
  • 网络accessibility;accessible;availability;Visibility
  1. web服务就是提供这种可访问性的好方式。

    Web services are a great way to provide this accessibility .

  2. Web可访问性意味着任何人士(包括残障人士)都能使用和访问Web。

    Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web .

  3. 搜索引擎的排序技术与Web信息的可访问性

    Sorting Technology in Engine-Searching and Visitability of Web Information

  4. 可访问性作为一个独立的研究领域,是Web网站设计的一种通用思想。

    Accessibility , as a research field of independence , is a universal thinking of the Web design .

  5. 它定义了一些方法来提高Web内容和Web应用程序对于残疾人的可访问性。

    It defines a way to make Web content and Web applications more accessible to people with disabilities .

  6. 可访问性不仅涵盖Web应用程序,还涉及文档、桌面应用程序和硬件等。

    Accessibility covers not only the Web application , but document , desktop application and hardware , and so on .

  7. RationalPolicyTester&在线遵从性解决方案,用来评估整个企业的Web属性的质量、隐私和可访问性方面的遵从性问题。

    Rational Policy Tester-online compliance solution to assess quality , privacy , and accessibility compliance issues across corporate web properties .

  8. 关系数据库与XML文档之间的模式转换保证其元数据的基本一致,而数据传递则保证其数据的可访问性、可用性和有效性。

    The mapping ensured the consistency of metadata , the transferring ensure the accessibility , availability and validity .

  9. 可访问性是HTML标准的重要组成部分。

    Accessibility is an important part of the HTML standard .

  10. 第一个级别的可访问性可以通过所谓的“逐步加强(progressiveenhance)”或着“优雅降级(gracedegradation)”来实现。

    The first one can be handled by what is know as progressive enhance or graceful degradation .

  11. 可访问性移除了特定群体访问信息的障碍,它正在成为Web应用程序的公共需求。

    Accessibility , which removes the barriers that prevent certain groups of people from accessing information , is becoming a common requirement for Web applications .

  12. 下面的示例演示了如何使用ALTERTABLE命令重命名一个列,同时保持表具有完整的可访问性

    The following example demonstrates how to rename a column using the ALTER TABLE command while keeping the table fully accessible

  13. 使用WAI-ARIA解决动态Web内容中的常见可访问性问题

    Solve common accessibility Issues in dynamic Web contents using WAI-ARIA

  14. 就WSDL中使用的XML模式元素和类型的可访问性而言,混合模式更为灵活。

    A mixed pattern is more flexible in terms of accessibility of XML schema elements and types used in a WSDL .

  15. LinkedData实质上是一种在互联网上发布结构化数据的方法,它使结构化数据能够与类似数据相互链接,从而提高它的可访问性和适用性。

    Linked Data is essentially a methodology for publishing structured data on the Internet so that it can be interlinked with similar data , improving its accessibility and usefulness .

  16. 在本文中,我们将重点放在Web2.0应用程序的可访问性,因此我们讨论Web应用程序检查列表。

    In this article , we focus on accessibility for Web2.0 applications , so we only discuss the Web checklist .

  17. 尽管所有开发可访问性的理由都非常重要,然而很少有UI是完全符合可访问性要求的。

    Despite all of these important reasons for developing for accessibility , few UIs are made fully compliant .

  18. SpringFramework(通常称为Spring)是一个开放源代码项目,目的是为了使J2EE™环境更具可访问性。

    The Spring Framework , commonly referred to as Spring , is an open source project that aims to make the J2EE ™ environment more accessible .

  19. 很多现代语言,包括Java编程语言,为这些技术提供了内置支持,但是只有在系统编程人员编写符合可访问性要求的界面时才起作用。

    Many modern languages , including the Java programming language , provide built-in support for these technologies , but only if system programmers write accessibility-compliant interfaces .

  20. MySpace还具有手机可访问性,并对RSS源提供支持。

    MySpace also has mobile accessibility and has support for RSS feeds .

  21. 用户体验(UserExperience,UX)专家和Web设计者尽最大努力提高可视化元素的吸引力和可访问性。

    User Experience ( UX ) experts and Web designers try to make the visual elements as attractive , and ideally , as accessible as possible .

  22. 服务网关最初用于解决公共IP和私有IP之间的Web服务可访问性问题,现在也用于基于集群的Web服务的调度。

    Service gateway is originally developed to solve the communication problem between the services with public IP and those with private IP . Recently , it is used to build a service cluster .

  23. 通过应用渐进增强(progressiveenhancement)这一理念,能够保证这些增强的UI特性不会损害站点的可访问性,并且严格遵守Web标准。

    By using the principle of progressive enhancement , you can guarantee that such advanced UI features don 't hamper your site 's accessibility and adherence to Web standards .

  24. 本文章将介绍WAI-ARIA标准,该标准旨在让未来的AsynchronousJavascriptandXML(Ajax)小部件具有可访问性。

    This article introduces the WAI-ARIA standard , which is designed to make future Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ( Ajax ) widgets accessible .

  25. 简介:随着Web2.0的日渐普及,Web2.0应用程序的可访问性对开发者提出了越来越高的要求。

    Summary : As Web2.0 grows in popularity , accessibility for Web2.0 applications places more demands on developers .

  26. 这点非常重要,因为前文提到过手动测试GUI代码来查找所有可访问性错误是非常困难的。

    This is important because , as noted , it is difficult to manually test a section of GUI code to find all accessibility errors .

  27. ExtJs3.2版本最后一个要提的特性是可访问性主题。

    The final feature to mention in the Ext JS 3.2 release is the accessibility theme .

  28. 但是,对Web2.0技术来说,动态内容和出色的可视效果有时会让可访问性测试难以进行。

    But for Web 2.0 technology , dynamic content and fancy visual effects can make accessibility testing very difficult .

  29. 仿真结果表明,SPDR明显改善了P2P资源的可访问性。

    The results of the simulation indicate that SPDR can improve the accessibility of resources in P2P network .

  30. 在网站使用越来越多的javaScript来实现各种特性的动态页面之时,如何保持网站的可访问性这个问题着实不可忽略。

    With an ever increasing number of featuring javascript to create dynamic pages , the issue of how to to keep the websites accessible must be considered .