
  • 网络printing speed;PRINT SPEED;ppm
  1. 送料速度配合印刷速度可调整。

    The feeding speed can be adjusted coupled with the printing speed .

  2. 印刷速度快且印刷速度可调,印刷效果好,易操作和调节。

    High and adjustable printing speed provides optimum printing result and easy operation .

  3. 进口变频电机调速,适应不同印刷速度。

    The imported frequency control of motor speed adapts to different printing speeds .

  4. 印刷速度越高,则拉纸力就越小。

    The higher the press ′ speed , the lower the side lay ′ s drawing force .

  5. 胶印机的印刷速度、套准精度以及印品的质量与机器上采用的递纸机构密切相关。

    The press speed , registration accuracy and product quality relate to the mechanism of sheet transfer closely .

  6. 本文还利用计算机模拟对不同印刷速度和印刷压力下的焊膏印刷性能进行了研究。

    In this thesis , the performance of solder paste printing was simulated under the different printing velocity and printing pressure .

  7. 讨论了纸张、润版液、油墨及印刷速度对油墨乳化的影响。

    Effect on emulsion of printing inks were discussed , such as paper , fountain solution , inks and so on .

  8. 对生产中水墨量、印刷速度、印刷压力等的调整,具有一定的指导意义。

    To produces ink volume , the printing speed , the printing pressure and so on the adjustment , has certain guiding sense .

  9. 为了满足市场需求,提高印刷速度和稳定性,得到质量精良的印刷产品,很有必要开发出高端的印刷套准系统。

    To meet the market demand , improve the printing speed and stability , it is very necessary to develop the advanced registration system .

  10. 时事报道的即时性和与之相适应的印刷速度也意味着报纸内容大多只有短暂的阅读价值。

    But immediacy and the speed of production that goes with it mean also that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than transient value .

  11. 影响偏心上摆式递纸机构运动性能的因素很多,随着印刷速度的不断提高,运动副间隙对其运动学和动力学性能的影响已不容忽视。

    Bearing clearance is one of many factors affect the performance of the eccentric swinging sheet transfer , its kinematic and dynamic effects would not be ignored with the continuous improvement of printing speed .

  12. 采用间歇旋转式递纸机构的胶印机(如RAPIDA&SRⅢ型),在保证印品质量的前提下,印刷速度可达15000张/小时。

    The offset press with the intermittent rotary sheet transfer mechanism ( such as : RAPIDA ? SR III ) can reach the speed of 15000 sheets per hour and still having the good quality of press product .

  13. 目前国内外的单张纸胶印机大多采用机械式的离合压机构,印刷速度越高,由离合压凸轮产生的冲击就越大,这个冲击会传递到印刷滚筒上影响印刷品质量。

    The sheet-fed offset-press both at home and abroad mostly adopts the mechanical on-off mechanism . The higher printing speed is , the heavier the impaction leaded by on-off cam becomes , which will transmit to printing cylinder and affect the quality of presswork .

  14. 输墨系统的优劣直接影响到印刷机速度和印刷品质量,对现代输墨系统设计方法的分析和研究将有助于印刷机输墨系统的设计和改进。

    The performances of an inking device on an offset printing press directly affect the print quality and the printing speed of a press .

  15. 该研究成果能提高印刷检测速度,降低生产成本,提高企业经济效益;

    The conclusion can be used for detecting speed of printing product , reduce the cost of production and bring great economic benefits for printing enterprises .

  16. 开闭牙机构作为单张纸胶印机纸张传递中的重要部件,它的工作性能好坏直接影响到印刷的速度和印品的套印精度。

    Open-close gripper mechanism as a important parts of the process of paper transfer in offset press , its work performance have a direct impact on the speed of printing and registration accuracy in printed materials .

  17. IGT与印刷机拉毛速度关系的研究

    Study of Picking Velocity Relation with IGT & Printing Press

  18. 印刷行程和速度可调,以满足不同的印刷要求。

    Printing stroke and speed are adjustable to meet different requirements ;

  19. 那个倾斜的信封显示了印刷的发展速度。

    The sloped envelope indicates the development velocity of printing .

  20. 该系统为提高印刷机的速度和精度提供了一种行之有效的方法。

    According to result of theoretical analysis , using the system could improve the speed and precision of the press .

  21. 递纸机构对单张纸印刷机生产速度和产品质量具有重要的影响,针对递纸机构的运动学和动力学特性分析对于提高机器性能具有现实意义。

    The sheet-transferring mechanism has an important effect on the efficiency and quality of sheet offset press and the dynamic analysis of it has actual value for enhancing the performances of the machine .

  22. 本文采用不同的碳黑颜料在不同用量的情况下与不同的光引发剂配制丝印UV油墨,通过对油墨的印刷密度和固化速度的测试,研究了不同种类的碳黑颜料对UV油墨固化速度的影响。

    The printing density and the curing rate of these UV ink samples were then measured . This article reports a study of the influence of different types of Carbon Black pigment on the curing rate of UV printing ink in light of these experiments .

  23. 胶印油墨乳化是影响印刷质量和印刷速度的关键问题。

    Lithographic ink emulsification has been the key problem influencing printing quality and speed .

  24. 近几年,单张纸高速印刷机凭借高速度、高效率越来越受到企业的青睐。

    In recent years , high-speed and a sheet-fed press gets the favour of enterprises .

  25. 外形新颖、结构合理、操作简单、套印稳定、印刷质量好、速度快。

    Novel appearance , reasonable structure , easy to operate , stable printing , good printing quality and high speed .

  26. 递纸机构的结构设计、制造精度、运动和动力学特性将直接关系到印刷机的印刷速度和套印精度。

    The mechanism design , manufacture precision and dynamical characteristic of paper delivery system directly affect the printing speed and precision .

  27. 屏幕编辑器很受欢迎,因为它们允许你做出改变,你通过文件阅读,就像你将编辑印刷本,只是速度更快。

    Screen editors are very popular , since they allow you to make changes as you read through a file , like you would edit a printed copy , only faster .

  28. 为了配合现代高速印刷机印刷单元的速度,收纸单元的速度也正在提高,所以要保证收纸装置的稳定性。

    In order to meet the modern high-speed printing unit of printing machine speed , delivery unit speed should be improved . So , it is important to ensure the stability of the paper collecting device .

  29. 卷筒纸印刷机是目前世界上印刷速度最高的大型设备,而折页机构是制约卷筒纸印刷机速度进一步提高的关键因素之一。

    Web offset press is the highest speed large equipment , but the folding mechanism is one of the critical factors to restrict the printing speed of web offset press .

  30. 目前国内主流的套准系统主要适用于中低档印刷机,能保证的印刷速度、印刷精度、稳定性和自动化程度都较低,因此有必要研究适合高档印刷机的套准系统。

    At present , the domestic mainstream register system is mostly applied to medium lower grade printing press and only can ensure inferior grade of speed , precision , stability and automaticity .