
  • 网络ancient novel
  1. 2019年动画电影《哪吒之魔童降世》大火之后,中国古代小说《封神演义》(《哪吒之魔童降世》灵感来源)也成了电影公司最追捧的神话大IP之一。

    After the animated film Ne Zha soared as a smash hit in 2019 , the stories originating from Fengshen Yanyi ( Investiture of the Gods ) - the ancient novel which has inspired the film Ne Zha - have become one of the most sought-after mythological subjects for studios .

  2. 中国古代小说发展历程简述

    A Brief Introduction on the Development Course of China Ancient Novel

  3. 中土小说母题的外域信息源&再论古代小说中的赌技服人母题

    The Foreign Source of Information on the Motif of Chinese Novels

  4. 中国古代小说的心理缺失及其他

    " Mental State Imperfection " and Others in Ancient Chinese Novels

  5. 试论古代小说的情节三叠

    On the " Three Layers of Plots " in Ancient Novels

  6. 风水与古代小说中的改运主题

    Geomantic omen and the theme of changing fate in ancient fictions

  7. 西厢文化与古代小说

    The Culture of the Romance of West Chamber and Classical Novels

  8. 论古代小说批评对史学实录意识的接受

    On Acceptance of History Factual Record Consciousness by Ancient Novel Criticisms

  9. 中学语文教材中古代小说的教学策略

    Teaching Strategy of Ancient Novel about Middle School Chinese Teaching Materials

  10. 第三部分,从四个方面探讨了古代小说选文的影响因素。

    The third part discusses the factors affecting the ancient novel .

  11. 中国古代小说文化内涵模糊性探源

    Probing into the Vagueness of Cultural Implications of Ancient Novels

  12. 中国古代小说史研究概述

    A Summary on the Study of the History of Chinese Ancient Novels

  13. 论中国古代小说评点的心灵化特征

    On the Spiritual Characters of Chinese Classic Novels ' Comment

  14. 《红楼梦》是我国古代小说中最杰出的现实主义作品。

    The Stone Stories is the most realistic works in ancient China .

  15. 论中国古代小说戏曲诗歌的互动

    On the Interaction of the Chinese Ancient Novels , Operas and Poetry

  16. 文章与古典小说&研究古代小说的一个重要视角

    Essay and Classical Novel & An Important Viewpoint to Study Classical Novel

  17. 近三十年来古代小说卷中诗词研究的回顾与反思

    Reviews and Reflections on Poems in Classic Novels in Recent 30 Years

  18. 古代小说与龙王信仰研究

    The Study on Ancient Novels and the Belief of Naga

  19. 神秘预言与古代小说铭知发者母题

    Mysterious Predictions and the Motif of the Predicted Digger in Ancient Novels

  20. 中国古代小说、戏曲鉴赏之比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Appreciation of Chinese Ancient Novels and Traditional Operas

  21. 当代中国古代小说流派研究评析

    The Review of the Study of Chinese Ancient Novel Schools

  22. 中国古代小说与戏曲人物形象之比较研究

    Comparative Study of Characters in Chinese Ancient Novels and Dramas

  23. 中国古代小说在日本的传播与影响

    The Transmission and Influence of Chinese Ancient Fiction in Japan

  24. 中国古代小说与戏曲概念之比较

    A Comparison between Two Concepts ── Ancient Chinese Novels and Traditional Operas

  25. 中国古代小说观念辨证

    Examination and Revaluation of the Idea of the Novel in Ancient China

  26. 第四届中国古代小说国际研讨会综述

    Summary of the 4th International Forum of Ancient Chinese Novels

  27. 中国古代小说戏曲同源互补论

    On Complement of the Same Origin of Chinese Ancient Novels and Operas

  28. 中国古代小说身势描写的性别诗学

    On the Poetics of gender about gesture description of the Chinese ancient stories

  29. 传统时间文化与中国古代小说的叙事特征

    On Narrative Characteristic of the Chinese Ancient Novel Under the Traditional Time Culture

  30. 《儒林外史》在中国古代小说史上具有非常重要的地位。

    The Scholars has a very important position in Chinese ancient novel history .