
  • 网络Paleontologist
  1. 在很长一段时间里,古生物学者都不能确定始祖鸟是全身都有毛还是只有翅膀有毛。

    For a long time , paleontologists weren 't sure whether Archaeopteryx had feathers all over its body or just on its wings .

  2. 科学家对洞熊的食物结构已争论了好长时间。目前,多数古生物学者仍相信洞熊是食草动物。

    Scientists have long been arguing over the food structure of the cave bear . Currently , most paleontologists believe that cave bears are herbivorous .

  3. 公园将成为一个博物馆和在这里工作的古生物学者们的研究中心。

    The park will also serve as a museum and research lab for paleontologists working in the area .

  4. 在纽约的自然历史博物馆,这张照片引起了古生物学者的注意。布勒博士正是在该博物馆完成自己的博士研究的。

    The photograph caught the attention of paleontologists at the natural history museum in New York , where Dr. Pol had done his Ph.D.

  5. 由黑人演员饰演的仅有的重要角色之一就是查莉·惠勒,一位古生物学者,她在第九季中与罗斯和乔伊都交往过。

    One of the only prominent roles given to a black actor was Dr Charlie Wheeler , a paleontologist who serves as a love interest to both Ross and Joey in season nine .

  6. 令古生物学者不解的是,从下孔类动物眼睛周围的骨轮可以看出,这些动物大多于夜晚行动。之前的传统观点认为,早期的哺乳动物为了躲避恐龙而成为夜行动物。

    And the bony rings around synapsid eyes indicate that they mostly operated at night , which paleontologists found puzzling.Previously , the conventional wisdom held that the earliest mammals became nocturnal to avoid dinosaurian detection .