
lì shǐ shì jiàn
  • historical event
  1. 它在日本文学和歌舞伎戏剧中地位显著,以至于衍生出了自己的流派“Chūshingura”,即“忠诚仆人的宝藏”,只包含基于这一历史事件的虚构故事。

    It has been featured so prominently in Japanese literature and kabuki theater that it spawned its own genre - Ch ū shingura , or The Treasure of Loyal Retainers , that only includes fictional stories based on this historical event .

  2. 倭寇现象是明代重大的历史事件。

    Ming pirate phenomenon is a major historical event .

  3. 一份独一无二的13,000词的年表贯穿彩印卷的始终,详细记述了从地球诞生到今天发生的重大历史事件。

    A unique 13,000-word timeline runs through the full-colour volume , detailing events from the Earth 's creation to the present day .

  4. 但一些社会科学家对此提出了尴尬的问题,提出了艺术经典只不过是历史事件的化石的可能性。

    But some social scientists have been asking awkward questions of it , raising the possibility that artistic canons are little more than fossilised historical accidents .

  5. “见证树”指的是历经沧桑的古树,特别是“见证”过一个或多个重要历史事件的古树。

    Witness tree refers to an extremely old tree , particularly one that was present at one or more important historical events .

  6. EventAccess接口允许事件消费者同步地查询历史事件。

    Event Access interface allows the event consumers to query the historical events synchronously .

  7. 查询历史事件:书写会话bean或servlet,并利用EventAccess接口,通过事件组查询历史事件。

    Query historical events : Write a session bean or servlet to query the historical events by event groups using Event Access interface .

  8. 在本部分,我们将举例说明如何利用XPath查询历史事件以及如何定义事件组及如何通过EventAccess接口来使用事件组。

    In this section , we illustrate how to query the historical events using the XPath and how to define the event groups and use them with the Event Access interface .

  9. 新版5美元的正面仍是亚伯拉罕•林肯(AbrahamLincoln)的头像,但反面将纪念一些发生在华盛顿林肯纪念堂前的历史事件,包括1963年马丁•路德•金(MartinLutherKing)的“我有一个梦想”演讲。

    The new $ 5 bill will continue to feature Abraham Lincoln on the front but will on the back celebrate historic events at his memorial in Washington , including Martin Luther King 's 1963 " I have a dream " speech .

  10. 伟大的历史事件造就了收藏价值很高的报纸:伦敦大火、卡洛登战役(battleofculloden)、滑铁卢战役和特拉法尔加(trafalgar)海战、美国内战的主要战役。

    Great historic events make for highly collectable newspapers : the great fire of London , the battle of Culloden , the battles of Waterloo and Trafalgar , the major battles of the American Civil War .

  11. 人们认为一部分芬兰民族史实卡勒瓦拉(Kalevala)是起源于爱沙尼亚和一些历史事件,其中的地点和人物也和爱沙尼亚有关。

    Some parts of Finnish epic Kalevala are believed to originate from Estonia and some events , locations and characters may have connections with Estonia as well .

  12. 构造演化是地质历史事件在地质体上的再现。

    Structural evolution is the resurgence of geological events in geological body .

  13. 严重的危机引发重大的历史事件。

    Great crises are breeders of great events in history .

  14. 沃特被直接卷入到了这个重要历史事件中。

    Walter had been closely involved in these momentous events .

  15. 历史事件纪念馆特质空间环境塑造与情感表达

    Particular Space Environment Construction and Emotional Expression of Historical Memorials

  16. 每个解释意在引起对不同历史事件的类比:

    Each of which was designed to trigger a different historical analogy :

  17. 老师让学生们表演某一历史事件。

    The teacher gets the students to act out some historic event .

  18. 这两个历史事件都可以对整个人类的罪恶本质做充分的说明。

    These two historical events can demonstrate the nature of human sin .

  19. 本镇最重要的历史事件吧

    One of the town 's most significantly historical events ?

  20. 单击向右箭头键查看历史事件。

    Click the right arrow key to step back through past events .

  21. “大礼议”是明中期的重大历史事件。

    Da-Li-Yi was the important event in Mid-Ming Dinasty .

  22. 文化理解的效果历史事件:一种本体论的诠释

    The Understanding of Culture as an Effectively Historical Event : An Ontological Interpretation

  23. 这些岛屿是许多历史事件的见证。

    These islands have seen a lot of history .

  24. 为什麽同一桩历史事件的叙述会有所不同?并且随著时代还会有所更变?

    Why do accounts of the same event differ and change over time ?

  25. 他列举了重大历史事件的日期。

    He recited the dates of important historical events .

  26. 第二节分析其咏史诗中所关注的历史事件。

    The second section analysis in the history of the attention historical events .

  27. 该市也发生了许多历史事件。

    Many historical events have also in this city .

  28. 老一代记忆犹新的重历史事件对年轻人来说不过是过眼烟云而已。

    Events that the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history .

  29. 将混淆的历史事件按顺序排列。

    Put the mixed historical facts in sequence .

  30. 这幅画描述了一个真实的历史事件。

    The painting depicts an actual historical event .