
  • 网络originality;original innovation
  1. 推动基础研究和前沿技术研究,提高原始创新能力。

    We will boost basic research and research in cutting-edge technologies , and improve our capacity to make original innovations .

  2. 原始创新是产生学术带头人的根本条件

    Original Innovation is the Radical Condition for Producing Academic Leading Person

  3. 加快蒙医药原始创新研究及其发展对策

    Accelerating creative research on traditional Mongolian medicine and its development strategies

  4. 促进原始创新的技术联盟及其知识产权保护

    Technology Alliance for Promoting Original Innovation and Intellectual Property Protection

  5. 改进科技评价工作促进原始创新研究

    Improve the Sci - tech Evaluation to Promote the Initial Innovation Research

  6. 基于协同论的企业原始创新动力系统构建

    The Construction of Original Innovational Dynamic System among Enterprises based on the Synergy

  7. 科学主义语境下原始创新的困境

    The Predicament of the Original Innovation under Scientism Context

  8. 原始创新是创新主体运用创造性思维的结果。

    Original innovation is the result of using creative thinking by innovative subjects .

  9. 自主创新包括原始创新、集成创新和引进消化吸收再创新。

    The independent innovation involves original innovation and integration innovation and imitation innovation .

  10. 综上所述,凹凸结构是一项最基础的自主原始创新技术。

    In summary , The concave-convex structure is a most basic original technological innovation .

  11. 原始创新离不开一定的外部环境。

    Original innovation cannot exist without certain environments .

  12. 大型企业原始创新系统动力学模型的构建研究

    A Study on System Dynamics Model of the Large-Scale Enterprises ' Original Technological Innovation

  13. 试论区域跨越式发展路径的原始创新

    On Original Innovation in Regional Striding Development

  14. 上海青少年科技探索馆试论当代小科学背景下的原始创新

    Shanghai Youth Junior Science Technology Exploration Museum

  15. 原始创新与区域发展

    Original Innovation and Regional Development

  16. 区域形成原始创新路径的关键是对世界、国家和发展总趋势的正确把握。

    The key to regional innovation is a correct grasp of the world , country and development .

  17. 其目标是获取原始创新成果和自主知识产权。

    Its target is to obtains the creative result in primitive with the independence intelligent property right .

  18. 最后提出加强我国科技原始创新能力的相应对策。

    Finally , the thesis proposes some measures to strengthen the capability of original innovation of China .

  19. 把这些复杂性机制和规律揭示清楚,是一种战略性的原始创新,是中医药自主创新的战略优势。

    Making these clear is a strategic primitive innovation , a strategic advantage of independent innovation in TCM .

  20. 原始创新是我国新世纪科技发展的战略新思想。

    Original innovation is the strategic new ideology of our country science and technology development in new century .

  21. 然而,如何发现和支持创新,尤其是如何识别和支持原始创新是一项难度很大的工作。

    However , it is fairly difficult to recognize and support innovation , especially for original innovative research .

  22. 因此,从长远来说,国有商业银行只有通过原始创新,才能提升自己的综合竞争力,成为市场的领头羊。

    The state-owned banks would improve their compositive competition and become the trend leader only via original innovation .

  23. 指出造成高校原始创新能力不足的原因是多种多样的,既有科研人员方面的,也有科研资金方面的。

    There are a lot of reasons in universities initial innovation not only researchers but also scientific research outlay .

  24. 高压水射流靶物探测与识别分类技术是一项原始创新技术。

    The classification technology that high pressure water jet detects and recognizes target material is an original technological innovation .

  25. 模仿创新是一种短期战略、赶超策略,而原始创新才是一种长期战略、可持续发展战略。

    Imitation innovation is a short and overtaking-goal strategy , and original innovation is a long-term and sustainable development one .

  26. 分析中一项关键量化指标是原始创新型论文在所研究的博士学位论文样本中所占的比例。

    Research shows that doctoral dissertations can be categorized into two different types , original innovation type and tracking research type .

  27. 应用解释结构模型构建企业原始创新系统及系统运行分析

    Application of Interpretative Structural Modeling in the Construction of the Original Enterprise Innovation System and in the Analysis of the System Operation

  28. 一个能够将这三个力场的矢量和长期最大化的地区就实现了发展路径的原始创新。

    The region that can maximize the vector and lasting period of these three forces acquires the original innovation in development route .

  29. 实验室是依托大学、科研院所和其他具有原始创新能力的机构建设的科研实体。

    The laboratory is the section entity of organization to rely on university , section with other have primitive set up the ability developments .

  30. 规律与启示&从诺贝尔自然科学奖与20世纪重大科学成就看科技原始创新的规律

    Law and Enlightenment & Viewing the Laws of the Scientific Original Innovation from the Nobel Natural Science Prize and Significant Scientific Achievements of Twentieth Century