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yuē fēn
  • reduction of a fraction
约分 [yuē fēn]
  • [reduction of a fraction] 用分子和分母的最大公约数除分子和分母,使分数简化而数值不变

  • 16/64 约分成 1/4

约分[yuē fēn]
  1. 不可约分块Hessenberg矩阵的逆阵

    Inverses of the irreducible block Hessenberg matrices

  2. 文中给出了直接计算刚度矩阵的公式,作为柔度矩阵的逆阵,它是非病态的。不可约分块Hessenberg矩阵的逆阵

    As the reverse matrix of the flexibility matrix it is not in ill condition . INVERSES OF THE IRREDUCIBLE BLOCK HESSENBERG MATRICES

  3. 迹非零几乎可约分块布尔矩阵的幂敛指数

    The Index of Convergence of Nearly Reducible Block Matrices

  4. 矩阵的不可约分块及其应用

    Irreducible Blocking of Matrices and Its Application

  5. 约分从一个分数表达式的分子和分母去掉(一个公因子)

    To remove ( a common factor ) from the numerator and denominator of a fractional expression .

  6. 当遇到偏导数时,一定记住,不能约分。

    Somehow , when you have a partial derivative , you must resist the urge of simplifying things .

  7. 我们只考虑约分后的分数,那么0到1之间的有理数就可以表示成:

    Omitting fractions with cancelling factors , this list of all the rational numbers between 0 and 1 would begin :

  8. 首先从传递函数可否约分的概念出发,提出了可控可观测新的代数判据;

    Starting from the concept of whether or not the transfer function can be made common denomination , a new algebraic criterion of controllability and observability is introduced .

  9. 这就是为什么我们用∂,而不是d,提醒大家一下,那些带d的能约分,但在这里不行。

    And that is actually the reason why we use this curly d rather than a straight d.It is to remind us , beware , there are these simplifications that we can do with straight d 's that are not legal here .