
  1. 本文论述了上市公司股权结构的分析与改造,逐步建立统一、多层次的市场体系,转变政府职能,按市场化原则监管市场。洞庭湖区退田还湖工程对小型兽类群落的影响

    The paper expounds the analysis and rechange of stock rights structure of listed company . Small Mammal Community Succession after Rechange the Cropland into Lake in Dongting Lake Region

  2. 人类干细胞之伦理原则与监管政策(上)

    Ethical Principle and Oversight Policy of Human Stem Cells ( I )

  3. 浅谈会计的谨慎性原则证券监管的适度性探讨

    Discussion on the Conservatism Principle of Accounting

  4. 对中外旅客携运的商业性货物要依照客货分流的原则加强监管。

    It should strengthen the supervision of the commercial goods carried by Chinese or foreign passengers according to the regulations of the passenger luggage division .

  5. 以正当程序原则保障监管救济;强化法律责任,增加司法救济的内容。最后,加强信息公开制度建设。

    The Principles of due process is in order to protect the regulatory relief ; the strengthening of legal liability , increase the content of judicial relief .

  6. 阐述了金融服务自由化与市场准入监管的关系,以及审慎例外原则在监管法律制度上的应用。

    I also describe the regulation of financial services liberalization and market access , and the " prudential carve-out " principle in the regulation of the legal system .

  7. 第二章,阐述了上市公司会计信息披露监管的经济学理论基础及监管的目标、原则和监管手段;

    In the second chapter , we discuss the economical theory on disclosure regulation . We also elaborate the goal , principles and means of accounting information control .

  8. 本文在厘清原则导向监管和市场纪律的内涵与作用的基础上,对我国实施有效银行监管进行了探讨。

    This paper first discusses the connotation of the principles-based regulation and market discipline , and then give some advises for how to implement effective banking supervision in China .

  9. 基于燃料油期现货市场之间存在的风险传递机制,提出了我国应该建立期现货市场联合监管体制的建议,并且对联合监管所涉及到的监管原则、监管体制、监管措施三方面进行了探讨。

    Based on the transmission mechanism of risk between the fuel oil futures and spot markets , it was pointed out that our country should establish joint regulatory system between the spot market and futures .

  10. 此外中国和美国的银行监管模式在监管目标、监管原则、监管主体、监管方式、监管内容和法律框架六个方面都不同程度地存在着差异。

    In addition , there are many differences of banking supervision in the monitoring objectives , regulatory principles , regulatory subjects , forms of regulation , regulatory content and legal framework between China and the United States .

  11. 因此,在联合国、许多国家政府以及贸易团体的支持下,一种基于自愿原则的自我监管新体制F浮出了水面。

    As a result , a new regime of self-regulation guided by voluntary principles has emerged with the blessing of the UN and many governments and trade bodies .

  12. 那时,英国财政部的部长级官员埃德•鲍尔斯(EdBalls)等人热衷于将伦敦“点到为止”且“基于原则”的监管鼓吹为相对于纽约的竞争优势。

    Back then , people such as Ed Balls , when he was a Treasury minister , were keen to extol London 's light touch , " principles-based " regulation as a competitive advantage versus New York .

  13. 行政应急性原则在药品监管实践中的运用和思考

    Application of the emergency principle in drug supervision and administration

  14. 保护投资者利益原则和适度监管原则是资产证券化立法的基本原则;

    Protection of investors ' interests and appropriate supervision are deemed two fundamental principles of legislation for securitization .

  15. 只要股东价值最大化仍是我们的指导原则,任何监管方面的改革都无法改变这种基本行为方式。

    So long as shareholder-value-maximization remains our governing principle , no change in regulations will change the fundamental behavior .

  16. 方法对行政应急性原则在药品监管实践中的运用以及存在的一些问题进行具体分析。

    METHODS We analyzed the application for the administration emergency principle in drug supervision and administration and some related problems .

