
  1. 论反倾销行政复审制度

    Analysis on Anti-dumping Administrative Review System

  2. 对比之下,我国反倾销法律对政府行政复审义务的规定则相形见绌,有待于进一步完善。五是政府反规避义务不同。

    In contrast , the provisions of the governmental administrative review in Chinese anti-dumping law are imperfect , which are needed to be further improved . Fifthly , the governmental duties of anti-circumvention measures are different .

  3. 反倾销日落复审制度是反倾销行政复审制度的一种,区别于行政复议制度、反倾销行政调查制度以及反倾销司法审查制度,也不同于反倾销其它行政复审制度。

    The antidumping sunset review system is one kind of the antidumping administrative review system . It is different from the system of administrative reconsideration , antidumping administrative investigation , the antidumping judicial review and other antidumping administrative review .