
  • 网络putty;polyester putty;poly putty;Automobil Putty
  1. 原子灰(腻子)几种性能评价方法的探讨

    Discussion on the Evaluation Methods of Performances of Unsaturated Polyester Putty

  2. 废物固化工程原型装置原子灰与固化剂混合后,要在凝固前使用完毕。

    Waste solidification engineering prototype The mixture of Putty and Hardener should be used up before gelling .

  3. 易打磨低收缩的原子灰专用树脂合成

    Synthesis of Putty Resin with Easy Sanding and Low Shrinking Performance

  4. 耐高温导电原子灰的研究

    Study of electric conduction putty with high heat - durability

  5. 介绍了原子灰的性能及作用机理!

    Characteristics and action mechanism of atomic ash were introduced .

  6. 191型不饱和聚酯用作原子灰的研究

    A Study on Producing Putty with 191 type of Unsaturated Polyester Resin

  7. 耐高温导电原子灰的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Heat-Resistant Electric-Conductive Unsaturated Polyester Putty

  8. 本文介绍了原子灰贮存稳定性的各种影响因素。

    This paper introduces different factors which affect the storage stability of poly-putty .

  9. 原子灰的组成、生产工艺及性能

    Study on Composition Production and Performance of Atomic Ash

  10. 原子灰粉尘对底漆与中涂漆附着力影响的探讨

    Discussion on Influence of Putty Dust on Adhesion Between Primer And Inter Coat

  11. 超低成本原子灰专用树脂的制备

    Preparation of Low Cost Proprietary Resin for Putties

  12. 颜填料对不饱和聚酯树脂及原子灰固化的影响

    The Effect of Filler and Pigment on the Cure of Unsaturated Polyester Resin and Putty

  13. 原子灰贮存稳定性的研究

    Study on the Storage Stability of Poly-putty

  14. 公(铁)路客车用高性能原子灰的研制及应用

    Development of high-performance unsaturated polyester putty for passenger bus ( train ) and its application technology

  15. 气干型不饱和聚酯原子灰的研制

    Study of air-dried unsaturated polyester putty

  16. 本文介绍了不饱和聚酯腻子(原子灰)的合成技术及实验情况;

    The article introduced a new technology on synthesis of unsaturated polyester putty and the experiment .

  17. 讨论了原子灰附着性、致密性、耐高温性的评价方法;

    The evaluation methods of adhesion , compactness and high-temperature resistance of unsaturated polyester putty are discussed .

  18. 经过对原子灰用粉料反复试验和大规模工业生产及应用,达到了预期的良好效果。

    The title powders for putty , through trial and practical production and large scale application has shown desirable performance .

  19. 主要产品有:装修漆、家具漆、硝基漆、内墙漆、原子灰、固化剂、工业漆等。

    The main products are : the decoration paint , furniture paint , distempers Mastics , interior wall paint , curing agent , such as industrial paint .

  20. 研究了导电碳纤维、不锈钢纤维和导电云母对提高原子灰导电性能的影响及作用机理。

    The influence of the conductive carbon fibre , stainless steel fibre and conductive mica to the conductivity of unsaturated polyester putty and their action mechanisms are studied .

  21. 测试结果表明,自制原子灰除打磨性稍差外,其它性能均能达到日本同类产品水平;

    The superior prescription of the putty is defined by orthogonal test , and its properties can be parallel to the counterpart in Japan except its worse sanding property .