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  • printing ink
  1. EB固化技术及其在印刷油墨中的应用

    Application of Electron Beam Curing technology in the printing ink

  2. 水性凹版油墨是当今最为环保的印刷油墨之一,也是目前唯一被美国FDA推荐和认可的,可以用于与食品直接接触的印刷油墨。

    Water-borne ink is the most environmentally printing ink at present in food packaging industries , which is one and only type ink that has been recommended and approved by FDA . This type of ink can be used for food packaging and directly contacted with food .

  3. UV印刷油墨在包装胶印中的应用分析

    The Application and Analysis of UV Ink in Offset Printing

  4. 间苯二甲酸(IPA)是一种极具发展前景的中间体原料,主要用于生产聚酯、涂料、特种纤维、热熔粘合剂、印刷油墨、聚酯纤维染色改性剂和树脂增塑剂等。

    M-phthalic acid ( IPA ) is an intermediate raw material with great foreground , it can be used to produce raw material of polyester , dope , special type fibre , thermographic adhesive agent , printing ink , polyester fibre dyeing modifying agent and resin plasticity agent .

  5. 软塑包装讲座(二十九)软塑包装印刷油墨的生产及调配技术

    Ink for the Flexible Packaging Print : Production and Mix Technology

  6. 印刷油墨用醇溶性聚酰胺树脂的研制

    Preparation of alcohol - soluble polyamide resin for printing ink

  7. 塑料印刷油墨用水性聚氨酯的合成

    The synthesis of waterborne polyurethane using in plastic printing ink

  8. 油墨粘度计:量度印刷油墨粘度的仪器。

    Inkometer : An instrument for measuring the tack of printing ink .

  9. 含乙烯基醚的光固化丝网印刷油墨的研制

    Study on the Photocurable Screen Printing Ink Containing Vinyl Ether Reactive Diluents

  10. 酸析-气浮-生化法处理高浓度印刷油墨废水混凝气浮法处理高质量浓度乳化液废水

    Wastewater of Printing Inks with High Concentration Treated by Acidolysis-Gas Float-Biochemical Process

  11. 他的血管中流淌着印刷油墨。

    He has printer 's ink in his veins .

  12. 欧洲油漆、印刷油墨及艺术用颜料制造商协会联合会

    European Confederation of Paints , Printing Ink and Artist 's Colours Manufacturers Associations

  13. 耐高温药用铝箔包装印刷油墨的开发

    Aluminium foil for general purpose Manufacturing the High Temperature Resistance of Print Ink

  14. 用粘弹性模型解释印刷油墨转移过程中的几个问题

    Explanation on Several Problems about Ink Transferring in Printing with the Viscoelasticity Model

  15. 一种基于分光测色的印刷油墨配色数学模型

    A Printing Ink Color Matching Algorithm Based on Spectrophotometry

  16. 喷墨印刷油墨机理及配方参数的研究

    The Study of Mechanism and Prescription Parameter in Ink of Ink Jet Printing

  17. 丝网印刷油墨厚度精度分析

    Analysis of Accuracy of Ink Thickness in Screen Process

  18. 阳离于高分子絮凝剂用于印刷油墨废水处理

    Treatment of Printing Ink Wastewater with Cationic Polymer Flocculant

  19. 包装印刷油墨颜色调配的基本常识

    General Knowledge of Colour Mix of Packaging Printing Ink

  20. 是印刷油墨干燥的主要方法之一。

    It is one of the principal ways in which printing ink dries .

  21. 柔性版印刷油墨转移规律的探讨

    Discussion of printing ink transfer rule in flexo printing

  22. 欧洲油漆和印刷油墨制造业协会委员会

    European Committee of Paint and Printing Ink Manufacturers Associations

  23. 按需滴液(喷墨印花术语)凸版轮转机印刷油墨

    Drop on demand ( DOD ) rotary letterpress ink

  24. 印刷油墨的化学干燥过程与机理

    Chemical Drying Processes and Mechanisms of Printing Inks

  25. 纳米水性柔版印刷油墨的研制

    Research on the Nami Watering Flexible Printing Ink

  26. 植物油基印刷油墨研究进展

    Advance in study on plant oil-based printing ink

  27. 凹版塑料印刷油墨的调色密着网屏的新发展与应用

    The Color Matching in Plastic Gravure Printing Recent development and applications of contact screens

  28. 印刷油墨的化学组成对脱墨的影响

    Effect of Components of Printing Ink on Deinking

  29. 乾燥剂:加入印刷油墨内的物质如钴,锰等。

    Drier ( Dryer ):( 1 ) Substances such as cobalt , manganses , etc.

  30. 它表达印刷油墨的流动及分布能力。

    It shows the ability of a printing ink to flow and distribute well .