
fā yù tiáo jiàn
  • developmental condition
  1. 贡嘎山海洋性冰川发育条件及分布特征

    Developing Conditions , Amounts and Distributions of Glaciers in Gongga Mountains

  2. 昌黎海岸沙丘的发育条件及动态变化

    Development Condition and Dynamic Change on Coastal Dune in the Changli

  3. 牛早期胚胎体外发育条件的研究

    Study on in vitro Development Conditions of Early Bovine Embryo

  4. 水稻子房培养中助细胞无配子生殖的稳定性及其发育条件的探讨

    On the stability of synergid apogamy in rice ovary culture and its developmental conditions

  5. 芦笋复合香槟酵母生长发育条件的研究

    Studies on the conditions of yeast ′ s growth and reproduction during fermentation asparagus champagne

  6. 特别地,围岩中节理发育条件下的隧道开挖就给施工造成了很大困难。

    Particularly , tunnel excavation under the condition of jointed surrounding rocks has caused great difficulties to construction .

  7. 同时,概述了各时段高原冻土的发育条件、分布范围及总面积,和当时高原上的古气候、古地理环境。

    The development , distribution and total areas of each stage are estimated based on paleo-climatic and paleo-geographical evidence .

  8. 机械的不稳定性和崩塌块石的溶蚀搬运以及二者之间的相互作用是喀斯特区大型塌陷构造的发育条件。

    Development of large collapse structures in karstic terrain requires an interaction between mechanical instability and chemical removal of collapsed rock .

  9. 岷江上游某水电工程边坡典型失稳模式及发育条件研究

    Study on typical destabilization models of the engineering slopes in a hydropower station on the upriver of Minjiang River , China

  10. 成冰作用的研究可以揭示冰川的发育条件、形成过程和物理特征等;

    Ice formation process can indicate the growth conditions , formation processes , physical characteristics of glacier , and so on ;

  11. 充分条件主要是指具有暴雨气候条件,地表汇水条件,裂隙发育条件和排水设施失效等。

    Sufficient condition refers to a rainstorm weather conditions , the surface catchment conditions , fissures conditions and drainage facilities such as the failure .

  12. 在稳定的土壤发育条件下,土壤剖面有可以鉴别的诊断层,其中一些性状特征沿剖面分异明显。

    Soil profiles have the obvious diagnostic horizons and properties and characteristics of soils have distinct change along their profile depth under stable conditions of soil development .

  13. 在单丛单独发育条件下,水分、密度、修剪、踩踏等因子影响了分蘖结构的形成和两种类型分蘖的比例,使得组成分蘖叶片的数量减少。

    The treatments of water , density , pruning , trampling and other factors affected the formation of tiller structure and the proportion of two types of tillers .

  14. 针对品种退化,从生产与管理两方面提出了相应的防止品种退化,改善大丽花生长发育条件的有利措施。

    Aim at deterioration of breed , put forward the relative and favorableness measures of preventing deteriorating and improve growth condition of Dahlia in aspect of yield and manage .

  15. 从我国资本市场发育条件和发展的资本需求看:我国已在一定程度上的具备了开展住房抵押贷款证券化的基础。

    Looking our country capital market condition of development and the development capital demand , it can be known that our country has had the certain development of Mortgage-backed securitization foundation .

  16. 本文将塔克拉玛干沙漠土壤发育条件分为稳定、不稳定、极不稳定三类,它们对于土壤性状有着不同的影响。

    The paper divides the conditions of soil development into stable , unstable , extremely unstable types in the Taklimakan Desert , which have different influence on properties and characteristics of soils .

  17. 以11个不同来源的茯苓菌株为材料,研究了茯苓菌丝体、子实体及担孢子的形态特征及适宜的生长、发育条件。

    Eleven strains collected from different origins were taken as materials , Morphological characters of mycelia , fruit bodies , and spores and optimal growth and development conditions of mycelia were studied .

