
fǎn yìnɡ wù
  • reactant
  1. 随着体系的W0和反应物浓度的增大,紫外可见吸收光谱中的最大吸收峰发生红移,粒子的粒径增大。

    With the increase of Wo and the reactant concentration , the nanoparticle is bigger .

  2. 水热条件下CaOMgOSiO2H2O体系中反应物的竞争与产物的转化机制

    Competition mechanism of reactant and transition mechanism of resultant of cao mgo sio_2-h_2o hydrothermal system

  3. 所加的反应物可以是二烯烃、环二烯烃。

    The feed reactants can be alkadienes , cycloalkadienes .

  4. 或者像B那样的反应物它是气态的。

    Or reactants like B , which are in the gas phase .

  5. 影响贮存稳定性的因素有酸性合成阶段反应物的配比、最终产品的pH值、缩合度等。

    Factors affected the storage stability include ratio of the reactants , pH value of the end products and degree of condensation .

  6. Ⅲ组Tg阳性反应物也明显较Ⅰ组多,颜色深。

    The Tg positive reaction in group ⅲ were also more and the colour was deeper .

  7. 通过控制反应物气体流量,可以实现ZnO纳米线的尺寸的裁剪。

    By modulating the flux of the reactant , the diameter of ZnO nanowires could be well tailored . 6 .

  8. 有些肥大细胞含有AChE阳性反应物。

    Some mast cells had AChE-containing substance .

  9. 铸态组织中SiC和石墨颗粒与基体Al合金都未发现界面反应物;

    Interfacial reaction was not observed between SiC particles and Al matrix as well as graphite particles and Al matrix in casting composites .

  10. 反应物配比对Fe3O4纳米磁流体性能的影响研究

    The influence of the match of reactants on the performance of Fe_3O_4 nanometer magnetic fluid

  11. TiO2对微滤陶瓷复合膜改性的研究&反应物种类的影响

    The modified study of microfiltration ceramic composite membrane by tio_2 & the influence of reactants

  12. 随着反应物浓度和煅烧温度的增加,所制得的ZnO纳米粒子平均粒径呈增大的趋势;加入表面活性剂可以有效的降低纳米颗粒的团聚。

    With the increase of the concentration of reactants and calcination temperature , the size of ZnO nanoparticles showed an increasing tendency .

  13. 生成物CO2及剩余反应物浓度随时间变化的实验结果表明,该种反应为零级反应。

    From the change of the concentration of the reactant and product CO2 detected by gas chromatographs , the reaction 's order is confirmed as zero order .

  14. ATPase反应物的分布与ACPase的相似。

    The distribution of ATPase reaction products was much like that of ACPase .

  15. 用Zn粉作为反应物,在500℃的低温下成功合成了梳子状的纳米ZnO、针状及带状纳米ZnO。

    The comb-like , needle-like and belt-like ZnO nanostructures have been synthesized by using Zn powder as source material at low temperature of 500 ℃ .

  16. 当源反应物中Mn浓度增加时,得到的纳米结构的形貌从六角截面变为三角截面和矩形截面。

    As the concentration of the Mn increase in the reaction mixture , the morphology of Mn-doped CdS nanowires changs from hexagonal to triangular and rectangular .

  17. 根据化学镀CoB薄膜试验得到镀液中反应物浓度、pH值、温度以及对应沉积速率。

    The pH value , operation temperature and deposition rate were given for CoB thin film through the experiments in the plating solution .

  18. LN免疫反应物出现于肿瘤细胞胞浆很可能是良性肿瘤转化为癌的标志。

    LN expression in the cytoplasm of tumor cells of carcinoma and papillary hyperplasia in the follicular adenoma may indicate the malignant transformation .

  19. 在这个例子中也即是说,当我们把这里的产物变成反应物,让C生成A和,这个反应的速率与,上面那个反应的速率没有关系。

    Namely , in this case , the changing of what was the product now , B would be the reactant , C , back into A plus B and it has nothing to do with the rate this way .

  20. 研究了分散剂种类和用量,反应物浓度,加料方式,熟化温度和时间对TiO2性能的影响。

    The effects of the dispersant type and its consumption , concentration of reactants , feeding mode , maturing temperature and time on the properties of TiO2 were investigated .

  21. 材料的吸附性能及反应物的吸附态是反应发生的关键,CO2在Ag/V2O5-TiO2表面无法形成卧式吸附态,没有目的产物甲基丙烯酸(MAA)生成,光量子效率低;

    CO2 can not form the horizontal adsorption state on Ag / V2O5-TiO2 , this results in no target products and low photo quantum efficiency .

  22. 并根据状态函数的特性,导出了从反应物及产物的标准生成自由焓计算化学反应△G°的公式。

    On the basis of characteristic of the state function , a formula has been derived by which tile △ G ~ o of a chemical reaction can be calculated from the standard forma - tion free enthalpy .

  23. 在材料的自蔓延高温合成(SHS)过程中,反应物与产物之间,各种结构层次(宏观、微观、晶体结构等)上的转变过程&结构宏观动力学,对材料制备具有决定意义。

    In the process of materials preparation by self-propagation high temperature synthesis ( SHS ), the structural formation and structural macrokinetics are of great importance .

  24. 在C4烃类催化转化过程中,丁烯是主要的反应物,而丁烷几乎不反应;

    It is mainly the butylene in the C4 hydrocarbons that undergoes catalytic reactions over the FCC catalyst and butane is hard to convert .

  25. 结果表明,物料添加顺序、反应物浓度、硅酸钠溶液pH值、Mg/Si摩尔比、镁源和硅源、水热温度等都会影响硅镁胶的吸附性能。

    The results showed the material adding order , reactant concentration , sodium silicate solution pH value , Mg / Si molar ratio , magnesium source and silicate source and hydrothermal temperature would influence the synthesis of magnesium silicate gels .

  26. 结果:CGRP阳性反应物分布于螺旋神经元,骨螺旋板神经孔,内毛细胞、外毛细胞与外支持细胞交界区,螺旋韧带血管纹。

    Result : CGRP immunoreactivity was located in SGN , nerve fibers at osseous spiral lamina , stria vascularis , IHC , adjacent area of OHC and Deiters ' cells .

  27. 用热重分析(TG-DSC)、扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射(XRD)对反应物、反应过程、产物氧化镍等进行了表征。

    Scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) were used to characterize the reactant , gel and products . The thermal decomposition process of the gel was investigated by TG-DSC .

  28. 以Ca(OH)2和H3PO4为反应物,通过溶胶-凝胶法制备了羟基磷灰石(HA)粉体;

    Hydroxyapatite ( HA ) powder was synthesized by Sol-Col method from Ca ( OH ) 2 and H3PO4 . The HA powder was coated with a 304L stainless steel powder using mechanical mixing method .

  29. 结果模型组下丘脑腹侧核、海马CA1区、前额叶皮层NPY免疫阳性反应物明显降低;

    Result In the model group , the immunoreaction masculine substance of NPY , hypothalamus ventral kernel , hippocampi CA1 area and prefrontal cortex decreases obviously .

  30. 探讨了不同的操作条件如不同的反应物浓度、不同的H2O2与O3配比、不同的溶液pH值对氧化反应的影响。

    The effect of different operating conditions , such as various reactant concentrations , various ratios of H 2O 2 to O 3 , various pH values in solutions , on oxidation reaction was explored .