
  • 网络viscosity
  1. 阻力系数法测定就地CO2降低原油粘度能力

    Determining the ability of in-situ co_2 to reduce oil ′ s viscosity by the method of resistance coefficient

  2. 研究结果表明,开始出砂的临界流速随原油粘度以及流体pH值的升高而下降;

    The result indicates that critical flow rate at the beginning of sand production declines with the rising of oil viscosity and pH value of fluid ;

  3. 不同原油粘度下API游梁式抽油机模型示功图分析

    The model dynamometer card analysis of API pumping units on different crude oil viscosities

  4. 在模拟井下原油粘度和实际产量的条件下,对6种国产抽油泵和两种API标准抽油泵泵阀的流体阻力进行了试验研究。

    By simulating the actual working condition of subsurface pumps , the fluid resistances of eight different pump valves are tested .

  5. 文章用多元统计分析的基本方法对大量的现场资料进行了统计分析,得出了不同原油粘度下API抽油机的模型示功图。

    This paper presents statistical analysis on data in site by using multi-variate statistical analysis method and obtains model dynamometer card of API pumping units on different crude oil viscosities .

  6. 对于前期进行过多轮次蒸汽吞吐的普通稠油,随原油粘度增大,注CO2吞吐的换油率增大,可行性增加;

    Study shows that for common heavy oil after cyclic steam stimulation , the higher the oil viscosity , the greater the utilization factor of CO2injection , and the more feasible by CO2stimulation process ;

  7. CO2混相驱静混相机理,如CO2在油中膨胀并降低原油粘度很完善,但动混相机理即CO2混相多级接触过程中气液两相物性参数变化未详尽研究。

    Though it is well known that CO 2 decrease oil viscosity by swelling in it , the variation of physical parameters of each phase in the procedure of multiple contact is not well studied .

  8. Beggs和Robinson提供了在地层条件下预测饱和气原油粘度的相关经验公式。

    A correlation method for predicting the viscosity of gas-saturated crude oils under reservoir condition is presented by Beggs and Robinson .

  9. 并找出了最佳脱水温度下的原油粘度范围是50~60mPa·s。

    The authors also find out that under optimum temperature , crude viscosity range is 50 ~ 60mPa .

  10. 利用就地CO2在多孔介质中降低原油粘度技术是一种新研制开发的提高原油采收率有效技术,研究了就地CO2技术降低原油粘度的测定办法,提出了阻力系数法。

    It is a new and effective technology to enhance oil recovery by using in-situ CO_2 to reduce oil viscosity . The authors research the method to determine the oil viscosity reduction by using in-situ CO_2 , and bring forward the method of resistance coefficient .

  11. 通过对某地区6桶油样进行核磁共振测量与分析,建立了弛豫时间T2与粘度的关系,其相关系数达到0·966,以此关系式可以利用核磁共振测井来估算地下原油粘度。

    The relationship between T_2 and viscosity is established by using NMR measurement with 6 barrels of oil samples , its correlation coefficient is 0.966 , based on it NMR logging can be used to estimate oil viscosity .

  12. DFA为有机低分子量化合物,不溶于水,但极易溶于煤油,在煤油中的油溶率高达99.9%,而且对原油粘度基本无影响。

    DFA is a low molecule organic compound , with the oil solution ratio as high as 99.9 % . At the same time , it plays no role in the viscosity development of crude oil .

  13. 为解决塔河油田原油粘度高、开采难度大的问题,开发了破乳降粘剂SD-10A。

    The SD-10A demulsifiers and viscosity reducers are developed for recovering the viscous crude oil in Tahe Oilfield .

  14. 因此,通过对大量实验室测量数据分析,建立了原油粘度与T2截止值、T2极大值、视含氢指数、总孔隙度等关系;

    So many relationships have been made by analyzing large amount of data obtained from NMR laboratory measurements , such as the viscosity to T_2 cutoff , T_2 maximum , the apparent hydrogen index ( HI_a ), total porosity , etc.

  15. 试验证明:(1)带护罩电潜泵机组配合地面掺水工艺,可以在日产液量小于30m3、原油粘度达1000mPa·s的低产稠油井中应用;

    Tests show that , ( 1 ) the ESP system can be used in heavy oil wells with low production ;

  16. 本文基于稠油的脱气原油粘度和溶解气油比,使用Beggs和Robinson的方法,提出了一个确定稠油饱和气粘度的相关经验公式。

    This paper , by means of Beggs and Robinson method , presented a correlation me - thod for determining the viscosity of gas-saturated heavy oils taking dead oil viscosity and the solution GOR of the heavy oil as basic parameters .

  17. SZ36-1油田原油粘度高,层间纵向渗透率差异大,地层非均质性极强,注水井的吸水剖面不均,水窜严重,必须首先优选注聚调剖井层。

    Synthetically considering various factors , polymer flooding is recommended and optimization in profile improvement must be conducted first for the distinct difference of layer-layer permeability , severe heterogeneity as well as uneven water-injection profile .

  18. 二氧化碳溶解气对原油粘度的影响

    Effect of dissolved carbon dioxide on the viscosity of crude oil

  19. 动态分析法在地层原油粘度评价上的应用

    The application of a dynamic analysis methed to calculation of oil viscosity

  20. 管输过程中控制原油粘度的必要性及实现方法

    Necessity of Controlling Gelatination of Crude Oil Being Transported and Its Method

  21. 水、油接触过程中原油粘度变化的试验研究

    Experimental study on viscosity variation of crude oil in oil-water contact process

  22. 新的含蜡原油粘度关系式

    A New Correlation for the Viscosity of Waxy Oils

  23. 原油粘度的波动对输油工况的影响

    Effect of Crude Oil Viscosity on Oil Transmission Operation

  24. 地层原油粘度的研究

    Stratum study on the viscosity of formation oil

  25. 磁场对原油粘度作用的探讨

    A discussion of the effect of magnetic field on the viscosity of crude oil

  26. 原油粘度和凝固点对管道输油运价的影响

    Influence of Crude Viscosity and Pour Point on the Transportation Price of Oil Pipeline

  27. 陕北石油秩序地层原油粘度的研究

    Study on the viscosity of formation oil

  28. 原油粘度和组分变化;

    Variation in oil viscosity and component ;

  29. 原油粘度变化对水驱油开发动态影响的数学模拟方法

    Mathematical Simulation of the Effect of the Change in Oil Viscosity on Water Drive Performance

  30. 水驱特征曲线对原油粘度不存在选择性&关于正确使用水驱特征曲线的探讨

    No selectivity of waterflooding characteristic curve to crude oil viscosity-how to use waterflooding characteristic curve correctly