  18. 通过对这些灾害的地质背景、形成机理、发育条件的分析,根据不同的工程地质条件对各种矿山地质灾害提出了防治对策。

    According to the analysis of geological background , formation mechanism , development conditions and engineering geological condition , countermeasures applied for all kinds of mining geological hazard are formulated in the paper .

  19. 长乐东部沿海及海坛岛风沙地貌发育条件分析生境与生态:生于沿海沙滩地。花期1月;果期4月。

    A Preliminary Approach to the Contributing Factors of Coastal Eolian Landform along the Coastal Area of Changle and Haitan Island Habitat and ecology : On sandy beaches . Flowering : January ; fruiting : Apr.

  20. 摘要对丹霞地貌与岩溶地貌的旅游景观进行系统比较,揭示两者在发育条件及分布特点、自然及人文旅游景观方面的相似性与差异性。

    A systematic comparison is made between the tourism scenery of Danxia landform and that of karst land-form by introducing their similarity and diversity in development condition , spatial distribution , physical scenery , and human scenery .

  21. 通过对乌鲁木齐河流域河冰定位观测和实际考察测量资料的分析,简述了河冰发育条件、形成过程、时空分布规律、河冰分类和年际变化原因、河冰温度状况。

    On the basis of site observation and regional survey , river ice development conditions , formation processes , temporal and spatial distributions , classification , annual variations and temperature regime in the Urumqi River basin are discussed .

  22. 最后综合分析各地带构造裂缝发育条件与油气生成、运移、聚集条件的匹配关系,从而指明泥岩裂缝油藏分布的有利地带。

    Eventually , information on the formation , migration , and accumulation of oil and gas and those on development of structural fissure are integrated to forecast the location of the favourable belt of fractured-shale oil and gas pools .

  23. 根据滑坡发育条件及诱发因素的分析,建立岩质岸坡稳定性评价预测指标体系,采用地质综合预测和模糊综合预测两种方法,预测水库蓄水后研究区岩质岸坡的稳定性状况。

    According to the analysis of landslide development conditions and its inducing factors , we establish the stability of the prediction and evaluation index system . We also adopt Comprehensive geological prediction and Fuzzy Forecast to forecast the stability of the rocky bank after Reservoir impounding .

  24. 在发育条件上,两者的岩性、构造环境和主要外营力均存在显著差异;另一方面,两者的发育又都依赖于一定的水热条件和密集的节理裂隙。

    As to the development condition , there are obvious differences in lithology , structure environment , and main exterior forces , but , on the other hand , the development of both landform depend on sufficient water and heat , dense joints and fractures of the rocks .

  25. 研究认为,硫酸盐岩溶蚀发育的条件不同于碳酸盐岩,即在水与硫酸盐岩体系内即使没有CO2的参与,水对硫酸盐岩仍具侵蚀性;

    The results suggest that the condition of sulphate karst development is different from that of the carbonate karst , i. e. the water is corrosive in H2O-sulphate system even though there is no CO , in the system .

  26. 琼海凸起与文昌B凹陷过渡部位的北部斜坡带是油气运移的必经之道,具备油气富集、非构造圈闭发育的条件,是今后勘探部署的有利场所。

    The north slope between Qionghai uplift and transitional zone of Wenchang B sag is the necessary pathway for oil and gas migration , Where existed conditions for oil and gas enrichment and development of non-structural traps ; and which are the favorable places for further exploration .

  27. 东北春玉米生长发育气象条件的适应性分析

    An Adaptability of Spring Maize to Meteorological Conditions in Northeast China

  28. 牛体外受精卵发育培养条件的研究

    The Study on the Culture Conditions of in vitro Fertilized Bovine Embryos

  29. 分析了性腺发育、条件指数与积温的关系。

    Relationship between condition factors and accumulative temperature under controled temperature was discussed .

  30. 氧是鱼类赖以生存和生长发育必备条件之一。

    Oxygen is one of the necessary conditions for the survival and growth of fish .