
  1. 外部冲击与金砖国家反危机政策比较研究

    A Comparative Analysis on External Shocks and Anticrisis Policies of BRICs

  2. 俄罗斯在目前的“大衰退”中虽然遭受了巨大的产出、就业和实际工资损失,但仍低于危机初期所担心的程度,一个原因是采取了大规模的反危机政策措施。

    Russia 's output , employment , and real wage losses during the current ' Great Recession ,' while sizable , were lower than feared early in the crisis & in part due to the large anti-crisis policy response .

  3. 在经济过剩危机理论上,凯恩斯主义分析的经济学基础是主观唯心主义,其分析视野具有明显的封闭性,其分析的聚焦点是市场,其理论重视反危机政策和措施研究;

    Among the theories regarding economic surplus crisis , Keynesian Economics , which has subjective idealism as its economic philosophy basis and has a distinctly closed analysis field of vision , focuses on the market , and stresses the research of anti-crisis policies and measures .

  4. 罗斯福新政是西方社会反经济危机政策成功的典范。

    Roosevelt 's New Deal is the model that Western society succeeds against economic crisis .

  5. 马克思主义则是历史唯物主义,高度重视生产领域,从市场机制和市场制度相结合的角度分析,并不着重研究反危机的政策和措施。

    In contrast , Marxism , which is historical materialism , attaches great importance to production field , combines market mechanism and market system in the analysis , but not focuses on the study of anti-crisis policies and measures .