- 名rule of origin

Practicing of Rule of Origin in Service Trade under Regional Economic Integration
Although rule of origin on the Free Trade Area gain an increasing public concerns , there is still lack of the analysis of applicability .
The FTA upgrade adds new chapters on e-commerce , government procurement , competition policy as well as environment and trade , in addition to improvements on rules of origin , customs procedures and trade facilitation , technical barriers to trade and trade in services .
WTO rules of origin : defects , influences and countermeasures
The Influences of the WTO Rules of Origin on Foreign Trade of China
Conflicts and Harmony between Preferential Rules of Origin and WTO 's Multilateral Trade System
Rules of origin is one of the important rules of WTO and origin is named the economy nationality of goods .
Rules of Origin ( ROOs ) are important rules in both international trade and customs administration .
Costs of RoO and Utilization Rate of Preferential Tariff in East Asian FTA
Especially , this chapter attaches great importance on non - preference RO which has law system about WTO " Agreement on Rules of Origin " .
Last of this part is to analyze the political effects of the Rules of Origin .
Rules of origin are the keystone of RTA .
On the Rules of Origin of CEPA
There are many conflicts between Preferential Rules of Origin and WTO 's Rules of Origin , and there are conflicts among Preferential Rules of Origin and WTO 's multilateral trade system .
The Analysis of Rules of Origin in RTAs
However , the rules of origins for the China & ASEAN FTA still have many problems .
In the second part , the essay mainly deals with the influence of Agreement on Rules of Origin on the world and China on the base of the introduction about its formation and central contents .
TPP countries have agreed to seek a common set of rules of origin to determine whether a product originates in the TPP region .
China joins after WTO , must conform to the WTO basic principle in the trade domain correlation stipulation , under such premise , China promulgated and consummates has been new " Import and export Cargo Rules of Origin " .
However , any rule is far from perfect at the beginning , just as there is no special rule and guide for Rules of Origin in the early GATT .
Therefore , within the framework of GATT , and with the co-ordination of countries , Uruguay Round brings more detailed 《 Agreement on Rules of Origin 》 to the world .
Chapter Two examine the effects that general rules of origin take on international trade , Chapter Three examine the effects that rules of origin take on GSP and regional integration .
The dissertation also introduces the concept of customs valuation , the regulation of the confirming the origin of import goods and the collection of the custom tariff on imported and exported goods while making an analysis on some issues after the implementation of WTO Customs Valuation Agreement .
Introducing the content of WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin , this article makes use of the cost formula of products in import country market to explain its influence on international trade . In conclusion the author makes a brief summary of China 's rules of origin .
The article first introduces the concept of rules of origin , classification and applicable standards , then it describes the role of rules of origin to free trade arragements and the main development patterns in the world .
Whether the CAFTA preferential rules of origin can affect the trade ? If so , this impact positive or negative ? How much it impacts ? These issues have yet to be answered .
CEPA are two economic and trade agreements signed by inland and Hongkong , Macao , which is to strengthen the economic relation between the two sides . Its center is origin rules and visa examination procedure .
The core of the rules is defining the preferential tariff in the regions , and drawing up the rules of automobile origin on the basis of the rules of regional automobile trade in order to prevent CKD .
Part V is the theoretical innovation of this article , take advantage of the " General Agreement on Trade in Service " and reference the successful experience of CEPA to put forward the Conception to construct rules of origin on services .
Furthermore , the dissertation analyzes the tendency of preferential ROOs .