。

    By combining the self-consistent field theory for polymers with the Helfrich elasticity theory of membrane , the polymer anchored infinite membrane is investigated . Both the density distribution of the polymer and deformation of the membrane are obtained .

  24. 在分析斜齿轮传动接触点几何特征基础上,对接触点的弹性流体膜厚进行分析,根据流体动压润滑原理,推导斜齿轮传动的最小油膜厚度计算公式。

    Based on the analysis of geometrical characteristics of interface between meshing teeth , the thickness of elastic fluid lubricant film on the interface is studied . The calculation formulas for the minimal thickness of lubricant film is deduced .

  25. 同时,流体膜可以为摩擦副提供润滑和冷却,保证密封环可以长时间工作而不磨损,具有良好的稳定性。

    Meanwhile , the fluid film can provide lubrication and cooling for the friction pair , which guarantee that the seal rings can work for long without abrasion . A theoretical analysis model is developed for the flow field in the seal gap .

  26. 这可能反映了HFRR试验中粘度对汽油弹性流体润滑膜的形成的贡献。

    This is probably because of the contribution of viscosity to EHD film thickness in the HFRR test .

  27. 6Y-250双锥盘连续挤压脱水机结构特点和挤压特性本文建立了粗糙表面部分流体挤压膜的物理力学模型,分析了当粗糙表面间存在流体膜时的挤压特性。

    The Structure Characteristic and Processing Nature Of The 6Y-250 Continued Water Pressing The physical and mechanical models of partial fluid squeeze-film between two rough surfaces are established .

  28. 生物流体敷料膜在烧伤治疗中的疗效观察

    Effects of anti-infection of chitosan fluid dressing on burned surface

  29. 生物流体敷料膜治疗皮肤创伤的观察及护理

    The therapeutic effect and the nursing of skin wounds treated with Chitosan

  30. 壳聚糖生物流体敷料膜对各类创面愈合的临床效应

    Clinical effect of chitosan biological fluid dressing on the healing of various wounds