
yuán shǐ chénɡ běn
  • original cost
  1. 原始成本定率折旧法

    Depreciation percentage of original cost method

  2. 按原始成本计算的投资总额

    Total investment at original cost

  3. 会计的统计方法是按原始成本记录交易数量来进行的。

    The traditional orientation of accounting was to record transactions at their historical cost .

  4. 指销售商品之原始成本或产品之制造成本。

    Refer to the original costs of merchandise sold or the production costs of goods sold .

  5. 这两方面增加了计算机系统的原始成本和运行期间的费用。

    Both of these add to the cost of computer systems in initial cost and during operation .

  6. 对于得到的原始成本数据需要去除异常值、通货膨胀等因素的影响后才可以使用。

    The LCC data that have been collected must be wipe off the abnormity data and inflation influence .

  7. 人力资源会计的会计假设为物化、原始成本、会计主体等假设;

    The accounting hypothesis of the human resource accounting includes material hypothesis , firsthand cost hypothesis and accounting main part hypothesis .

  8. 2010到2015年间,外推到75个国家则增加了330亿美元的原始成本估计(+80%)。

    Extrapolation to75 countries increased the original price estimate by US $ 33 billion ( + 80 % ) for2010 – 2015 .

  9. 本文对人力资源成本会计和人力资源价值会计两者的基本核算内容和方法进行了比较分析,认为人力资源成本计量可采用原始成本法和现实成本重置法.单独计量人力资源方面的实际支出。

    The author analyses the basic accounting content and accounting methods of cost accounting and value accounting in the accounting of human resources .

  10. 销售厂房类资产,售价为100,原始成本为40美元,累计折旧为20美元。

    Sold some plant assets , the price is $ 100 , the original cost is $ 40 , the accumulated depreciation is $ 20 .

  11. 在项目实施过程中所发生的支出被记录在具体的工作成本报告中,以用来在每一成本项次下和原始成本估算相比较。

    Expenses incurred during the course of a project are recorded in specific job cost accounts to be compared with the original cost estimates in each category .

  12. 国外的实证研究均证明了公允价值盈余的波动性比原始成本盈余的波动性要大,因而不存在对两者波动性没有显著差异的解释。

    The positive literatures from abroad showed that the volatility of fair-value earning was significantly larger than that of historical cost earning , so there was no explanation associated with the above-mentioned no significant difference .

  13. 从大多数公共机构的使用全过程来看,机构建造所用的原始成本在总成本(建造、维护和运营成本)中只占一小部分。

    We can see that the cost of public institution construction is only the tip of the iceberg in the total cost of building construction , maintaining and operation from the whole utilized process of most public institution .

  14. 第三笔经济业务的效果是,厂房设备的原始成本减少了10美元,累计折旧减少了2美元,并导致了1美元的现金流入和60美元的损失。

    The effect of the third transaction is a $ 10 decrease of plant assets original cost and a $ 20 decrease of accumulated depreciation , resulting in a $ 1 cash inflows , thus bringing out a $ 60 loss .

  15. 中国已经加入了WTO,这对中国的经济来说既是机会也是挑战,随着全球经济一体化和国际会计协调化,原始的成本性态分析已经跟不上经济的飞速发展及要求。

    China has already entered WTO , which is both opportunity and challenge for Chinese economy .

  16. 客车行业自动化程度较低、原始投入成本较少、人力成本较大,所以竞争十分激烈。

    Low automation , less the original investment cost and high labor cost , so the competition is very fierce in bus industry .

  17. 信息产品成本的主要特征是它的生产成本集中于它的原始拷贝成本。

    One of the main features of the information product cost is that its production costs are centralized in its " original copy cost " .

  18. 销售成本:会计报告期内销售给客户的存货的原始取得成本。

    Cost of goods sold ( cost of sales ): The original acquisition cost of the inventory that was sold to customers during the reporting period .

  19. 虽然目前引进的国外半喂入式联合收获机工作效率较高,但原始投入成本多,维修零部件贵,导致性价比低。

    Although at present the introduction of foreign head-feed rice combine own high work efficiency , but the original input costs , repair parts expensive , lead to low performance-to-price ratio .

  20. 本部分对学院各类师资的原始取得成本、培养开发成本、评聘增值成本、遣散成本等进行核算,并设计了人力资源成本报表,用以定期报告学院师资人力资源的货币价值。

    This part calculates the original acquisition cost , incremental evaluation and employment cost , training and development cost and redundancy cost , and designs the human resource cost report which is used to regularly make known the monetary value of teacher human resource in the college .

  21. 那些更改将原始查询的成本缩减了一半,同时也极大地减少了查询响应时间。

    Those changes cut the costs for the original query down to half and also greatly reduced the query response time .

  22. 在过去将近29年中,我们已经能够证明只要改变饮食和生活作息,我们使用这些高科技、昂贵的、最前卫的方法来证明这些非常简单、原始、低成本的治疗方法的强大威力。

    And for the last almost 29 years , we 've been able to show that by simply changing diet and lifestyle , using these very high-tech , expensive , state-of-the-art measures to prove how powerful these very simple and low-tech and low-cost interventions can be like .

  23. 完成所有这些工作所需的投入很容易与原始应用程序的成本持平,或超出原始应用程序的成本&全面考虑需要面对很多困难。

    The effort involved in doing all this can easily meet or exceed the cost of the original application & a difficult pill to swallow for all concerned .