
  • 网络piezoresistive coefficient;piezoresistance coefficient
  1. 但由于扩散硅的压阻系数是温度的函数,使得压阻式压力传感器存在零点温度漂移和灵敏度温度漂移,这是影响压力检测系统测量精度的主要原因。

    The piezoresistive coefficient of silicon is a function of temperature and so the thermal zero drift and thermal sensitivity drift occur in piezoresistive pressure sensor , that is the main reason of causing measurement accuracy reducing .

  2. 在原有版图的基础上做了一系列优化:去掉了空气桥工艺,改变了栅电极引出位置,并考虑了压阻系数与晶向的关系。

    A series of optimization based on the original structure are made : to remove the air bridge technology , to change the location of gate electrode leads , and to consider the relationship of piezoresistive coefficient and crystal .

  3. N型硅压阻系数π(11)与π(12)之间关系的理论推导

    Theoretical Derivation of Relationship between Piezoresistance Coefficient π _ ( 11 ) and π _ ( 12 ) of N-silicon

  4. 多晶硅薄膜压阻系数的理论研究

    Theoretical Research on Piezoresistive Coefficients of Polysilicon Films

  5. 压阻系数约为15。

    The gauge factor was about 15 .

  6. 采用全空间统计平均的方法,计算得到了晶向完全随机的多晶硅横向平均晶粒压阻系数;

    Meanwhile , the average grain piezoresistive coefficients of polysilicon with random orientations have also been calculated by using random statistical method .

  7. 不但灵敏度比较高,而且能实现压阻系数的片上温度自补偿。

    This gyro is proved to have high sensitivity and low temperature coefficient of sensitivity ( TCS ) by a piezoresistance on chip self-compensation feedback .

  8. 对传感器在30~70GPa间进行了初步的标定,标定曲线近似为一条直线,压阻系数为0.0201±0.0002GPa~(-1)。

    The gauges were calibrated from 30 to 70 GPa . The initial calibration curve was almost a straight line with piezoresistance coefficient of 0.0201 + 0.0002 GPa-1 . The sensors had high sensitivity .

  9. 对不同长度圆管进行了数值计算,结果表明无论是压差或摩阻系数,都与管长之间存在着近似的线性律。

    The numerical results for the pipes with different lengths show that there exists linear law between the pipe length and either the pressure difference or friction coefficient .

  10. 依据单晶硅和多晶硅的压阻效应,并考虑压阻系数随温度、掺杂浓度的影响,可建立压敏电阻的参数化组件模型;

    Based on the piezoresistive effect in single crystal and polycrystalline silicon , the parameterized behavioral model of piezoresistor is established .

  11. 研究了半导体的压阻效应、压阻张量、压阻系数,进而对MEMS悬臂梁进行了受力弯曲分析,分析压敏电阻的设计位置。

    Piezoresistive effect of semiconductor piezoresistive tensor and the piezoresistive coefficient are studied . MEMS cantilever bending force is analyzed , and the location of the varistor is design .