
  1. 因为Billie出生在六月,她比我早一年入学,而我一直管她叫“姐姐”。

    Since Billie was born in June , she started school a year earlier than me and I always call her " sister " .

  2. 你让你女儿叫你姐姐。

    You made your only daughter to call you a sister .

  3. 那那个你叫你姐姐打电话索赎金是怎么回事?

    How about the ransom call you had your sister make ?

  4. 你得叫你姐姐和我谈谈。

    You have to get your sister to talk to me .

  5. 她又叫你姐姐了!

    She called you sister again !

  6. 别再叫我姐姐就是你搞的鬼为什么不把真相说出来知道你不会没人爱我没人爱我

    Don 't " racie " me ! You started it . Why don 't you tell them the truth ? I didn 't think so . No one loves me . No one loves me !

  7. 最重要的,我们要感谢她的一生。我如此骄傲,可以叫她姐姐,她是最独特的,最多元化的,最优秀的,无可替代的。她的美丽,不论内心还是外表,在我们心里永不磨灭。

    About all we gibe thanks for the life of a woman I am so proud to be able to call my sister , the unique , the complex , the extraordinary and irreplaceble Diana whose beauty , both internal and external , will never be extinguished from our minds .

  8. 他们都管她叫“大姐姐”。

    They all called her “ Big Sister ” .

  9. 我能叫你比姐姐更亲的称呼吗!

    Dare I hope to call you more than a sister !

  10. 请你叫一下我的姐姐好吗?

    Will you are so kind as to call my sister ?

  11. 目前仍有一个叫皮皮的姐姐下落不明。

    The fate of one sister , Pepi , remains unknown .

  12. 安姐姐,快叫他们,安姐姐!

    Sister Ann , call to them , Sister Ann !