
  1. 维谢洛夫斯基的历史起源学研究与普罗普的民族志主义;

    Secondly , the studying on the historical genesis and ethnographism ;

  2. 20世纪中国艺术起源学论

    On the Scientific Study of the Origin of Chinese Arts in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  3. 自50至70年代,前苏联艺术是反映现实的形式的观点给予中国艺术起源学研究以决定性影响。

    From the 1950s and the 1970s , the viewpoint of the former Soviet Union that art is a form reflecting reality had a crucial influence on the study of the origin of Chinese arts .

  4. 接着,本文从观念、行动与社会结构的角度,确立了关于公共行政文化阐释的三个基本层次,并从发生学而不是起源学或词源学上思考公共行政。

    Then , used concept , action and social structure , we established three layers about cultural hermeneutics of public administration , and studied public administration from its happening but not from its origin or etymology .

  5. 同时为帮助来访者达到咨询转归的目的,本文从自体心理学视角来理解她们的症状与行为,并对其行为及性格特征提出起源学和动力学诠释,同时重复基本的咨询单位(理解与诠释)。

    To achieve therapeutic prognosis in cases , this thesis understood their symptoms and behavior from perspective of the Self Psychology , offered the interpretation of dynamics and origin to their personality and behavior , and repeated the basic consultative units ( understanding and interpretation ) .

  6. 然关于墓志的起源,学界歧见纷陈,究其原因在于对墓志定义的模糊与论说角度的不同。

    However , on the origin of epitaph , predecessors in the academic circle hold all kinds of different opinions accord to confusion of the definition of epitaphs .

  7. 龙眼栽培起源的孢粉学研究

    Palynological Studies on the Origin of Longan Cultivation

  8. 汉语和越南语名量词比较研究&兼谈越南学生汉语名量词的学习汉藏语名量词起源的类型学分析

    The Chinese-Vietnamese Contrastive Study on Noun Classifiers : Analysis of Noun Classifiers Learning Among Vietnamese Students

  9. 湿地科学起源于湖泊学和沼泽学,湿地研究最早可以追溯到17世纪。

    Wetlands Science come of lakes and marshes school , It can be traced back to the earliest 17th century .

  10. 这三支世界神话当中某些主题的反复出现,提出了起源与传播学上的难题。

    Among these three bodies of world myth there are certain themes that recur again and again , raising difficult questions of origin and dissemination .

  11. 互文性理论起源于符号学,克服了结构主义的弊端,结构主义认为文本是一个封闭的系统且只由能指和所指构成。

    Intertextuality was originating from semiotics and its establishment overturns the disadvantages of structuralism whose opinion is that text is a self-reliant and closed system .

  12. 多目标决策是几个学科交叉的新研究领域,它起源于运筹学、经济学和心理学,然而多目标决策问题一直是一个比较难的问题。

    Multi-objective decision-making is the new research field that several subjects cross . Tt originated from operations research , economics and psychology . But the multi-objective decision-making problem is difficult .

  13. 方法:回顾分析1例甲状舌管乳头状癌患者的临床资料,并结合文献对甲状舌管癌的起源、组织学类型、临床表现、诊断、治疗及预后进行讨论。

    Methods A retrospective study was made on the clinical data of one case of thyroglossal duct papillary carcinoma . With a literary review , the genesis , histological types , clinical manifestation , diagnosis , therapy and prognosis of thyroglossal duct carcinoma were discussed .

  14. EID将建设成为研究内含子功能和进化起源的生物信息学平台。

    The goal of this project is developing a bioinformatics platform for Eucaryote Intron function , evolution and origination study .

  15. 小儿时期肌阵挛运动的电生理学研究在体心脏早期后除极起源的电生理学研究

    Electrophysiological Studies on Myoclonus in Childhood Electrophysiological Studies of Origin for Early Afterdepolarization Induced by Sotalol in Vivo

  16. 梨成熟胚子叶不定芽诱导及其不定芽起源的细胞组织学研究

    Bud Induction from Matured Cotyledons in Pear ( Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd . ) and Study of Cytohistology of Bud Origin

  17. 荀子承继孔子,他深入地探讨了礼的起源,在发生学上完善了孔子礼学思想;

    Xun Zi carried on Confucius great cause , he improved Confucius propriety thought by making a deep research into the origin of propriety ;

  18. 其历史起源的法社会学分析揭示指出了这一制度变迁的历史必然性。

    It has brought to light that IPR is the inevitable outcome of the institutional change of social history by investigating the origin of IPR in the method of law sociology .

  19. 迪尔凯姆通过分析澳大利亚土著的图腾制度对宗教的起源做了社会学的解释,他认为宗教是集体表象的反映,图腾的本原是外在于氏族成员的宗教力。

    Through the analysis of Australian totem institution , Durkheim undertook a sociological interpretation of the origins of religion , believing that religion is the reflection of the collective phenomenon and the sources of totems are the religious and basic methodology .