
yìn shuā shù
  • art of printing;printing;typography
印刷术[yìn shuā shù]
  1. 印刷术早已传入欧洲了。

    The art of printing was led in long ago to europe .

  2. 印刷术经过唐、五代几百年的发展,技术更趋成熟。

    The art of printing had become more mature through the development in Tang and Five Dynasty .

  3. 印刷术的发明有助于知识的传播。

    The invention of printing helped the diffusion of learning .

  4. 印刷术是中国首先发明的。

    Printing was first invented by the Chinese .

  5. 印刷术是从中国传入欧洲的。

    Lithograph was introduced from China to Europe .

  6. 本文旨在论述密着网屏(contactscreens)技术的最新发展及其在印刷术与光学图象处理方面的应用。

    Recent development of the technique of contact screens and its applications to printing and optical image processing are discussed .

  7. 利用UV平面印刷术在PCB上积层光电路,利用倾斜曝光制造45°输入/输出I/O耦合元件。

    Optical circuitry is built up on PCBs using UV lithography ; 45 ℃ input / output ( I / O ) coupler are fabricated by inclined exposure .

  8. 我不是说Gutenberg事实上获取了中国印刷术;

    I 'm not saying that Gutenberg actually had access to a Chinese press ;

  9. 年JohannesGutenberg发明的活字印刷术大大简化了书本的印刷和盗版。

    The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in1436 greatly simplified the manufacturing and piracy of books .

  10. 关于印刷术的博客,由PedroSerrão,来自葡萄牙波尔图平面设计师。

    A blog on typography , by Pedro Serr ã o , a graphic designer from Porto , Portugal .

  11. 应用无掩膜印刷术埋嵌微型聚合物厚膜电阻

    Maskless Printing of Miniature Polymer Thick Film Resistors for Embedded Applications

  12. 发明了印刷术后文化教育才得以普及。

    Mass literacy was only possible after the invention of printing .

  13. 印刷术与词体演进关系初探

    Analysis on the Relationship between Print and the Evolution of Ci

  14. 之后,中国利用篆刻木块制成字体模板发明了印刷术。

    China developed printing , using signs cut into wooden blocks .

  15. 十九岁的时候,温斯洛就学会了平板印刷术。

    At age nineteen , Winslow learned the process of lithography .

  16. 印刷术的发明是人类进展的一个里程碑。

    The invention of printing was a milestone in human progress .

  17. 这种改进之后的印刷术叫做活板印刷术。

    This improvement is called after the printing plate printing live .

  18. 自从印刷术发明以来,网络是最重要的发明。

    The Internet is the most important invention since the printing press .

  19. 此外,还着重研究了一种新颖的隐形光子晶体印刷术。

    Furthermore , a novel invisible photonic printing is studied in detail .

  20. 活字印刷术的发明及其在宋元时代的发展与传播

    Typographic Printing : Its Invention , Development and Dissemination In Song-Yuan Dynasties

  21. 印刷术的发明预示着知识的传播。

    The invention of the printing press announced the diffusion of knowledge .

  22. 印刷术的发明在社会上引起了重大的变化。

    The invention of printing caused important changes in society .

  23. 这些书都被烧毁了。印刷术把刻书业毁了。

    The books were destroyed . Printing gives the death-blow to bookselling .

  24. 教授:我们一直在谈论印刷术,

    Pro : So we 've been talking about the printing press .

  25. 印刷术的发明又大大提高了知识增长的速度。

    Which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing .

  26. 这种印刷术是从印章和石刻发展而来的。

    It was developed from the use of seals and stone engraving .

  27. 浅论活字印刷术在中国和欧洲的不同命运

    Brief on the Different Treatment of Type Press Technology in China and Europe

  28. 世界最古老的印刷术,是中国先民发明的雕版印刷。

    The oldest printing technology in the world is china 's engraving printing .

  29. 到公元13世纪,印刷术已有了进一步的发展。

    By the13th century , printing had developed further .

  30. 第三次是造纸和印刷术的发明;

    It is the invention of papermaking and printing for the third revolution ;