
  • 网络fluid state
  1. 以中性稳定平衡坐标的存在与否将粘弹性行为分为理想粘弹性固体状态和理想粘弹性流体状态两类。

    These provide us a ground to distinguish the ideal viscoelastic solid state and the ideal viscoelastic fluid state in creep or stress relaxation behaviour .

  2. 孔隙流体压力属于流体状态参量,它是进行盆地动力学分析、油气成藏动力学分析以及油气预测的重要因素之一。

    Pore_fluid pressure , a fluid state parameter , is one of important factors for the analysis of basin dynamics ? , hydrocarbon reservoir and the prediction of oil and gas .

  3. 这样我们就能更好地理解燧石在高度流体状态时的变形情况。

    Thus we can better understand the deformation of chert in a highly fluid form .

  4. 本文给出了动态屈服强度YH和断裂强度σf的粗估公式,作为对一种实用的弹塑性流体状态方程(Ⅰ)的补充。

    As a sequel to " A practical EOS of Elastic-Plastic Fluid ( I )" , the paper presents the formulas for estimating dynamic yield strength and dynamic fracture strength .

  5. 对套管式CO2气体冷却器进行微元建模研究,将每一个微元的出口状态作为下一个微元的入口状态,从而确保准确计算CO2气体冷却器中流体状态的动态变化。

    Establishing a micro-element model to the tube gas cooler , setting the exit stage per micro-element model as the entrance stage of the next one , ensured a correct result to the fluid dynamics .

  6. 运用含氢键缔合的格子流体状态方程(LFHB),仅用一个参数关联了一元醇-惰性溶剂共17个体系29套1HNMR化学位移数据。

    The lattice-fluid hydrogen bond equation of state model ( LFHB model ) is used to correlate 1H NMR chemical shift of the proton in hydroxyl ( - OH ) of alcohol + inert solvent mixtures .

  7. 应用BWR方程在温度为310~600K、压强为75~300bar范围内拟合的超临界CO2流体状态方程,计算了超临界状态下CO2体系的熵、热容和焓。

    The entropy , thermal capacity and enthalpy under supercritical fluid were calculated by means of the supercritical fluid CO _2 state equation refined with BWR equation at 310 ~ 600 K and 75 ~ 300 bar .

  8. 在压力型Eyring理论的基础上,结合链流体状态方程建立了一个高压流体混合物的粘度模型。

    Combined with the state equation of chain-like fluids , a model for correlating and predicting viscosities of liquid mixtures under high pressures was established based on Eyring 's absolute rate theory .

  9. 为研究链状分子物质(如烷烃等)及其混合物的热力学性质,应用Wertheim的热力学微扰理论,在链状硬球流体状态方程的基础上,发展得到了链状方阱流体的状态方程。

    In order to study the thermodynamic properties of chain molecules and their mixtures , an equation of state for homonuclear square well chain molecules is formulated by applying thermodynamic perturbation theory of Wertheim , on the basis of the equation of state for hard sphere chain fluids .

  10. 一种实用的弹塑性流体状态方程(Ⅰ)

    A practical EOS of elastic - plastic fluid ( I )

  11. 油藏流体状态方程研究与应用

    A study on state equation of reservoir fluid and its application

  12. 一个简化的方阱流体状态方程式

    A simplified equation of state for square well fluids

  13. 低压(真空)流体状态下的管径计算

    The pipe diameter 's calculation in low pressure ( or vacuum ) fluid

  14. 链状硬球流体状态方程的研究

    Study on the state equation for hard-sphere chain molecules

  15. 离心级联的流体状态模拟

    Simulations of the hydraulic status in gas centrifuge cascades

  16. 基于链流体状态方程的高压流体混合物的粘度模型

    A Viscosity Model of Liquid Mixtures under High Pressure Based on an Equation of State

  17. 这样可以成功地避开界面两边流体状态方程不同的问题。

    Then the method successfully avoids the problem that different fluids with different equations of state .

  18. 变阱宽方阱链流体状态方程模拟制冷剂的汽液平衡

    Modeling vapor-liquid equilibrium of refrigerants using an equation of state for square-well chain fluid with variable range

  19. 纤维蛋白溶解系统即纤溶系统对人体血液保持流体状态与正常运行具有重要作用。

    Fibrinolytic system plays a crucial role in the maintenance of the blood in liquid and flowing normally .

  20. 它放宽了对被测流体状态的严格要求,实现了小管径、小流量流体的多参数动态智能测量。

    The strict limits of the measured flow states are relaxed and dynamical and intelligent multi-parameter measurement for SFSP is realized .

  21. 从统计力学推导流体状态方程(Ⅱ)&非球形多方阱势硬粒子微扰理论

    The Derivation of an Equation of State for Fluids Through Statistical Mechanics (ⅱ) The Multi - Square-Well Nonspherical Hard Particle Perturbation Theory

  22. 并分析了靶体强度参数对侵彻速度的影响。根据材料状态随撞击速度的变化规律,提出了在射流高速侵彻下判别陶瓷材料是否可以视为流体状态的判别准则。

    The influence of target resistance on the penetration velocity and the criterion that distinguishes if the ceramic material can be treated as liquid state is investigated .

  23. 油藏流体状态方程研究具有重要的理论和现实意义,它将成为流体热力学研究的一个新的生长点。

    To study the state equation of reservoir fluid is of theoretic and realistic significance . It will become a new growing point in research on fluid thermodynamics .

  24. 为了避免出现运动部件的过早磨损、噪音或振动运行,就要根据流体状态选择止回阀的通径。

    Premature wear and noisy operation or vibration of the moving parts can be avoided by selecting the size of check valve on the basis of flow conditions .

  25. 分析了材料杂质、空气中的氧、间歇放电过程、集流体状态等引起电池自放电的表观现象和产生的原因;

    The apparent phenomena and causes of self - discharge resulted from impurities of materials , oxygen in air , intermittent discharge process and collector state were analyzed ;

  26. 本文提出了一个新的三参数流体状态方程,并给出了三个参数与流体临界性质及温度之间的关系式。

    A new state equation with only three parameters is proposed . The expressions for correlating the parameters with the critical properties of the fluid and the temperature are derived .

  27. 利用已知的压缩因子分子动力学模拟数据,回归得到了这两个径向分布函数,从而建立了一个新的方阱流体状态方程。

    The molecular dynamic data of compressibility factor are used to regress this two localized radial distribution functions . Therefore , a new equation of state of square well fluids is established .

  28. 应用PIV系统测量混凝土搅拌运输车搅拌筒内部流体流动状态方法的研究

    Research on the Method to Measure the Potential Flow in the Mixing Device of Concrete Mixer Vehicle Based on PIV System

  29. 基于化学缔合的链状YUKAWA流体的状态方程

    Equation of state for chain-like Yukawa fluids based on Chemical Association

  30. 在Wertheim热力学微扰理论的基础上,得到了链状硬球流体的状态方程。

    A state equation for homonuclear chain molecules is formulated based on the thermodynamic perturbation theory of Wertheim .