
  • 网络ISRO;Indian Space Research Organization;Indian Space Research Organisation
  1. 在非载人太空行动之后,印度空间研究组织计划在三年内发射月船1号和2号,载人登上地球唯一的天然卫星。

    After the unmanned missions , Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2 that ISRO plans to send in three years time , ISRO plans to send a manned mission to the Earth 's only natural satellite .

  2. 在预算不多的情况下,印度成功的将一颗卫星送到火星,是亚洲首个抵达火星的国家,这让印度空间研究组织的科学家们情绪高涨。

    ISRO scientists have been riding high since an Indian spacecraft successfully reached Mars on a shoe-string budget , winning Asia 's race to the red planet .

  3. 指挥此次失败的发射的印度空间研究组织(ISRO)的官员目前还无法接受采访。

    Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO ) officials who conducted the unsuccessful launch were not immediately available for comment .

  4. 印度空间研究组织(ISRO)的月船2号今天一大早成功发射并进入地球轨道。

    The Indian Space Research Organization ( ISRO ) achieved a successful liftoff and injection into Earth 's orbit of its Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft early this morning .

  5. 印度空间研究组织灾害管理支持项目的科学家SanjaySrivastava说,帮助缓解灾害的观测诸如卫星图像是非常关键的。

    Measures that help mitigate disasters such as satellite imagery are vital , says Sanjay Srivastava , a scientist at the Indian Space Research Organisation 's disaster management support programme .

  6. 印度空间研究组织(ISRO)上个月(10月18日)宣布了发射两颗地球观测卫星的计划,它们将加入现有在轨的6颗卫星的行列。

    The Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO ) announced plans last month ( 18 October ) for two Earth observation satellites , which will join six already in orbit .

  7. 印度空间研究组织负责人今天宣布印度将在2015年前载人登月,将中国的载人登月计划甩在后面。

    Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO ) director today claimed that by2015 India will send a manned mission to the moon , leaving behind Chinese plans for the same .

  8. IRS-1C/1D是印度空间研究组织研制的印度第二代遥感卫星,与第一代遥感卫星比较,不仅分辨率有所提高,而且还增加了遥感成像仪种类和扩大了光谱段。

    IRS - 1C / 1D are the second generation remote sensing spacecraft developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation . As compared with the first generation remote sensing spacecraft , these spacecraft will have improved resolution and additional spectral band .

  9. RanganathNavalgund是印度艾哈迈达巴德的印度空间研究组织空间应用中心的主任。

    Ranganath Navalgund is director of the Space Applications Centre at the Indian Space Research Organisation in Ahmedabad , India .

  10. 印度政府已委托印度空间研究组织(isro)和科技部在整个喜马拉雅地区进行全面的冰川调查,以评估这些冰川的状况。

    The Indian government has requested that the Indian Space Research Organisation and the Department of science and technology undertake extensive glacial surveys across the Himalayas to assess their condition .

  11. 过去几周,印度已与包括俄罗斯和法国在内的主要大国签署多份协议,以促进由位于班加罗尔的印度空间研究组织(IndianSpaceResearchOrganisation,简称:ISRO)主持的印度太空计划。

    India has in past weeks signed agreements with major powers , including Russia and France , to boost its space programme , the Bangalore-based Indian Space Research Organisation .