
  • 网络Taipei People
  1. 台北人说,这两人夜里带著铁鍊在艋舺附近巡逻,看到了小偷就把他们吞掉。

    In Taipei people say that the spirits of the two roam the Manka region with heavy chains and eat the tramps and thieves .

  2. 《台北人》英译本中放逐主题的再现

    Reproduction of the Exile Motif in the English Version of Taipei Jen Humans

  3. 从自译看译者的任务&以《台北人》的翻译为个案

    On the Task of the Translator & A Case Study on the Self-translation of Taibei People

  4. 周末的时候,你会看到孩子们在公园里滑旱冰,热衷养狗的台北人溜狗,还有骑自行车的人,熙熙攘攘,好不热闹。

    On weekends , it 's packed with rollerblading kids , dog-crazy Taipei urbanites walking their canines and bicyclists .

  5. 在多种现代小说技巧的运用当中,饮食隐喻的运用更是对《台北人》这一主题的映照与深化。

    The author used many modern writing techniques in which the usage of diet metaphor reflects and deepens the novels theme especially .

  6. 但民意调查显示,20%的台北人认为,焚烧纸钱是“绝对必要的”。

    But opinion polls have found that up to 20 per cent of the population regard burning ghost money as " absolutely necessary " .

  7. 这家餐厅的管理层认为,“便所”餐厅受到追捧,说明创意餐饮深受台北人喜爱。除厕所餐厅外,台北还有监狱、医院等主题餐厅。

    Managers of the restaurant say the restaurant 's popularity shows that Taipei customers , who have a choice of theme-eateries that resemble jailhouses and hospitals , appreciate creative dining .

  8. 白先勇短篇小说集《台北人》、《纽约客》,以历史沧桑为经,文化乡愁为纬,抒写沉重的人生悲歌、文化悲歌。

    Bai Xianyong s short stories , Taipeinese and New York Dwellers describe the elegy of life and culture by taking historical vicissitudes as the longitude and cultural nostalgia as the latitude .

  9. 作为一个台北本地人,Kao从没去过印度,也承认自己并不知道真正的印度玛莎拉茶到底什么味道,不过她对台湾夜市版的拉茶很满意。

    Although Ms. Kao , a Taipei resident , has never been to India and admitted she doesn 't know what real Indian masala tea tastes like , she is happy with the Taiwanese version .

  10. 许多在台北租房的人想买自己的房子或公寓,尽管这类建筑的价格高的很不合理。

    Many tenants in Taibei try to buy their own houses or apartments despite prices for such buildings that are unreasonably high .

  11. 在台北旅游的这些人是美国人。

    The people taking a trip in Taipei are Americans .

  12. 那个在台北拷打我的人?

    The guy who had me tortured in taipei ?