
lì cháo
  • past dynasties;successive dynasties;successive reigns of a dynasty
历朝 [lì cháo]
  • [in the past dynasties;generations] 所经过的各帝王或朝代

  • 历朝官制

  1. 也正因为元代统治者充分认识到文化典籍对加强思想统治的重要性,所以历朝都重视图书的搜罗与印行,更重视对印书的管理。

    Also because just rulers of the Yuan Dynasty fully realize the importance that the cultural ancient book is helpful to dominate the thought , the rulers of the successive dynasties emphasis on the books ' collecting and printing , and seriously the printing management .

  2. 第一部分首先从分析传统调解制度的源流入手,去探究其原始表现和在历朝历代中的沿革,并将其总体发展历程概括为萌芽成型期、制度化发展期以及完备成熟期三个阶段。

    It begins with the analysis of the origination of Chinese traditional mediation system , investigating its original form and evolvement during successive dynasties . We divide the evolvement into three stages which are embryonic and shaping stage , institutionalized stage and complete stage respectively .

  3. 历朝典章各不相同。

    Decrees and regulations vary from Dynasty to dynasty .

  4. 第四部分是《历朝赋楷》研究。

    The fourth portion is to study Li Chao Fu Kai .

  5. 从而历朝历代都有了许多的文化传播礼品及文化艺术品。

    Every dynasty had a lot intercultural communications and cultural artistic works .

  6. 历朝历代,西湖都被誉为风景胜地。

    It has been celebrated as a scenic landmark in every dynasty .

  7. 因此,历朝历代莫不把管理农业作为经济工作的首要任务。

    So , every dynasty regards managing primary task of economic work agriculturally as .

  8. 吏治问题是历朝历代非常重要的政治课题。

    Official administration has always been a very important political issue in every dynasty .

  9. 好好研究一下这个提法,历朝历代,包括如今的共和国真正实施的是这个。

    This is what in general most Dynasties to now the PRC is implementing .

  10. 游民,这个独具特色的群体,中国的历朝历代几乎对它束手无策。

    Chinese dynasties had no solution to deal with vagrant which is unique group .

  11. 而从古到今历朝历代都重视的亲贫实践在当代中国更加具有时代意义。

    And since ancient times dynasties are important pro-poor practice in contemporary China has contemporary significance more .

  12. 无论是以往的历朝历代还是现在,经济法律制度在国家法制体系中都有着举足轻重的作用。

    Whether past or present , economic legislative in the national legal system plays an important role .

  13. 作为历朝历代通用的书面语形式,文言记载了中华古国几千年灿烂的文明。

    Considered as the written form , Classical Chinese was loaded with gorgeous civilization covering thousands of years .

  14. 对化外人相犯案件,历朝的处理不尽相同。

    The disposal of crime by naturalized persons of ancient China which different dynasties used has their characteristics .

  15. 明代纂修的历朝实录是史学研究的重要资料。

    The memoir of dynasties compiled in Ming Dynasty is considered the important material for the historiographic study .

  16. 富艳精工是历朝应制词人的艺术追求。

    The feature of being flowery and delicately composed was the artistic pursuit of all these Ci writers .

  17. 对历朝历代山地文化及植物景观文化进行梳理,总结出它们的发展规律。

    Through carding of the mountain culture and plant landscape cultural , summarize the law of its development .

  18. 从史学的角度看,西汉历朝帝王的诏书显示出了逐渐儒化、经学化的特色。

    From the historical point of view , the imperial edict in Western Han dynasty gradually showed Confucianism characteristics .

  19. 所以,历朝历代对于礼与法的研究从未间断。

    Therefore , in different stages on the history , the study of Rite and Law has never ceased .

  20. 中国古代历朝历代皆重教化,皆重对生活伦理和道德的控制与推进。

    Ancient Chinese dynasties all took cultivation seriously and valued the control and promotion of life ethics and morals .

  21. 历朝历代,都提及道德的问题,但通常诸家对道德的研究重点是以道德内涵为多。

    The issue of morality exists in all ages , however most researches on it generally focused on moral connotation .

  22. 宋代历朝政府都实行鼓励植树的政策,保护林木的法律条款趋于完备,并且对于相关的官员有一定的奖惩制度。

    All previous governments implemented policies to encourage planting trees . The forest protection legal provisions were tended to be completed .

  23. 林木资源具有重要的经济价值,我国历朝历代都十分重视林木的经营管理。

    The forest resources have important economic value . Our state attached importance to the forest management and operation in past dynasties .

  24. 可以说,历朝历代的诗论家所留下的评点、诗话、笔记构成了关于丕植的一部接受史。

    So we can say , comments and notes on classical poetry constitute a history of acceptance about Cao Pi and Cao Zhi .

  25. 可以说以后历朝历代,清醒一点的统治者都是杂家,都是《管子》思想的奉行者和实践者。

    Can be said that the later dynasties , lucid rulers are miscellaneous , are " Guanzi " thinking of the observant and practitioners .

  26. 唐以后历朝历代,在唐代律法的基础上,对于自首制度也各有所发展和突破。

    After the Tang Dynasty , based on the law of the Tang Dynasty , the system of surrender made great development and breakthroughs .

  27. 因此在历史上就有种种整合民族和国家的举措,神话是其中一种形式,为历朝统治者所重视。

    Thus myth , which was one of the measures to integrate nation and state , was stressed highly by the rulers in every dynasty .

  28. 省制自元朝诞生以来,就一直是历朝历代最为基础的行政区划形式。

    Province emanate from Yuan Dynasty , since then , the Provincial system has been the Chinese dynasties of the most basic form of administrative divisions .

  29. 位于山西五台县东北、高居海拔两千四百八十五公尺至三千五十八公左右的五台山,是中国历朝顶礼膜拜的佛教圣地。

    Located in the northeast of Sanshi Province , Wu-Tai Mountain is not merely a high mountain but a traditional important Buddhistic holly place in China .

  30. 妈祖是中国的海洋保护神,从宋朝起,为历朝所推崇,形成中国特有的妈祖文化。

    Mazu is the Oceanic Protection Manito of China and has been canonized since Song Dynasty when the unique Mazu Culture of China came into being .