
  1. 实录:唐代传奇家的创作态度

    Realism : the artistic attitude of authors of legends in Tang Dynasty

  2. 佛教文化与唐代传奇小说

    Buddhist Culture & Legendary Novels of Tang dynasty

  3. 试论唐代传奇小说的诗化特征

    The Poetic Features of Tang Legend

  4. 第二章唐代传奇新词新义研究是本文研究的重点和难点,共发掘新词新义280余条,微观具体地阐释了各词条的含义;

    The second chapter was a focal and difficult point of the paper , which consists of more than 280 words , the paper explained their contextual meaning tentatively .

  5. 本文试图运用比较文学形象学的理论观照唐代传奇中的西域胡人形象,并进而考察唐人在中西文化交流的大背景下对异域文化的理解和想象。

    This paper tries to analyze the Hu people images of the western area in the Tang Tales of Marvels by using the theory of imagology of comparative literature .

  6. 《刺客聂隐娘》根据一则广受欢迎的唐代传奇故事改编,它发生在809年,讲述一个被尼姑拐走的女孩慢慢被训练成职业杀手(舒淇饰演)。

    Based on a popular legendary tale from the Tang Dynasty , " The Assassin " or " Nie Yinniang " in Chinese , takes place in the year 809 and tells the story of a young girl who is kidnapped by a nun and eventually trained to become a skilled assassin ( Ms. Shu ) .

  7. 寒山、拾得是唐代富有传奇色彩的人物。

    Cold mountain , collect the legendary personages in the Tang Dynasty .

  8. 唐代爱情传奇中的童话世界

    World of Fairy Tales in Love Legend of Tang Dynasty

  9. 唐代言情传奇是中国古代短篇小说中的一朵奇葩,作品中塑造的许多女性形象非常有特点。

    Love Legends of Tang Dynasty were One special section of ancient Chinese short stories , among which a large number of female images were very peculiar .

  10. 有关于唐代的传奇故事中,有好多像“后土夫人”、“太阴夫人”这样的角色。

    In the romaunt that takes the place of about Yu Tang , a lot of resemble " hind earthy madam "," lunar madam " such part .

  11. 本文即以唐代志怪和传奇小说中的妖怪形象为研究对象,全文共分为五章。

    This will in the tang dynasty and in legend novels in the image object of research .

  12. 我国的文言小说经过长期的孕育、发展和演变,至唐代产生了传奇小说,从而使文言小说发生了质的飞跃和根本性的变化。

    The legend appeared in Tang Dynasty and it brought about rapid progress and changes in quality of classical novels through many years of preparation , development and progress .

  13. 略论唐代三大爱情传奇

    On Three Remarkable Legendary Love Stories in the Tang Dynasty

  14. 本文试运用文学伦理学批评方法分析古希腊悲剧家欧里庇得斯的戏剧《美狄亚》和唐代诗人元稹的传奇《莺莺传》。

    This paper use the method of literary ethical criticism to analyse Euripides'Medea and Yuan Zhen'Biography of Yingying .

  15. 我国小说自唐代以来就有传奇叙事传统,宋元话本小说、明清白话小说的都继承了唐传奇中的创作方法和叙事模式。

    There is legendary narrative tradition since tang dynasty in China , the novels of song-yuan 、 ming and qing dynasties have inherited creation method and narrative pattern .

  16. 唐代士子的梦中情人&唐代爱情传奇女性形象刍议

    The ideal Sweethearts of Scholars in Tang Dynasty & discussion of the female figures in the Tang Dynasty legends about love