
  • 网络Printing;printing method
  1. 用丝网印刷方式,制备LSCM/LSGM/LSFC(LSCM)三合一复合膜,电极膜的烧结温度为1150℃,以此复合膜为基础组装单电池并进行性能考察。

    LSCM anode and LSFC ( LSCM ) composite cathode films were prepared by screen printing method by sintering at 1 150 ℃ . The performance of cell consisting of the above composite membrane was investigated .

  2. 最早的印刷方式是用手工雕刻木版印刷。

    In its earliest form , printing was done from hand-carved wooden blocks .

  3. 柔印&包装领域中的优势印刷方式

    Flexographic Printing ── The Best Method For Packing Printing

  4. 以丝网印刷方式印刷电子监管标签的研究

    Screen Printed Resonant Tags for Electronic Article Surveillance Tags

  5. 纸张、油墨、印刷方式对二次纤维回用性能的影响

    The Effect of Paper , Ink Types and Printing Processes on Recycling of the Secondary Fiber

  6. 该套色系统采用的是凹版印刷方式。

    This system adopts intaglio printing .

  7. 适用于所有印刷方式,例如,胶印、凹印、丝印、柔版印刷、凸印等。

    The Inks are formulated for Silkscreen , Flexographic , Rotogravure , Intaglio , Letterpress and Offset printing press methods .

  8. 这种按需出版的形式表明,传统的印刷方式如何在新技术的环境下获得再生。

    This version of print-on-demand shows how the old-fashioned printed codex can gain new life with the adaption of electronic technology .

  9. 本文分析了各种印刷方式的特点,并对组合印刷的优势和前景进行了分析。

    The essay analyses the characteristics of all kinds of printing methods and analyzes the advantage & the future of integrated printing .

  10. 低生产成本、能通过简单甩膜或印刷方式就能制备大面积器件的优势使聚合物光电池在许多实际应用领域具有广阔的前景。

    The advantages of low manufacturing cost , simple coating or printing fabrication process in large size make polymer photocells promising for many practical applications .

  11. 官报作为古代信息传播的重要形式,学者对其起源、内容、形式、印刷方式、发布制度、读者等方面一直存在争议。

    The official press as an important form of ancient information dissemination , its origins , content , form , printing mode , release system , readers , etc. , has been controversial .

  12. 与其它印刷方式相比,网版印刷有众多独特的优势,被广泛应用于电子工业、陶瓷贴花工业、包装装潢、广告等行业。

    Compared with other printing methods , screen printing has many own advantages , is used widely in electron industry 、 ceramic decals industry , packaging and decoration industry , advertisement industry and so on .

  13. 本研究通过比较喷墨打印和胶印的平面呈色模型,为在各种印刷方式中建立平面模型提供了成功的范例和切实可行的方法。

    The flat plane model of ink jet printing is compared with that of offset , which gives insight and feasible methods in order to establish the flat plane models for all kinds of printing means .

  14. 目前拥有适应于平版铅印、平张纸轮转、卷筒纸轮转、烫金打号等多种印刷方式的号码机机型。

    We provided the high quality numbering machines for banknote , grain notes , treasuries , finance , duty , invoices , checks , certificates and all kinds of notes and bills etc in many years .

  15. 以印刷的方式写的或由印刷机制造出来的。

    Written in print characters or produced by means of e.g. a printing press .

  16. 在他看来,机械印刷传播方式催生的包括职业作家在内的新型传播主体对文本的建构产生了根本性影响。

    In his view , new communication subjects including professional writer had exerted a widespread and fundamental influence on the textual construction .

  17. 文中对印刷的方式进行了选择,分别研究了丝网印和移印的优缺点。

    In this paper , the printing method is chosen . The advantages and disadvantages of screen printing and pad printing are studied respectively .

  18. 这就是交互,可以加以利用。印刷的方式必须一次将所有信息表达出来,电子显示则有所不同。

    Unlike a print display , which must convey all of the data at once , electronic displays can progressively reveal information as users need more detail .

  19. 在几何考试中,我还是遇到了标注不清的问题。过去我一直习惯于按照行列印刷的方式阅读命题,或者是把命题在我的手上拼写出来;

    In geometry my chief difficulty was that I had always been accustomed to read the propositions in line print , or to have them spelled into my hand ;

  20. 他们比较了仅以印刷版方式发行的科学论文的被引用数量以及同一篇论文免费在网上公布之后的被引用数量。

    They compared the number of citations scientific papers received when available only in print with the number received by the same articles once they became freely available online .

  21. 多层共烧氮化铝陶瓷是采用厚膜印刷的方式将多层的电路金属化做入氮化铝基板并在特定气氛中高温烧结的一种高性能陶瓷。

    Multilayer co-fired AlN ceramic is a type of high performance ceramic that is printed in thick film to form multilayer circuit and fired in a certain atmosphere in high temperature .

  22. 无水柯式:使用无水印版的柯式印刷。这个方式,可公省去润湿系统。

    Waterless offset : Offset printing using waterless plate , thus the damping system may be eliminated .

  23. 事实上,印刷的交流方式可以对孩子们可接触到的社会信息实现极大的控制。

    Communication through print , as a matter of fact , allows for a great deal of control over the social information to which children have access .

  24. 由于采用按需印刷的生产方式,使生产过程中产生大量的数据,传统的人工管理方式已经不能适应印刷生产过程。

    As a result of adopting the produce way of required-print , there are too many data through the producing , traditional manual manage way can 't accommodate the printing process .

  25. 实验性书籍设计是相对于采用标准化印刷与装订方式大批量出版发行的,高度类型化的书籍样式而言,具有概念性、先锋性、观念性、游戏性和趣味性等特征的书籍设计。

    Experimental design is relative to the books using standardized printing and binding way published in large quantities , the height of the type of the books in style , with conceptual , quality of vanguard , the conceptual , characteristics of the gameplay and interesting books design .

  26. 零售商亚马逊(amazon),改变了印刷媒体的销售方式,正如计算机公司苹果改变了视听媒体的销售方式一样。

    Amazon , a retailer , transformed the distribution of print media : just as apple , a computer company , has transformed the distribution of audio-visual media .

  27. 并同时借用Halliday的隐喻观和Lakoff对隐喻的定义,说明这种非典型的印刷广告的实现方式实际是隐喻化的。

    Meanwhile , according to Halliday 's and Lakoff 's views on metaphor , we point out that the realization of such non-prototypical instances of print advertising genre is metaphorical .

  28. 彩色印刷是用彩色方式复制图像或文字的复制方式。

    Color printing is used to replicate the color images or text reproduction mode .

  29. 真正的网络小说是一种非平面印刷、以数字方式发表的小说形态;

    Real internet fictions is a form of novel that is non-plane print and is published in the form of digitals .

  30. 针对当前印刷工业中测量方式存在的弊端,借助图象分析和模式识别技术,提出了一种新的网点结构测量方法,可克服原有测量方式的不足;

    To overcome the drawbacks of print measurements , a novel measurement approach , namely dot structure based measurement , Is proposed .