
  • 网络Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry;FICCI;CII;The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India;ASSOCHAM
  1. 印度工商联合会在其声明中表示,进口的中国产品较可比印度产品便宜10%至70%,这样的价格差异“巨大而难以解释”。

    In its statement , FICCI said the Chinese imports were between 10 and 70 per cent cheaper than comparable Indian products , a price differential that it said was " huge and difficult to explain " .

  2. 最近据印度工商联合会(FICCI)调查指出,很多企业面临严重的人才短缺。

    Recently a survey report from FICCI announced that many businesses faced the shortage of talents severely .

  3. 印度工商联合会(FederationofIndianChambersofCommerceandIndustry)最近指出,中国资本和消费品进口突然增加,正在损害该国三分之二的中小企业。

    The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry recently noted that two-thirds of small and medium-sized enterprises are suffering from the sudden rise in imports of Chinese capital and consumer goods .

  4. 行业游说团体印度工商联合会(associatedindianchambersofcommerceandindustry)进行的一项调查显示,印度制造业的残次率很高,同时,印度约20%的公司无力生产高质量产品。

    A survey by the associated Indian Chambers of Commerce and industry , the business lobby group , shows that Indian manufacturing has a high defect rate and that about 20 per cent of Indian companies are unable to produce quality products .

  5. 印度工商联合会(FederationofIndianChambersofCommerceandIndustry)开展的一项研究显示,在去年10月至今年2月末的5个月内,印度对美国的药品出口下降了近40%。

    Indian exports of pharmaceuticals products to the US fell almost 40 per cent in the five months between October last year and the end of February , a study by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry has shown .

  6. 印度工商联合会(ficci)秘书长阿米特密特拉(amitmitra)表示,基本金属合金、机床和机器等部分商品的价格下降,反映出投资有所放缓。

    Amit Mitra , the Secretary-General of the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and industry , said the decline in the price of some items , including basic metal alloys , machine tools and machines , reflected a slowdown in investment .

  7. 然而,印度工商联合会的研究显示,相对于新兴市场竞争者而言,印度企业正逐步失去美国市场的份额。

    However , Ficci 's research shows that Indian companies have been losing relative share to emerging market competitors in the US market .

  8. 印度工商联合会秘书长拉吉夫·库马尔说,私营部门的开放造就了经济繁荣。

    The head of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry , Rajiv Kumar , says the unshackling of the private sector created the economic boom .

  9. 印度工商协会联合会的高级官员安让·罗伊说,建设厂房需要大量用地。

    A senior official at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry , Anjan Roy , says industry needs space to set up manufacturing plants .