
  • 网络Classical Symphony
  1. 它的演奏与教学体系自成一派,创编了大量各种曲风的音乐作品,古典交响乐作品是其中重要组成部分。

    Japan has its own playing and teaching system , and it has created lots of various types of music . Classical symphonic works is an important component in these music works .

  2. 关掉那古典的莫扎特交响乐,放一张优雅的流行音乐唱片吧!

    Cut out that longhair Mozart Symphony and put on a decent pop record !

  3. 配乐响起——是客家民谣、古典和西方交响乐的结合——一个孤独的舞者大步走上舞台,手中是一支长长的,颤颤巍巍的藤杖。

    As the music - a compilation of Hakka folk songs , drumming and Western classical music - began , a lone dancer strode out holding a long , quivering rattan stick .