
  • 网络Fermented foods
  1. 他们还发现,如果这些孩子也吃发酵食物或直接从当地农场购买的食物,这种联系更为明显。

    They also discovered that this relationship was amplified if the children also ate fermented foods or if the families bought food directly from local farms .

  2. 在研究了它们的DNA后,詹帅发现蟑螂拥有能让它们感知食物气味的基因,特别是发酵食物的味道。

    After studying their DNA , Zhan discovered cockroaches have genes which allow them to sense smells from food , especially fermented food .

  3. 黄瓜是极好的血液净化剂,你可以每天生吃,也可以腌着吃作为发酵食物来帮助消化。

    Cucumber is an excellent blood cleanser and can be eaten fresh daily or pickled as a fermented food to aid in digestion .

  4. 能在肠胃里迅速发酵的食物是绝佳的天然通便剂。

    Foods that ferment quickly in the stomach are excellent natural laxatives .

  5. 其他一些产品可能从营销角度强调了也可能并没有强调这一点,但你想找的是自然发酵的食物。

    Some of those other products may or may not emphasize that from a marketing standpoint , but you are looking for foods that have been naturally fermented .

  6. 结合工艺研究的分析,初步揭示了工艺分段对沼气发酵微生物食物链影响的实际状况。

    With the results of technological research , it indicated primarily the effect of technological process divided into phases on the practical state of biogas fermentation microbial food chain .

  7. 酵母常使食物发酵或使食物含有酒味。

    Yeasts often ferment food , or make it alcoholic .

  8. 清教徒和本土的印地人同坐在草地上,用手或者木制的圆盘子或者发酵的面包共享食物。

    The Pilgrims and the Native Indian sat together on the ground , shared food with fingers or used rough plates made of wood or stale bread .