  17. 监管法律制度方面具体包括:明确监管原则,确立监管主体,明确监管内容,设定必要的辅助监管手段。

    Supervision of the legal system including : clear regulatory principles to establish a regulatory body , a clear regulatory elements , set the necessary auxiliary means of supervision .

  18. 国际保险监管核心原则中关于监管合作与信息共享的思想和内容,就是监管机构在遵守保密要求的前提下,与有关监管机构合作和分享信息。

    The kernel principle of international insurance supervision on cooperation and information sharing is that insurance regulators should cooperate and share information with other related supervisory bodies without violating confidentiality .

  19. 实施审慎会计原则和审慎监管标准是防范金融风险,促进金融体系安全、稳健运行的重要基础,也是从亚洲金融危机中所应吸取的重要教训。

    Enforcement of prudential accounting rules and supervision standards is fundamental to the prevention of financial risks , in order that a safe , stable and sound financial system can be maintained .

  20. 详细阐述了离岸金融税收监管制度应包含的税收监管管辖权、税收监管原则、税收监管目标等具体内容。

    This part elaborates the specific content of the tax regulation system of the offshore finance such as the jurisdiction over taxation regulation , the principle of taxation regulation , the goal of taxation regulation , and so on .

  21. 最后,本文介绍了WTO的基本原则及国际保险监管核心原则,通过制度供给与需求、制度均衡、制度创新的分析,提出完善我国保险监管制度的具体措施。

    Thirdly , it presents fundamental principles of WTO , the insurance core principles and the perfection of Chinese insurance regulatory institutions .

  22. 韩国金融监管委员会(FSC)新任主席金容德(KimYong-duk)表示,他将把这家监管机构的监督作用,从目前以规则为基础的操作形式,转变为以原则为基础的监管方式。

    Kim Yong-duk , the new chairman of the Financial Supervisory Commission , said he would change the watchdog 's supervision from the current rule-based operations to a principle-based supervision .

  23. 这些原则应该成为新监管方法的基础,它们有着广泛的含义。

    These principles should be fundamental to a new approach and they have wide implications .

  24. 原则上,温和监管加上私人部门作出一些妥协,是个好办法,既能坚持原则,又不必实施令人窒息的规定。

    In principle , light-touch regulation combined with private sector compromises is a good way to preserve the principle without imposing stifling rules .

  25. 委员会希望国际金融组织和其它有关方面利用核心原则帮助各国强化监管工作。

    The Committee invites the international financial institutions and donor agencies to use the Principles in assisting individual countries to strengthen their supervisory arrangements .

  26. 在实践中,利益均衡支付方式的实施机制,即实践模型,由三部分构成:定额、限额和总额的费用标准制定方法和程序;单病种选择原则;费用辅助监管机制。

    The practical model of the interest-equilibrium payment consists of three parts : the formulation methods and programs of the expenses standards , the single disease choice methods and the supervisory mechanism .

  27. 只有当监管行为遵循依法监管与合理监管结合,适度监管与有效监管结合的原则时才能实现监管的目的。

    Acts only when the regulatory supervision in accordance with the law and follow the combination of reasonable supervision , appropriate combination of regulation and the principles of effective supervision can be achieved when the purpose of monitoring .

  28. 第二,本文提出了以提高整体金融业的国际竞争力、效率原则为基本原则等金融监管法律模式基础理论,这在金融监管法律模式领域的研究具有新意。

    Firstly , the financial supervision law mode is a new topic .

  29. 离岸金融监管的基本原则包括促进金融发展与稳定原则、国际协调原则、宽松监管原则和适度控制原则;

    The basic principles of offshore finance supervision consist of the principles such as financial development and stabilization , international coordination , loose supervision and appropriate control .

  30. 其次,在立法原则上,作者建议可采用普惠原则、可持续发展原则、适度监管原则和政府适度参与原则相结合的立法原则。

    Second , as for the legislative principles , the author suggests four principles : Pratt & Whitney principle , sustainable development principle , appropriate regulatory principle and appropriate government involvement principle .