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  • 网络anti-Japanese sentiment
  1. 现年96岁的香贯静枝(ShizueKatsura,音)是在一个出人意料的地方度过人生最后时光的19名日本妇女之一:一家韩国疗养院。在那里,徘徊不去的反日情绪令这些妇女一直无人问津。

    Shizue Katsura , 96 , is among 19 Japanese women who are spending their final days in an unlikely place : a nursing home in South Korea , where lingering anti-Japanese sentiment has helped keep the women in obscurity .

  2. 但是,反日情绪在一些中国人心里仍根深蒂固。

    Still , anti-Japanese sentiment runs deep among some Chinese .

  3. 广告公司智威汤逊(JWT)北亚总监兼大中华区首席执行长唐锐涛(TomDoctoroff)说,许多人已经意识这种做法是斯文扫地,反日情绪会慢慢平息,中国消费者会重拾他们的实用主义。

    ' Many recognize that this is perceived as a loss of dignity , ' said Tom Doctoroff , North Asia area director and Greater China CEO of ad agency JWT . ' It will die down , and they [ Chinese consumers ] will reassert their pragmatism . '

  4. 反日情绪的表达在中国不是新事。

    Expressions of Anti-Japan sentiment in China are nothing new .

  5. 此事发生在中日两国因争议岛屿问题外交紧张关系不断升温和中国反日情绪日益高涨之际。

    The attack comes amid rising diplomatic tensions and anti-Japanese sentiment over disputed islands .

  6. 此外,对反日情绪的担忧也是一个方面。

    There is also concern over anti-Japanese sentiment .

  7. 但是一些日本精英看来就是要跳动反日情绪,复活军国主义。

    But certain important Japanese figures seem intent on reviving the past by revising it .

  8. 正是对日本持续否认那段历史感到愤怒,才引发了中国普遍的反日情绪。

    It is outrage at continuing Japanese denial of that past that fuels popular anti-Japanese sentiment in China .

  9. 2005年,在日本政府宣布将发放有争议海域的天然气钻探权之后,反日情绪爆发。

    In 2005 , anti-Japanese sentiment flared after Tokyo said it would award gas-drilling rights in disputed waters .

  10. 日本汽车制造商最近几天报告说,由于中国国内反日情绪蔓延,日系车上个月在华销量暴跌。

    Japanese auto makers have reported in recent days that sales in China plummeted last month , as anti-Japanese sentiment spread .

  11. 虽然由于历史的原因,中日两国充斥着矛盾,中国民众存在着反日情绪。

    There were many contradictions between Chinese and Japanese in history , and Chinese anti-Japanese sentiment is still strong in a way .

  12. 丰田是真的被反日情绪击到了痛处?还是说,减产意味着丰田遭遇了更大的问题?

    But is Toyota genuinely suffering as a result of anti-Japanese sentiment , or do the production cutbacks point to a bigger problem ?

  13. 尽管中国国内频繁爆发反日情绪,但日本一直试图让自己与这个最大贸易伙伴的紧张关系处于控制之中。

    Despite frequent eruptions of anti-Japanese sentiment in China , Japan has tried to keep tensions under control with its biggest trading partner .

  14. 但应当清楚地看到,即便在中国如此根深蒂固的反日情绪,也并没有感染每个中国人。

    But it should be clearly acknowledged that anti-Japanese sentiment in China , deep-rooted though it is , is not shared by all Chinese .

  15. 芥川访问中国的时候,正是日本侵略者对中国步步紧逼,中国的反日情绪越来越高涨的时期。

    When he visited China , Japanese invaders were pressing on China at every stage , and Chinese anti-Japan sentiments were stronger and stronger .

  16. 在中国,情况亦是如此。领导层改善中日关系的决心,迄今只是收敛了公众的反日情绪。

    In China too , the leadership 's determination to forge better relations with Japan has only gone so far in reining in popular sentiment .

  17. 在周末爆发新的反日情绪之前,一群日本活动人士成功登陆了东中国海一片存在主权争议的岛屿。

    Renewed anti-Japanese sentiment boiled over the weekend after a group of Japanese activists successfully landed on the disputed Senkaku islands in the East China Sea .

  18. 当日本表示它决定从私营业主那里购买在中国东海的钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿之后,中国的反日情绪这个月逐步升级。

    Anti-Japan sentiment in China escalated this month after Japan said it decided to buy the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea from a private owner .

  19. 在中国,因为去年发生的岛屿争端令中日两国关系吃紧,反日情绪高涨导致了一些暴力行为,比如焚烧日资企业,骚扰日本游客等。

    In China , as tensions heightened over disputed islands last year , anti-Japan sentiment led to the burning of Japanese-owned businesses and the harassing of Japanese tourists .

  20. 当日本表示它决定从“私营业主”那里“购买”在中国东海的钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿之后,中国的反日情绪这个月逐步升级。

    Anti-Japan sentiment in China escalated this month after Japan said it decided to " buy " the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea from a " private owner . "

  21. 摘要中国大学生既有反美情绪也有反日情绪,但是二者的内容、程度、性质及指向的主体有很大不同。

    The Chinese university students have both anti-American feeling and Anti-Japanese attitude , but there is a large discrepancy between them in content , degree , nature and directing subject .