
  • 网络The fight against terrorism;anti-terrorist straggle
  1. 建立我国反恐警察的构想国际反恐怖斗争中的制度问题

    The blueprint of forming the anti - terrorism police in China

  2. 反恐怖斗争卫生防疫保障的探讨

    Discussion on epidemic prevention and guarantee in anti - terror war

  3. 论国际反恐怖斗争中的国际法问题

    On the Issue of International Law in the Anti - terrorism Struggle

  4. 云南反恐怖斗争形势分析及对策研究

    Analysis and Responses on Anti - Terrorism in Yunnan Province

  5. 国际海运反恐立法及我国的对策之研究国际反恐怖斗争中的制度问题

    On the Research of International Maritime Anti - terrorism Legislation and the Countermeasure of China

  6. 这些问题的存在使国际反恐怖斗争步入误区。

    The existence of these questions makes the international attacking on the terrorism entering wrong directions .

  7. 国际反恐怖斗争中的制度问题

    International Institutions in Anti-Terrorism

  8. 我国和国际社会一道共同谴责和反对恐怖主义,在国际反恐怖斗争中发挥了建设性作用。

    China has joined the international community in condemning and fighting terrorism and is playing a constructive role in the international counter-terrorism struggle .

  9. 在恐怖与反恐怖斗争牵动下,国际社会有关地缘政治的观念发生了重要变化,并对各大国地缘战略产生了直接影响。

    Under the influence of the struggle of terror and counter-terror , the concept of geopolitics has significantly changed in the world society and has direct effects on the geopolitical strategies of leading countries .

  10. 当今,化学战和化学恐怖袭击已经成为国际社会实际遇到的重大军事与安全问题,也是我军在未来信息化战争和反恐怖斗争中所面临的重要问题之一。

    Today , chemical warfare and chemical terroristic attack have been important military problems about security encountered factually by the international society , which is one of the important problems that our army will face in intending informatization warfares and counterterror battles .

  11. 当前,社会的安全问题越来越受到人们的重视,特别是美国911事件的发生,给全世界的安全问题敲响了警钟,反恐怖斗争受到了各国政府和领导的高度重视。

    Currently , the society security problem is more attached importance . Especially , the 911 events in the USA had struck at the alarming bell for the society security problem . Governments and leaders in every country attach importance to struggling against terrorism .