
  • 网络mutation;voice mutation
  1. 青少年变声期合唱训练探析

    A Probe on Chorus Training at Period of Youngsters ' Changing Sound

  2. 戏曲表演教学中男生变声期的声音训练与保护

    Training and Protecting Boy Students ' Voice during the " Changing Sound Period " in Drama Performance Teaching

  3. 我正在处于变声期,所以可能唱歌有些跑调,过几年就好了。

    I was in a sound period of change , it may run some tune singing , a few years would be enough .

  4. 针对这一现象,从青春期学生声带变化及歌唱心理变化入手,分析并提出了变声期学生歌唱心理障碍的形成和相应的解决对策。

    From these changes and the students singing psychology , it is analyzed how their singing psychological barrier is formed in this period and how to solve it .