
gǔ zhēng
  • guzheng;zheng, a 21-or 25-stringed plucked instrument in some ways similar to the zither;zheng, a Chinese zither with 25 strings
古筝 [gǔ zhēng]
  • [zheng,a Chinese zither with 25 strings] 弦乐器,木制长形。唐宋时有弦十三根,后增至十六根,现发展到二十五根弦。也叫筝

古筝[gǔ zhēng]
  1. 它的出现给古筝的发展带来了一条前所未有的道路。

    It appears to the development of a road never before .

  2. 非常喜欢长笛,还擅长古筝演奏。

    Very like flute , and to be good at zither .

  3. 来自杭州,擅长长笛和古筝演奏。

    From hangzhou , like to play flute and zither .

  4. 古筝的主要流派与风格特征

    The main schools and style characteristics of the Chinese plucked stringed instrument

  5. 来自深圳,爱好演奏长笛和古筝。

    From shenzhen , like to play flute and zither .

  6. 值得庆幸的是,中国古筝至今仍较完整地传承着其艺术流派。

    Fortunately , its art schools are inherited rather integrally .

  7. 筝乐之魂的魅力&古筝教学散论

    The Glamour of the Zheng Music-On the Teaching of Zheng

  8. 来自上海,擅长古筝演奏并且爱好长笛。

    From Shanghai to be good at zither playing , like flute .

  9. 古筝是我国最古老的民族乐器之一。

    Guzheng is one of the oldest folk musical instruments in China .

  10. 大明和玲玲也会弹古筝。

    Daming and Lingling can play the zither , too .

  11. 擅长乐器:古筝,竹笛,葫芦丝。

    What can she play : Guzheng , Bamboo flute , Hulusi .

  12. 第二部分对古筝教材构建与发展的繁荣阶段进行阐述。

    The second part is focusing on prosperity phase of Zheng textbook development .

  13. 这里是成都的龙韵古筝艺术培训中心。

    This is the Long Yun Guzheng Training Academy .

  14. 艺佳是一家以经营古筝为主的音乐学院。

    Artstratosphere is a guzheng specialist music school .

  15. 这是一家教女孩子学习弹奏古筝的私立音乐培训机构。

    It 's a private music school where girls learn to play the Guzheng .

  16. 再次是音乐的教育作用显示了古筝的社会价值;

    The third is that the educational function of music shows its social values .

  17. 古筝是中国传统弹拨乐器之一。

    Guzheng is a traditional Chinese musical instrument .

  18. 《渔舟唱晚》是我国流传甚广的著名古筝曲。

    Yuzhouchangwan is one of the famous Zheng music , being widely circulated in China .

  19. 筝,又称为古筝,是中国最古老的弹拨乐器之一。

    Guzheng , also called Chinese zither , is one of the oldest Chinese musical plucking instruments .

  20. 向指导教师呈交论文教学:优秀专业导师提供各级古筝指导。

    Submit an essay to one 's tutor Education : Qualified and professional instructors to provide instruction .

  21. 围绕五个问题展开进行:1.社会古筝音乐教育的环境状况变迁;2。

    Around five issues on : 1 . Social koto music education environmental conditions change , 2 .

  22. 音乐表演艺术和其它艺术品种一样,很早就形成了各具特色的流派,中国的传统乐器古筝也不例外。

    Like other kinds of arts , music performance has given birth to various genres and schools .

  23. 古筝是中国古老的民族乐器,有着两千多年的历史。

    Zheng is the ancient Chinese musical instruments , with more than two thousand years of history .

  24. 德贤小学力争成为北区古筝卓越中心。

    North View Primary School strives to be the Centre of Excellence for Guzheng in the North Zone .

  25. 我听过她演奏古筝,她也十分擅长古筝。

    I have seen her play the Guzheng too and she is very adept at that instrument as well .

  26. 在第六届全国残疾人艺术汇演上,来自我市三名聋哑女孩表演的古筝合奏获得了一等奖。

    Zhuhai deaf-mute girls won the1st prize with their Chinese zither ensemble at the6th national handicapped person art festival .

  27. .舞狮、旗袍秀、古筝演奏,当然还有美味的中国菜肴。

    Lion dancing , a cheongsam show , Chinese zither playing , and of course , the indispensable Chinese cuisine .

  28. 牌吉他拾音器、校音器、音箱、效果器、提琴、古筝拾音器等乐器配件,及周边电声产品的研发、生产。

    Guitar Equalizers , Tuners , Amplifiers , Effectors , Violin Equalizers and Chinese Zither Equalizers and other related electronic products .

  29. 我们将在古筝课上学习一些古筝演奏技巧,指法,中国传统音乐曲目,和基础音乐理论知识等。

    In class , we will learn Guzheng playing techniques and fingering , Chinese traditional music , and some music theory .

  30. 平时,我喜欢绘画,听欧洲古典音乐,古筝,看电影。

    I used to drawing , listening classic music , watching movie , going hiking and playing some outside sports , etc.