
  • 网络VIS;visible cloud picture;Visible Satellite Image
  1. 卫星可见光云图上日食阴影订正的方法研究及其效果分析

    Study and Analysis of Methods to Eliminate Eclipse Impact on the Satellite VIS Imagery

  2. 利用TIROS-N气象卫星白天可见光云图,统计了1979年5&8月青藏高原上空逐月高亮度云的云量分布。

    By use of the daytime visible cloud picture from TIROS-N meteorological satellite , statistics on the cloudiness distribution of high light clouds over the Qing Zang plateau month by month from May to August of 1979 has been made .

  3. 通过与可见光云图和部分探空站点观测进行对比,发现模拟结果具有很高的可信度。

    Contrasting to the visible light cloud and some sounding observations , the simulation results have high reliability .

  4. 本文还利用数学函数模型法,通过研究月球在地球表面投射阴影的形状及其受影响程度,从另一方面进行可见光云图日食阴影的订正实验研究。

    Otherwise , through studying eclipse 's shape and size , this paper uses a math-function-model to eliminating eclipse shadow .

  5. 日食使卫星可见光云图上出现明显的阴影区,影响卫星云图的分析和利用。

    Solar eclipse results in a shadow on satellite image , thus influencing the analysis and application of the satellite image .